Chapter 15- 'Be ready with the camera as soon as we hear trousers unzip.'

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“Care to explain to me again why we are hiding in a freaking storage closet?” I ask Lacey in a whisper, my voice annoyed as I felt like a dog trapped in a cage.

“Because Mr Garrett will be returning from his lesson anytime soon, and I swear the freak has a ritual of grabbing the dinner lady out of the canteen and doing some extracurricular shit of his own.” Lacey explains, moving ever so slightly but because we were in a room smaller than a hobbits toilet, she accidently elbowed me knocking the air out of my lungs.

I groan in pain, slapping her arm “And how does this involve me?!”

“Well I needed your phone because you have a better camera than me, and I figured you’d be over the moon to skip Science.” She looked at me like she was genuinely waiting for me to say thank you.

“We were dissecting pig hearts today, it would have given me good practice on what to do to you if you elbow me one more freaking time!” I snap in a whisper, pushing her again so she doesn’t finish the job off of breaking a rib.

She held her hands up “Sorry, it’s a really small room.”

My eyes widen in anger and I press my lips together “You don’t fucking say genius.”

She rolled her eyes “Just be ready with the camera as soon as we hear a pair of trousers unzip.”

I exhale in defeat. And my dad wonders why our house receives more letters from the school than the post office does throughout the year.

“Why are we trying to do this again?” I ask.

“Because the asshole caught me in a compromising position with Tommy Dalton in this very storage room.” She explained, and I suddenly found myself trying not to touch any surface in disgust “Anyway he’s going on this whole hype about expelling me because of my ‘jezebel behaviour’ as he so rudely put it. So I figured catch the dude with his pants down and blackmail my education out of him.”

I thought her plan over and nodded my head, quite impressed.

“What’s Nate going to say when he hears about Tommy Dalton?” I question with a smirk.

Lacey’s grits her teeth together “Probably ‘make sure he wears a rubber because I don’t wanna catch whatever he’s got.’”

I let out a laugh “Oh c’mon, you really think Nate won’t get jealous if you tell him?”

“Why would he we’re not together.” She says, not even looking me in the eye.

I smirk “Riiiiiight, because this is just a hook up yeah?”

“Exactly.” She replies quickly, still avoiding eye contact. I look at her, the smirk still on my face.

She has the hots for my brother so bad. It’s sickening really.

Suddenly we hear a noise coming from the other side of the storage room, and Lacey’s eyes widen as she puts a finger over her mouth telling me it was time to shut up and get to work.

We both press our ears gently to the door trying to hear if Mr Garrett was in fact getting it in.

I hear a muffled giggle “John, we can’t keep doing this we’re going to get caught one of these days!”

With our ears still pressed against the door, Lacey gives me the smug ‘I told you so’ look while my jaw falls open.

Mr Garrett you little slut.

“Don’t worry baby, everyone’s in lessons. You can’t deny how hot this gets you.” I hear ‘John’s’ voice try and seduce the 40 year old dinner lady with a slight weight issue. In all fairness, Mr Garrett wasn’t exactly battling anorexia I can tell you that.

 “Well, the little ‘lessons’ that we have every week have me staying up at night just thinking about the next time it’s going to happen…” Her voice is husky, and I actually snort a laugh finding this ridiculously funny.

Lacey slaps me and tells me to shut the hell up. I mouth an apology, placing a hand over my mouth to muffle my laugh.

“Well baby, I think it’s time for your detention.”

I swear a little bit of wee came out.

I laugh again, not being able to control the hysteria.

“Shut up!” Lacey demands in a whisper.

“The dude’s actually using porn lines…” I choke out through my laugh, letting out a massive snort at the end causing Lacey to clamp her hand over my mouth while my shoulders shake uncontrollably.

Basically we were in that storage room for a further 10 minutes, hearing him rip off every ‘Naughty Schoolgirl’ porno ever created using the classic lines such as ‘You’ve been a bad girl’ and ‘you’re going to be in big trouble missy’. I swear I heard him spank her at one point.

Its times like these where I wish we could wear adult nappies, because I was on the verge of pissing myself.

Anyway, after the foreplay was done, we heard the grunting and groaning begin telling us the show was on the road.

I got my phone out of my pocket, putting it on record while Lacey got her own camera out to take a few backup photos.

We worked fast because Mr Garrett seemed like a 30 second man, so we had a short window to jump out and say boo before he reached Happy Ville and it was all over.

Lacey gave me the eye, counting down from 3.

When we reached number one, we jumped out of the box room like we were a SWAT team.

“BUSTED BITCH!” Lacey yells, the shutter of the camera telling us she got a few good money shots.

I held the phone up recording the whole ordeal, and my eyes widened in disgust and amusement as I  saw the overweight Mr Garrett with his trousers around his ankles, his shirt unbuttoned and his tie being gripped onto by the chubby hands of the woman who served me my lasagne this lunchtime.

Safe to say I'm never eating from that canteen again.

He was pumping away when he jumped at the sound of our voices, covering his package and hastily trying to pull his trousers back up without flashing us ball sack.

Unfortunately for my therapy bills, he failed.

‘Mandy’ pulled her dress back down and screamed, looking around frantically as her face turned a scorching red.

“LACEY WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU PLAYING AT?” Mr Garrett screamed, finally wearing pants, his anger getting the best of him so he didn’t remember to do his shirt up and cover that stomach which resembled a gorilla. A gorilla probably has less hair actually.

“Well I was playing naughty school girl…ohhh wait, that was you Mandy.” Lacey smirked at the embarrassed dinner lady.

Mr Garrett basically had steam coming out of his ears.

“Anyway Mr G, or ‘John’, or ‘Sir’ as she was referring to you 5 minutes ago…” Lacey gestured her head towards the dinner lady “…I would like to discuss what happened the other day and your threat to expel me.”

My Garret’s eyes widened “NOW?!”

Lacey smiled sweetly, which because she was my best friend, I knew was the smile she whipped out when she was about to deliver the final blow and get her way.

“I think now is the perfect time. I mean we’re tit for tat now, you walked in on me with my tit out and I’ve just seen your tat, which by the way me and my friend caught on camera so if you even think about denying it I will play it to the principle like its freaking movie night.” Lacey waved her phone in front of him with that smile still on her lips “So, care to rethink the expulsion?”

I could basically hear Mr Garrett’s teeth grit together as he really didn’t want to give into the blackmailing slut, but due to the fact you could basically hear his balls being thrown into a blender if that video ever got out, he slowly nodded in agreement.

“Fine. I won’t expel you.” He literally said that through his teeth gritting together, each word sounding like it caused him physical pain.

Lacey gave him a big smile, suddenly bouncing on her feet at the good result.

“Good choice Mr G.” She replied cheerily, before skipping out of the room and giving them both a little wave “Nice meeting you properly Mandy.”

I stood there for a while, giving them a tight lipped smile as I went to follow my partner in crime out of the door.

Before I exited however, I couldn’t help but give some advice.

“Mr G, I say this with the most utter respect, but I’d cut down on the teacher/student pornos. Considering you work at a school, if the authorities seized your computer, you could end up on a list.”

I saw his face flame out just before I left the room.

There was the Mia Hasting’s advice of the day.

I felt like an Agony Aunt.


“You heard your teaching banging?” Nate repeated in disbelief and disgust.

I nodded my head “I didn’t just hear the banging, I heard the dirty talk.”

“The dirty bastard must have a porn collection big enough to fill up a football stadium.” Lacey comments with a laugh, taking a sip of the beer.

We were currently at the bar that my brother and Jimmy worked at. We had come here after school wait for my brother to finish his shift so we could go home.

Me and Lacey were sat at the bar on the high stools. My brother was on the other side of the counter looking the stereotypical bartender with the signature cloth over his shoulder.

“Can I get another one of these?” Lacey asks Nate, waving her beer bottle in front of him.

Nate lets out a breath “Lacey I can’t keep serving you these drinks, if my boss catches me serving a 16 year old he would shove that beer bottle in places that will hurt.”

Lacey pouts, giving him the puppy dog eyes.  Nate gives her his annoyed look, running his tongue over his top teeth before turning behind him and picking up another beer bottle. He pops the top off before slamming it in front of her.

“You better have your fake ID’s on you.” Nate growls.

“Of course, how else do you think we get bombed on out lunch breaks at school?” I ask like it’s the most stupid question ever.

“Education is important Mimi, no one ever got a high school diploma whilst doing beer pongs.” Drake’s voice cuts through as he comes from the back carrying two cases of alcohol and placing them behind the bar.

Oh yeah, Nate, Jimmy AND Drake now worked here. Forgot to mention that.

After another few weeks of Drake not hearing back from any jobs he applied for, Jimmy had a word with the boss and he agreed to give Drake a couple of shifts a week. It was minimum wage and not that many hours, but it was a start for the boy. Plus tips were pretty good from what I hear.

Drake walks up next to my brother, giving me the signature smirk.

“The way I do beer pongs, I should get a diploma for it.” I reply with pride.

“Please, I bet you’re like any other chick. Two glasses of wine and you’re leaning on me giggling or crying about ‘the one that got away’.” Drake counters, using air quotes.

I raise my brows, and I notice Lacey look at him as we both get ready to defend our drinking skills.

“Just because we have vagina’s doesn’t mean we are lightweights.” I tell him, genuinely offended that he insulted my drinking abilities.

That is one area you don’t touch.

“She’s got a point bro, these girls drink like fucking Nemo.” Nate defends us, and both me and Lacey give Drake a smug smirk.

“Well I need proper proof of this.” Drake tells us, the challenge in his eyes clear as suddenly he gets an idea “We should totally go up The Cabin this weekend.”

Both mine and Lacey’s eyes widen with excitement.

“I don’t know man, I’ve got work…” Nate groans.

“You’ve got holiday to take, do it this weekend. We’ll get Jimmy and Luke in on this, get them to bring some girls up and basically get smashed in the name of our ancestors all weekend.”

Both me and Lacey were looking at Nate now, giving the puppy dog eyes and nodding our heads, basically pleading for him to agree.

You see ‘The Cabin’ was…well a cabin that Luke’s family owned up near the Lake. It’s been a tradition for the guys to go up there for weekends, completely free of parental supervision and have a freaking good time. Me and Lacey got to go last year with the guys (minus Drake due to the prison thing) and it was one of the best weekends I’ve had.

Nate lets out a groan of defeat “Fine.”

“YEY!” Lacey squeals clapping her hands together.

Drake turns to meet my eyes, his mouth slightly curved into that smirk of his.

“Now you show me just how much you can handle Mimi.'


A/N: Thank you to ChloeJanePattemore for the amazing banner! i love it!

sorry for the late upload, and i know not much happens in this one but its needed to lead up to the main events that will be happening! So, predictions, what will happen at the Cabin?

Do you think it will involve 2 plastic bimbos and some dirty action under a blanket in a room full of people? hmmm i wonder why i said that? ;)

Please comment your opinion below people!  

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