I'll Make You Feel the Things I Can Never Tell You

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"I really do appreciate you guys coming out tonight. It was a lot of fun." Angelika beamed. "We should hang out together more often."

"Yeah, for sure. You and Mina are always welcome to stop by our place," Alessandro replied with a small grin. "Maybe we can have a little get-together after you guys come back from your honeymoon. I can't wait to hear how that goes."

The two shared a quick laugh before pulling each other in for a tight hug. Green eyes took in the sight of Lance and Mina doing the same a couple of feet away.

"It's okay, y'know," Angelika added with a hushed voice.

"What is?"

"To admit that you love him."

Alessandro tensed.

The gesture was met with slender fingers dragging across his back as a means of bringing comfort.

"Am I really that open about it?"

"Nah. But as a married woman who's also in love, I know what to look for." A short giggle cut through the statement. "If you're uncomfortable with telling him, that's okay too. But, Ale, it's all right for you to admit it- at least to yourself. There's nothing wrong with having the feelings that you do."

"...I just... don't know what to do about the situation."

"I think you should do whatever you think is right. You don't have to have all the answers right now. But in the end, you should just listen to your heart."

Their conversation was cut off as Lance and Mina made their way over. A quiet thanks was given to Angelika before the hug parted as well.

A few more minutes of idle chatter was made before breaking off. Both couples parted ways with the men entering their hotel, and the women walking toward their car.

The sleepy desk clerk gave a lazy wave while browsing through her phone. A quick nod was tossed in her direction, both as a means of saying hello and goodnight. Slow, clumsy steps were taken over to the elevators.

Having alcohol in their systems made it a bit difficult to walk as everything looked fuzzy at the edges. Both men were still mindful of their actions, they just felt somewhat detached from reality. Random objects looked like they were undulating and moving in slow motion.

The elevator ride up to their floor was just as sluggish as they were.

A faint pressure could be felt settling against Alessandro's shoulder. Looking over, he saw strands of hair framing a handsome face and falling over closed eyes. Pink lips were pulled into a small, dreamy smile.

An arm was pulled up to wrap around Lance's shoulders. The connected hand settled atop his long lengths. Fingertips made random shapes against his scalp, giving a gentle massage. It caused a quiet moan to slip out of him.

Alessandro couldn't blame his slight inebriation on wanting to make those noises pick up in volume and fervency.

He led them down the hallway upon getting to their designated floor.

Beige colored walls were lined with wooden doors. Golden room numbers sat atop the flat, wide surfaces. Dark blue, red, and green carpet muffled the sounds of their footfalls. Long corridors were staggeringly silent; but considering how late in the evening it was, that small detail wasn't too surprising.

A housekeeper's cleaning cart could be made out further down the hall. The yellow barrow was half parked in a vacant room and was keeping the door propped open. A glance was made at the device in passing.

Alessandro slid the room key into its designated spot. The door unlocked with a soft 'click'. He walked inside with one arm still wrapped around Lance.

Neither male bothered turning on any lamps as the unobstructed glass balcony doors let in plenty of natural light. A full moon could be seen hanging in the distance. Small white dots occupied the surrounding space.

Wordlessly, both men started getting undressed.

Formal garments were tossed onto the floor by the bed. Bouquets were placed onto a table nearby. The couple only remained clad in their underwear when they sat down atop the mattress together.

Two hands grabbed Alessandro by his shoulders from behind. He was pulled into a lying position beside Lance.

Green eyes shifted from staring at the ceiling to taking in the sight of half lidded irises. Bluish gray was glossy, and the color was highlighted by surrounding moonlight. Pale rays danced along defined facial features.

Pronounced bones led to a slight dip in moldable cheeks. Faint ridges ran down the long bridge of a naturally turned up nose. Outer edges of plump lips were soft, becoming a bit more rough in texture toward the middle. An off-center birthmark on the lower lip seemed even darker than normal thanks to surrounding illumination.

A diamond shaped face and sharp jawline led to a long neck. Shadows danced beneath a protruding Adam's apple. Pale skin was tinted blue as it ran across soft muscles. Sharp bones created tiny hills and dents. Each inhale made a winding snake tattoo move. As did the kanji that sat above one of two prominent hips. Light hairs with texture similar to peach fuzz ran down the length of a flat stomach. A thin happy trail started from the bottom of a round belly button and peeked out of a stretchy waistband from black and gray boxer briefs.

Toned thighs were mostly exposed. The remainder of those lean legs, small ankles, and dainty feet were hanging off of the edge of the bed.

Even though those specific features couldn't be seen, it was a no-brainer to think they were just as beautiful as everything else.

It was almost unnatural—how captivating Lance was in his entirety.

Wandering eyes darted upward in response to slow movement. They caught sight of a pair of lips that were inching forward for an expectant kiss.

Despite wanting such a thing, Alessandro stopped the gesture when he caught a rather strong whiff of alcohol.

Lance visibly deflated. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing bad, don't worry. You just had a little more to drink than I did. I just... don't want to do anything crazy if you're too drunk. I don't want you to think I'm taking advantage of you."

"...You really worry about that a lot."

"Because it matters to me. More than you might think. I don't want you to do something that you might end up regretting."

"Andro." Lance scooted closer and propped his head on top of his hand. The other settled atop the other male's chest. Right over his heart. "Contrary to what you might be thinking, I'm actually pretty sober. Yeah, I'm a little tipsy. I'll admit that. But I can also admit that I know exactly what I'm doing. If we do anything tonight, not only will I remember it in the morning- I'll also be more than happy that something happened between us again."

Alessandro's eyebrows shot upward. "Really..? How come?"

"...I'm going to be honest here, okay? This might seem like I'm rambling because I have alcohol in my system, but I'm being completely serious. I need you to know that."

"I believe you."

Lance bit his bottom lip in apprehension. He sat up completely with his hand still splayed atop a beating heart. He made the cognizant decision to maintain eye contact. "...You've been making me feel things. Things that are more than just physical attraction. I- I want you for more than just sex. Because even though it's amazing for us to mess around- I'm starting to want more than that.

"I don't know what that means yet. I don't know what these feelings mean yet. I don't know where we stand yet. But I do know one thing- and it's that I want you. More than I ever have."


"I know that you have feelings that you don't want to talk about, Andro. I get it. And I'm not going to force you. But... if there are feelings that you want me to know about, and you're afraid to tell me, then it's okay to show me instead. I don't- I don't want either of us to hold back tonight. I want you to make me feel the things you can't say just yet."

Alessandro felt exposed. Not only was it inherently clear that he had multiple hidden feelings, but Lance also knew enough to actively acknowledge them.

And in that moment, he understood how actions spoke louder than words.

Conflicting feelings and emotions were still at war with each other. But if all Alessandro needed to do was show what he was feeling, he'd have a much easier time conveying those unspoken messages.

He forced himself to let go of any negative emotions.

Those could be dealt with later.

For now, he wanted to show Lance just how important he truly was. How loved he truly was.

Alessandro sat up. His movements were slow. The change in position made multiple curly strands fall over his forehead. He continued to stare into a pair of sparkling eyes while planting his hands on top of two strong hip bones.

Fingers remained lax. Each graze across smooth skin remained gentle.

His gaze fell to a pair of enticing lips when one of his hands traveled upward. A warm, slick tongue escaped its confines. The slippery muscle dragged along a presented middle and ring finger.

Each exhale made his chest feel hotter.

Strands of saliva connected the two digits via multiple translucent bridges. A single dollop traveled down a heated palm. It wasn't wiped away.

Once both fingers were wet enough, they were dragged back down. Instead of returning to its previous spot, Alessandro's hand moved beyond. Slippery fingers danced along the soft skin of a heart shaped rear. He didn't stop his descension until they glided down to a tight, quivering rim.

The middle finger toyed with the muscle before slowly pushing its way inside. A beautiful gasp broke through the silence. Melodic mewls and whimpers joined in with each teasing pump. Repeated penetration remained delicate and sensual.

Things were going to be taken slowly tonight.

A second finger joined the first one after a few minutes. It was met with a louder, slightly more broken whine. Alessandro bent his wrist so his digits would travel even deeper. A well placed bending of his fingers made him smirk.

Lance cried out as a certain bundle of nerves was fondled. A lax grip on his hip tightened to keep him from moving. To keep him from trying to rush things.

Bluish gray pools filled with tears. Both eyes fluttered shut when delicate kisses were placed atop their corresponding lids. Gentle pecks grazed his cheeks, nose, and the corners of his mouth.  They traveled down to the more sensitive skin of his neck. Long swipes of the tongue made their way in as well. Another sharp gasp rang out as more sweet spots were touched.

The room suddenly felt hotter when teasing licks were swapped with faint suction. Hickeys started forming against spotless skin. Blossoms of deep pink, red, and purple gave more beauty to an already captivating man.

A man who struggled to maintain eye contact while continuing to get lost in his pleasure.

Despite no words being spoken, the placement of vibrant love bites told a silent tale: one of physical want, emotional need, and mental anguish. The territorial marks told the story of a masked lover who felt with all his heart but was unable to actually follow it. So instead, he hid his true feelings beneath roaming hands and half truths.

He couldn't be honest about the words he wanted to scream into existence. But he could at least use those undeclared phrases as fuel to do something daring.

Lance was given a bit of free rein when his hip was released. Understanding how things were being taken, he did his best to not move faster than the fingers buried inside of him. He rolled his hips slowly to meet each thrust. Every single one grazed his prostate. They made his cock twitch and throb.

Alessandro could feel the motions against his own length. He allowed himself to be vocal as well.

A free hand was brought down to the shared space between the two men. Breathless moans were exhaled as he took hold of both of their cocks. They were sandwiched together between his fingers and palm.

His grip was tight. Jerking movements happened at the same pace as rocking hips and thrusting digits.

Wanting to add even more pleasure to the scenario, he circled his hips at the same speed.

Their bodies trembled alongside one another, firm hands holding them together. Mere centimeters of distance felt like miles. They needed to be closer. To be held tighter. Wanton praise was pushed through a series of deep, passionate kisses.

And throughout everything, their shared pace remained steady.

Understanding that Lance was getting close, thick fingers were slowly pulled out of him. He whined, a full body shiver escaping him.

Alessandro chuckled in response. "Don't worry, baby. I have every intention of making you cum. I just want to be inside you first. I want to feel you as I make you unravel into a beautiful mess. Then, we're going to keep going until all you can think about is chanting my name. That okay with you?"

Lance whimpered.

The hand holding their cocks together stilled.

"I need a verbal response if you want me to continue."

"Yes..! Please- Andro- I need you."

Such an honest plea for his presence made Alessandro smile. He took a moment to fetch a small bottle of lube from one of their open suitcases.

Once it was found, Lance was gently placed on the bed. His body stayed perched atop a mountain of pillows, so he could continue watching what was going on.

Lube-coated fingers slipped inside of a reddened hole to continue prepping him. Delicate kisses were pressed into quaking thighs. Each peck was met with a full body twitch and a quiet, breathless moan.

Slender hands wove into a jungle of brunet hair. Soft curls were carded through until warm palms grabbed Alessandro by his cheeks. His gaze shifted upward.

He took in the sight of bluish gray irises shimmering with unshed tears. A long strip of pink gave additional color to pale skin slightly tinged with a bluish hue. Kiss-swollen lips were parted, a strand of drool falling from one of the corners. 

The expression itself was an inaudible call for more.

Alessandro fulfilled the request by pulling his fingers out. The head of his cock was prepped with a bit of lube as well to ensure that penetration would be comfortable. He grabbed himself by the base, lining up the tip with a slick opening. 

Eye contact was made.

Deep breaths were sucked in as he began pushing himself inside.

Lance's hands found refuge in the sheets, fingers clenching tightly against the wrinkled fabric. His mouth fell open with a high pitched mewl. Both legs shook as he tried to keep them open.

Two hands took hold of the underside of his knees to assist.

"You make me feel so good, honey." Alessandro sighed, a light groan slipping out. "Nobody makes me feel better than you do. You've always been so perfect- like you were carved out of stone and shaped just for me."

Pink cheeks became darker out of embarrassment. Lance tried to hide his face by looking to the side, but it was pulled back by fingers guiding his chin forward.

"Don't hide that beautiful face from me. I want to see you. All of you. If you let me, I'll let you see me too."

That was a dangerous proposition. Alessandro knew that. At the same time though, he wanted nothing more than to be open about the things he yearned for. About the person he yearned for. If that meant exposing at least a semblance of the truth, so be it.

He could do that for Lance.

Their hands slotted against each other. Fingers interlaced and held on tightly. Alessandro kneeled down until he was flesh against Lance. They met for a kiss as their hips separated.

An intense thrust brought them back together. A sluggish cadence was set and brought about a different type of pleasure.

Usually, they were quick to start with rough, fast speeds because the want for release outweighed every other desire. But now that things were slowing down, the entire scenario felt unfamiliar.

It was meaningful. Emotional. Like they were making love instead of just having sex.

Alessandro's heart fluttered with each roll of the hips. He sang words of praise alongside satisfied moans. Fractured whimpers were like music to his ears. The addictive sound continued to be chased while he angled his hips to bring about as much pleasure as possible.

He honestly didn't care about making himself finish. He wanted to breathe in each gorgeous sound of relief—and openly enjoy the fact that he was the cause of every single one.

He wanted to hold Lance together as he fell apart.

Alessandro knew that there was no coming back from this. Now that his honest feelings were being plucked out one by one, he didn't know if he'd be able to rein them back in later. Holding back his emotions was going to be even more difficult than normal. Because every single negative thought that told him he was wrong—they were being drowned out by the image of a radiant smile. They were being drowned out by the image of sparkling bluish gray irises that held an overwhelming amount of adoration in them. 

It felt like his chest was blooming. Like roses were coming to life in his lungs, weaving up his throat, and sprouting out of his mouth. Their sweet fragrance took the form of hushed laughter and eager kisses.

And it seemed like a blossoming garden was beginning to spread because the same breathtaking fervency was being given right back.

Alessandro didn't say those three little words out loud like he wanted to. Not when he felt himself getting close. Not when the slender body beneath him became a quaking, panting mess. Not even when he was held so tightly and so closely, he could feel a rapid heart beating against his own. 

The phrase was right there, teetering off the edge of his tongue only to be held back by a well placed clench of the jaw.

No, he didn't say it. But it was chanted over and over again in his head without fail.

I love you, Lance.

I love you.

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