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"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon- oh! Hell yeah! Kiss my fucking ass!"

"All right- since you asked so nicely."

"What? Wait- oh shit- Andro- Andro, I was kidding!"

"Nah, you want me to kiss your ass. That'll be your reward for beating me at badminton."

"Dude, my reward is the bragging rights."

Alessandro was playfully shoved to the side. He reciprocated the gesture by pulling Lance in and wrapping a loose arm around his shoulders.

The two walked together with long metal rackets swinging beside them, red details partially peeling off of a silver throat. Slow steps were taken up to the parked car where a basket full of birdies was sitting on the roof. Sporting utensils were placed into the white container.

"Did Leo say what time they're going to get here?" Lance asked, hopping on top of the trunk. He braced his hands behind him and kicked his legs back and forth. Long strands of slightly damp hair bellowed around him.

"Right before we started our game, he texted me that they'd be here in about an hour. Should be any minute now depending on traffic."

"How long has it been since you've seen your family in person like this?"

"Uhh... about four years, I think. Maybe five." Alessandro scratched at his beard while thinking. His fingertips were still warm from exertion. "I'd only met Isabelle after Rafael and Elena turned two. I've seen them on video calls a lot, so they know me. This'll just be the first time the kids actually get to meet me face to face for more than a few minutes.

"When I graduated from college, I went straight into forming my business. There were a few times where I went back for holidays, but going to Italy to see my family was unintentionally put on the backburner after awhile. By the time I really thought about going again, things were too busy."

Lance nodded. "Guess it'll be a pretty big deal to see you again."

"With the way my folks are? Probably. I can imagine my mom running up to pinch my cheeks already."

Lighthearted chuckles escaped them at the mere thought of Sienna and Angelo—or Mama and Papa Bale as they were frequently referred to.

Angelo was a little more quiet since he was older. The last time he was seen, the man was nearing his late fifties. Although black hair shifted to gray, and wrinkles formed along the edges of his mouth and in the corners of his eyes, Papa Bale still held an air of extreme kindness around him. Whenever Leonardo or Alessandro stopped by, Angelo always had a smile on his face. They'd play card games, watch cooking shows, or just listen to music. Anything to be in each other's company.

Sienna was a bit different.

Since she was younger, only in her early fifties when she was last seen, Mama Bale had a lot more energy to spare. Gray streaks and wrinkles were minimal in her features, and vibrant green eyes were just as captivating and energetic as she was. Sienna was a hugger, a fast talker, and the type of woman who'd take any opportunity to dance. She showed her love by cooking because, in the Bale family, it was believed that the way to show you cared for someone was to make sure they ate well.

Even though it'd been a few years since the older Bales had been seen, it was more than likely that their characters hadn't really changed.

Bluish gray eyes looked off to the side for a moment. The hand housing a purple spider tattoo ran through black hair. "Do they... know about me?"

"I told them that I have a roommate, but didn't say who. I thought it'd be a nice surprise since they haven't seen you in awhile."

"Hmm..." Slender fingers began toying with each other. "Is it bad that I'm nervous?"

"No. But why are you?"

"Well, last time I saw your parents was at graduation after we broke up. I know things were really hard for you after that, and me disappearing didn't make it any easier. I just- your family means as much to me as it does you. I actually really love them a lot. And in light of what happened with my folks- I just don't want another set of parental figures throwing me to the curb because I'm not good enough."

Alessandro walked forward. He reached down, grabbing a hair elastic out of his pocket. Long fingers wove into wavy strands to pull them upward. Shorter bangs were left alone as everything else was carefully grouped into a high ponytail. Once the style was tightened to ensure its placement, warm hands cupped a pair of moldable cheeks. Lance's face was gently pushed upward so they could make eye contact.

"Hey now, none of that." Alessandro offered a delicate, tender smile. "There's nothing for you to worry your pretty little head about. It's been a long time since they've seen you, sure, but they're still going to love you. Just like I do."

The honest statement, along with a gentle peck on the nose, made Lance grin. A blush made its way onto his face, but there wasn't any attempt made to try and hide the reaction.

"I love you too, big guy."

They took a moment to share another kiss. It was longer than expected; and when they parted, both men stayed connected by resting their foreheads against each other. Dreamy smiles grew alongside a tingly, fluttering sensation pooling in their stomachs.

"Come on," Alessandro stated, nodding in the direction of the house, "let's go wait inside. Maybe put some music on or something."

Slow steps were taken up the stone pathway, badminton supplies being left in their spots. The front door was pushed open and left slightly ajar—just in case any music overshadowed a ringing doorbell or soft knocking.

Leila looked up from her spot on the couch. Aside from a quick flicking of one of her ears, she didn't bother getting up to greet her owners.

Alessandro walked into the kitchen with his sights set on the large sink. A long, satisfied exhale escaped him when cool water came running out of the tap. Multiple handfuls were splashed against his face to get rid of an uncomfortable sticky feeling that clung to his skin. Beads of water ran up his arms as well, but the sensation was more relieving than it was bothersome.

A rag was given to him to dry himself. When his vision was back, Alessandro smiled down at an extra T-shirt waiting for him on the counter. A damp black garment was swapped out for a maroon one. Quick strides were used to get to the bedroom, a dirtied shirt being dropped in the hamper.

Energetic music resonated from the living room on the way back.

It was the same song that played on the radio during their date at the lake—both Alessandro's favorite outing, and the one he described back at the park a few days ago.

Lance was seen dancing by himself. He swayed in his spot, hands slowly running along the edges of his body. Leisure spins made the ends of black waves caress the back of his neck. Bluish gray eyes were closed, a gesture normally used whenever he wanted to appreciate the music more.

When Lance noticed he wasn't alone anymore, he put his hands out expectantly.

Knowing that he didn't have it in him to say no to such an affectionate request, nor did he have any reason to actually deny it, Alessandro walked forward.

Two pairs of warm hands met for a moment. After, one of them nestled around a more slender waist with the other pair settling against broad shoulders. Standing chest to chest, both men began swaying to faster paced music.

"You're so pretty," Alessandro couldn't help but say.

"That so? What's the prettiest thing about me?"

"Your smile- aw, and your blush is a close second."

"Yeah, yeah." Lance chuckled. "Why my smile though?"

"You light up my world whenever you smile at me. And it's always been that way too. Back in the day, and now. No matter how I'm feeling- like, if I'm stressed, or sad, or upset- life is easier to handle when one of your smiles is thrown my way. You being happy kind of gives me that little boost to let me know that things will be okay."

A more fond, delicate laugh was given in response. "Still a sweetheart, I see."

"What about you? Do you have a favorite feature of mine?"

"I mean, Andro, have you seen your beard? That thing is fantastic."

"Oh, I know. Thanks, I've been growing it out for awhile."

Lance shook his head, grinning with his teeth on full display. "My favorite feature of yours has always been your eyes. They're so... honest. Open. You say so much even when you're only looking at me. Kind of like right now."

"Yeah? And what am I saying right now?"

"'Kiss me.'"

Alessandro's expression softened, his eyes darting downward before moving back up. He couldn't hold back a delighted sigh when a firm kiss was pressed against his lips. Each exhale could be felt along his face. His favorite cologne smelled even more rich from such a close vicinity.

He craned his neck slightly to deepen the kiss. A single hand was dragged upward to cradle the back of Lance's head. The slow movement was reciprocated by smaller hands cupping both of Alessandro's cheeks.

A loud, playful whistle startled them out of their little moment.

"Well, well, seems we came at the perfect time.~" Leonardo's teasing voice could be heard over the music.

Alessandro and Lance turned to face the entryway. Standing a few feet away with their luggage in hand was a large portion of the Bale family.

Leonardo, Angelo, and Sienna still looked the same; as expected. Isabelle's shoulder length hair was a bit darker in hue, and her paler complexion had become more sun-kissed. The same could be said about Rafael and Elena, the two seven year olds staring at their uncle with innocent green eyes.

"My baby has a boyfriend?!" Sienna screeched in happiness, a thicker accent coating her words. She abandoned her luggage to take the two men in front of her into a bone crushing hug. They both received frantic kisses all over their faces as well.

"Uh, yeah." Alessandro blinked to get his bearings. "By the way, hi, Ma. You look great- haven't aged a day. You remember Lance, right?"

"Of course I do! My sweet boy, how have you been?"

"Just living life, I guess," Lance answered, offering a bashful shrug.

"Aw, no need to be shy, honey- you've always been part of the family. A little time away hasn't changed that. But now that you're back, it's official!"

"What's this I hear about a boyfriend?" Leonardo strolled up with his wife and kids, a large smirk on his face. It grew as Sienna released the tight hug. "Did you finally get the balls to confess after months of pining from afar?"

"Leo." Isabelle nudged her husband before offering her own bright grin. "You look great, Ale. And it's nice to finally meet you, Lance. I've heard a lot about you from my husband."

"Oh boy, my image has been permanently ruined, hasn't it?" Lance splayed his hand across his chest in mock pain.

"Pfft, as if. I'm an angel when I want to be." Leonardo stuck his tongue out. "But I'll be sure to give you the shovel talk later. Y'know, fulfill the older brother quota and all that."

"There's no need. I don't have any intention of letting him go again."

A teasing expression softened. "Good to know."

"Oh, this is so exciting- you guys need to tell me all about it!" Sienna grabbed Lance and Alessandro by their arms, dragging them further into the living room to sit down. "I want all the details! And while we're at it we can make a nice celebratory dinner.~"

"Ma- wait- the luggage-"

"Your brother will take care of it, Ale."

"Yeah!- Huh?!" Leonardo looked over at their things. "Ma, you know how much stuff we have?"

"A lot, so you better get to it!" 


"Let's get to it, son," Angelo interrupted. He tossed a kind wave and gentle smile at the couple in front of him.

Sienna grinned. She motioned for Isabelle and the kids to follow, Angelo moving to help Leonardo with the bags.

The group of six made their way toward the couches. Fast steps slowed down as Leila was seen licking herself on one of the cushions. Orange eyes glanced up for a moment before returning to a stretched out leg.

Sienna tilted her head in confusion. "You have a new cat?"

"Yeah. Rain's... not around anymore. Lance got us a new cat a little while after she passed," Alessandro explained.

"Oh, that's such a shame- is that her up there? In the urn?" Isabelle asked, approaching the bookcase with cautious steps.

"It is. You guys can pick her up and stuff like that if you'd like. Just be careful with her."

"This little space up here is really cute. It's a nice way to commemorate her."

Alessandro aimed to reply, but he paused at the sensation of something pulling on his pant leg. He looked down and noticed two identical pairs of green eyes staring up at him. They shifted toward Lance before darting back.

Chuckling, Alessandro gently pulled himself free of Sienna's hold. Rafael and Elena continued staring as their uncle bent down to greet them at their height. "Yeah, kids, what's up?"

"Uncle Ale, is that guy your wife?"

He had to stifle a laugh in response to the embarrassed yet cute sound that came from Lance. "He's a man, so the right term is husband. And no. Not yet, anyway."

"When are you getting married?" Elena asked with a slight head tilt.

"Oh- uh- it- it's a little early to tell, heh. We haven't been dating for very long."

"Well, mama says if you love someone you should marry them. And back home, papa kept saying you loved someone. So we thought you had a wife-husband."

"Way to throw me under the bus, kids," Leonardo playfully grumbled as he came back with Angelo.

Alessandro chuckled to himself. He kissed both children on their heads, letting them run off to greet Rain and Leila. Full attention shifted to Lance who had been pulled into the kitchen by Sienna.

They were washing their hands in the sink together, seemingly getting ready to cook something. Considering the family's current occupation, he'd most likely be shown how to create a homemade pasta dish or summer salad. The recipes were a family secret of course; but now that Lance was part of the family, he'd be given a chance to learn something new.

It was a thought that dawned on him as Sienna grabbed a notepad sitting on the counter to jot down a list of ingredients.

"Ale, are you helping?"


"Thank you, baby. Lance, does your family have any special recipes you like to make?" Sienna's question was completely innocent, but it still brought about a minute flinch from both men. She looked between them with a small frown. "Touchy subject?"

"Uh, kind of." Lance moved to lean against the counter, his elbow braced against the flat surface. "Apart from my sister, my family and I aren't really on speaking terms anymore. That was more their decision than it was mine, but still. As far as I'm concerned, I don't really have anyone close to me in the familial sense like that."

"Oh..." A set of aged, slightly wrinkled hands took his. "Well, that just means we won't have to share you now! Even if you've been gone awhile, you've always had a home with us. And you always will, okay?"

Bluish gray eyes filled with tears. They didn't fall, but the reaction was still met with gentle kisses on both cheeks and a tight hug.

Alessandro looked on in pure happiness.

He walked around to the other side of the counter to wash his hands. A quick glance over of script writing let him know that a simple lasagna with extra ricotta cheese was the dish being served for the evening. He fortunately had most of the ingredients but would have to substitute fresh herbs for the dried, bottled versions. One unlucky feature that came with living a bit too far from the farmer's market, as well as not having the right terrain for an at-home garden.

Maybe a future trip to Italy would give him the chance to really taste the rich flavors of home again.

"Andro, you're daydreaming."

"I can't help myself. There's this really good looking guy standing in my kitchen."

Lance turned in another direction to hide his grin. Alessandro took the moment to wrap his arms around pronounced hips, the position being used to give a tight hug from behind.

He stayed rooted in his spot even when they shimmied over as a collective unit to wash some tomatoes. Delicate kisses were peppered onto the warm, clothed skin of a soft shoulder. Running water partially drowned out some playful teasing coming from a few people in the living room. A middle finger was almost habitually given in response, but the gesture was halted upon the revelation of children still being present.

Plus, Alessandro was blissfully comfortable while standing there. He reveled in the feeling of natural curves and addicting warmth against his palms. He reveled in the strong scent of vanilla and cinnamon.

His family members could continue to tease all they wanted because he was perfectly content where he was.

Cute dusting of the cheeks could be seen on Lance's face, even though he tried to play it off by looking down at his hands.

A comment was made by Elena about how cute the couple's kids would be. Albeit an offhanded, probably not even serious observation, it forced Lance to accidentally nudge the faucet. Running water made contact with the rim of a glass cup and shot toward him. Both men took a step backward as a warm stream splashed them.

Alessandro couldn't contain his laughter.

The faucet was turned off and a nearby rag was grabbed. Both forearms were dried before Lance was turned around. The striped, textured fabric was pressed against his shirt. Small dabs were used as well to not wrinkle or bunch the surface.

It was a moment quite similar to the one they shared at Heatwave when they had their first kiss after many, many years.

Green eyes met bluish gray ones for a second. Lance's blush increased, and he let out a quiet chuckle. "You gonna keep standing there, or are you going to lay one on me?"

Alessandro raised a single eyebrow, smirking. Instead of answering, he leaned forward until their lips met for yet another kiss.

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