Chapter 26- 'I don't want my family to think I prefer sausage to sea food.'

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A/n: thank you to purple_monster for the amazing banner! i have a good looking cast!

like many of you have asked, i have provided. Drake point of view. Enjoy and let me know what you think ;)



Home sweet home.

That’s meant to be what you think when you return back to your own house after being away for a long time. Well, that’s if you didn’t hate your home with a passion.

Don’t get me wrong it’s not because I have cockroaches hanging off the walls or because my house smells like a clogged up toilet. The reason why I did hate my house was because I’m treated more like a criminal in it than I was in prison.

After the weekend at the cabin, an awesome weekend by the way, as well as confusing as hell considering I almost banged my best friends little sister not only once, but twice, I returned back to my house. Not Mia and Nate’s house, which was what I called home to be honest, but my actual house.

I walked through the front door, not greeted by anyone and just hearing silence. After going up to my room and dumping my bag on the floor, deciding unpacking was something I could do when I decided to do something productive, which could be today or on my 21st birthday, only time will tell. Anyway, I walked into the kitchen and still didn’t see my mum.

I grabbed a beer out of the fridge and my mind began to wonder to the events of the weekend. It was definitely and interesting one. The memories of finally being with my friends flashed through my mind and made me smile. Then the memories of what happened in the bathroom flashed through my head and I sighed, while my penis decided to stir slightly.

It was freaking hot. I knew Mia wasn’t exactly a nun, but making out with her was on a whole different scale. When we were on the bed I honestly had no control over my body parts. Well, one body part. That part seemed to be controlling me.

I shook my head as I thought about it. Yes, it was probably the most turned on I’ve ever been without actually smashing and dashing the girl, but it was so wrong on so many levels.

This was Mia Hastings. Sister to my best friend, 16 years old and a girl who I used to call poo breath when she was 8 years old.

I knew if Nate found out he would probably re-arrange my face until I looked like the elephant man. I mean seriously, that kid is ridiculously protective of his baby sister. When he found out she slept with Garry for the first time I actually had to pry a bread knife out of his hand because he was determined to carve up the guy who, and I quote, ‘defiled his little sister’.

I would be the same way if I had a little sister in all fairness. It’s just something about the women in your family that makes you go all caveman protective over them. You will do anything to protect them, thinking about the consequences after.

I knew that all too well…

I knew what we did was a mistake, a slip you can say. We agreed as we cleaned up the bomb site we created in the cabin bathroom that it would never happen again. We would forget about it, and we would never cross that line again because I couldn’t lose Nate. I couldn’t lose either of them.

They were pretty much the only family I had left.

Speaking of family, or lack thereof, my mother walked through the kitchen door disturbing my thought process.

She looked startled as she realised I was back, and like usual she took a step back from me.

“I didn’t realise you were back.” She spoke, her voice clipped.

“Just got back now.” I reply.

She nodded slowly, the tense silence in the room obvious. It was always obvious.

“Have a good weekend?” she asked after finally thinking of something to say.

I smiled slightly “Yeah it was great, was good being back with everyone after all this time.”

Her face grew dark slightly as I mention my time away, and I could actually see how nervous she was being in the same room as me.

“Glad you had a good time.” Her voice was weary “Did you want me to cook you some dinner?”

My heart sank slightly, as it always does when I speak to my mother lately. See a mother should ask you if you wanted her to cook you something because she was concerned for you, because she actually cared and wanted to do something for you.

No, my mother asked me this because she was scared of me.

And that is why I hate this house with a passion.

Since I’ve got out of prison, my mother of all people, has been treating me like I'm holding her hostage. Every time she speaks to me she does it cautiously as if I'm about to snap and stab her any second. She treats me like I'm an animal waiting to attack, and that coming from your mother is probably the shittiest feeling a person could ever have.

Of all people, my own mother should know I would never, ever, hurt her. I would do anything to protect her. After everything, she should know this.

I shake my head, masking my face from showing her how fucking hurt I actually was.

“No its fine, I'm probably going to head to Nate’s in a bit anyway.” I tell her, and I actually see her body relax a little as she realised she would not have to sleep with one eye open tonight clutching a knife in case her nutcase of a son decided to suffocate her in her sleep.

It made me physically sick to think she thought that low of me.  After everything.

“Okay. I’m glad you had a good time.” She gives me a tight lipped smile, and my heart clenches slightly. That was probably the nicest thing she’s said to me since I got out.

She walks out of the room quickly, probably to lock herself in her bedroom until she knew I was out of the house and she was safe. That thought alone put me in a shit mood, and I clench my teeth as my grip tightens around my beer bottle. My own mother, scared to be in the same room as me.

Makes you feel fucking great I can tell you.

I hear my ringtone go off. I pull my phone out of the pocket of my jeans and actually growl in anger as I see the caller ID.

I press the answer call button and press the phone to my ear.

“What the fuck do you want?” I snap, and I hear an amused chuckle.

“What a way to greet a caller.” My ‘father’ replies, sounding his usual amused laid back self.

“Well you’ve been stalking me all weekend and apparently screening your calls doesn’t give you the hint to fuck off, so I figured I may as well do it through the beauty of speech.”

“Before you hang up on me, or throw some more profanities my way, let me just ask you something.” He tries to reason.

“I’m not working with you or for you. I don’t even want to work in the same country as you, so get that through your head.” I make clear, getting fed up of his constant texts and calls as he still tries to get me to accept this job in his firm.

As I said before, my father’s career choice is not legal. It’s not exactly morally correct either.

He sighs “That’s not what I'm calling about actually, although I still think you need to reconsider. You’re turning down power and wealth. That decision is about as smart as the one I made last year when I decided to watch Breaking Dawn.”

My lip twitched slightly. He was a douche, but he had a point. That film sucked.

“So if you’re not ringing trying to be a careers adviser, what do you want daddy dearest?” I ask sarcastically.

“I want you to come to your cousins wedding.” His statement makes me raise a brow.

I haven’t seen this man in over 4 years after he walked out on me and my mother, and now he wants me to come to a freaking wedding?

“Are you high? Are you smoking the shit you're meant to be selling?” I ask seriously, and he chuckles.

“You know I would never touch drugs Drake, I'm being serious. Your cousin Abby is getting married on Tuesday and I would like you to come.” He repeats, and I could tell by how serious his tone was he was not taking the piss.

“Let me get this clear. I haven’t seen or heard from you in over 4 years, and now you want me to come to a family occasion so we can what? Reunite and make up for lost time? What are you going to do teach me how to ride a bike?” I spit sourly down the phone.

“I know this is sudden and I know it’s been a long time since we last saw each other, but I want to change that. I want to be in your life again Drake. I hold my hands up and admit I made mistakes, but at least I’m trying to sort things out now. Plus, Abby really wants you to be there.”

I stay silent as I think this over, still waiting for him to start laughing and admit this is a joke. As much as I hate myself for it, a tiny fragment of me wanted to go only for my cousin. She was my dad’s brother’s daughter and she was a couple years older than me. We we’re close when we were younger, but after my dad walked out we stayed in touch at first and then just lost contact. It would be good to see her again.

But the idea of having to see and talk to that donkey fucker while I’m at it was enough to put me right off.

“Goodbye Andrew.” I dismissed him as I ended the call.

I glanced at the spot in the kitchen where my mother was previously stood, suddenly feeling desperate. My dad was a tool who abandoned me when I was younger and my mother is scared to be alone in a room with me. If that wasn’t enough to make you want to down a glass of bleach, then I don’t know what was.


“I think you should go man.” Nate told me, his eyes glued to the TV as he pressed the controller buttons aggressively, shooting a hooker dead.

I raised a ‘are you freaking kidding me’ brow at him, which was pointless as his attention was on Grand Theft Auto.

“You are listening right? This is the man who walked out leaving me and my mother with enough money to buy half a Kit Kat?” I ask him like he was a moron, and he shrugs.

“What have you got to lose? You already hate him, he can’t disappoint you anymore. And plus it’s not really fair on Abby. Your dad may be a dick but don’t make her suffer because of it.” He responded, almost wisely you could say.

The man who was currently shooting down civilians in a PlayStation game with an ak47 just gave me some wistful advice.

“Plus, free food and drink and a party. Looks to me like you have more to gain than lose.” He added, and I actually nodded at this realising that was a very good point.

Anything with the word ‘free’ appealed to me right now. I was broke; I would probably go for a ‘free prostate exam’ eagerly just because it had that magic word in the title.

“You realise you just spoke like Ghandi, killed a hooker and stole back your money in the same 2 minutes?” I ask him, amusement lining my voice.

He shrugs again with a smirk “I’m at my wisest when I'm getting a refund.”

I let out a laugh, shaking my head in amusement as I grab my phone and call my sperm donor.

Also known as my father by the way.

It barely rings twice before he picks up.

“Holy shit, you’re actually ringing me?” he asks, and I can actually hear the shock in his voice.

“No one’s more baffled than I am, believe me.” I reply, gritting my teeth slightly as I realise I'm actually about to agree to this “I’ll come.”

I swear he actually dropped the phone.

After a few seconds of muffled scrambling, his voice comes through the speaker.

“You’re being serious?” he asks dumbfounded.

I clench my jaw “Yes. I swear to god if it’s not an open bar, I'm going to piss on you.”

He didn’t even acknowledge the threat “Drake that’s great, Abby will be delighted!”

“I know. This is the only reason I'm agreeing by the way, not for you, for Abby.” I clear up.

“That’s fine I don’t care how you decided to come, I'm just glad you did.” I can hear the smile in his voice.

“Text me over the details and I guess I’ll see you Tuesday.” I was just about to hang up on him when his voice stopped me.

“Bring your secretary if you want.” I swear I heard a smirk in his tone.

I furrowed my brows in confusion “What?”

“That little madam who picked up the phone the other day. I liked her, she was feisty.” He told me with a chuckle as if he was remembering something.

I was still confused as I tried to figure out what the hell he was talking about.

“My secretary?” I asked again dumbfounded.

“Yeah, she said she was your secretary and called me a douchebag.” He laughed “I liked her immediately.

My fists clenched at my side as I finally got it. There’s only one girl I know with that much grace and sarcasm.

“Anyway, I’ll see you and the mouthy girl on Tuesday. I'm so glad you decided to come. See you later.” And with that, he hung up the phone. I was so angry right now I didn’t have it in me to say goodbye.

That little meddling nosy bag of shit actually answered the call?

She went behind my back and answered a call from my father who I despise and wanted to keep private. She actually did that.

And then the little hoe bag had the cheek to give me an erection after. The crafty little bitch.

I threw my phone across the room, causing Nate to jump in surprise and turn to me with a ‘what the hell man?’ look in his eyes.

He raised his brows as he clearly saw the fury in my face.

“What the hell just happened?” He asks.

My jaw is clenched so tight I swear I'm going to break a few teeth. I get up off the bed and pace the room slightly as I try and calm down.

She went too far. This is MY shit, MY private shit. She has no right to stick her nose in.

“Drake man, what happened?” Nate asks again, clearly getting worried as he watched me pace the room.

“Your fucking nosy sister, that’s what happened!” I explode.

He sighs “What did she do now?”

“I’ll tell you what she did now, she went behind my back and answered a call from my estranged father.” I inform him, and his eyes widen slightly before he shakes his head. Clearly, he was not that shocked about what his sister does.

“She always was a nosy bitch…” he mutters.

“What right does she have to answer MY phone when it was clear I wanted to keep that private!” I'm still yelling, anger boiling inside of me.

“Listen man, I know she’s frustrating more than anyone. I’ve got to live with her remember?” he reminds me “But don’t let it get to you so much, you know what Mia’s like. She broke into the headmaster’s office at school once because she wanted to know how I did on my finals and couldn’t wait for the results to be mailed a few days later.”

If I wasn’t so pissed at her, I would have laughed.

I stop pacing and look at him “Yes but my father seems to have grown quite fond of her and wants me to bring her to the wedding!”

His eyes widen again, only this time he has to hold back a smile.

“You’re kidding?” he says whilst fighting back laughter.

“I fucking wish I was. Apparently she called him a douchebag and that was it, Andrew approved.” I inform him, and this time he can’t help his shoulders shaking from laughter.

“He thinks you're going out with her?” he finally gives in and burst out laughing.

A pang of guilt washes through me as the bathroom and bedroom almost banging incidents back at the cabin flashed through my mind.

If only you knew Nate I don’t think you’d be laughing right now. You’d be using your hooker killing skills to finish me off.

“Glad you find my problems amusing.” I smile sarcastically.

He calms down his laughter slightly “I’m sorry man but that is hilarious.”

“Yeah comical, now would you like to stop laughing and stop me from going out that door and hitting a woman for the first time in my life?” I ask him rhetorically.

He chuckles “Look I get why you're pissed, anyone would be, but maybe it’s a good thing.”

I stop pacing and look at him with a raised brow.

“How in the name of Chris Brown is this a good thing?” I ask, needing him to clear this one up for me because I could not think of a single reason this situation would have the word ‘good’ in it.

“Because now you’ve got someone to come with you.” He simply states “You’re seeing your father for the first time in over 4 years, having someone there to stop you from punching him in the throat wouldn’t be the worst thing.”

I take in his words and to my utter shock, I find myself agreeing with him. He has a point. I didn’t even think about the fact that it would be nice for someone to come with me, for emotional support and maybe for physical restraint if I final snap at that asshole.

“I would come with you for support, but people already think we’re gay, I don’t think being your date to a wedding would help to be honest.” Nate smirks at me and I burst out laughing.

“Would probably give my dad a heart attack though.” I state, and look at Nate seriously “Actually, do you want to be my girlfriend Tuesday?”

Nate’s lip twitches “I’ll pass, I’ve got a date that night anyway.”

I raise I brow “You’re cheating on me and Lacey?”

He glares at me “We’re not official.”

“Who me or you or you and Lacey?” I grin at him.

He continues glaring at me while my grin spreads over my face. I suddenly feel a little better. Taking the piss out of other people is always good when you're in a bad mood.

“Look Lacey and I aren’t together. We’re each other’s back up plan.” He informs me.

“Yeah but your back up plan doesn’t make you grin like a schoolboy in love or stalk her Facebook page when she added that Tyler guy.” I point out, and he avoids making eye contact.

“I wasn’t stalking her page. I was just making sure the guy wasn’t an internet paedophile.” He defends and I laugh.

“The girls over the legal age of consent, the only creeping that was going on that day was from your end of the computer.”

“Look whatever, I’m going on a date with that hot girl from the bar-big boobs, no morals- and Lacey isn’t going to interfere with it in the slightest because we are not a couple.” He makes clear to me, standing his ground as his voice is firm. Then he quickly adds “And plus we are not going to mention it to her or Mia.”

I burst out laughing again “I give it 15 minutes into the date before you start comparing hot bar girl to Lacey and realise you would rather be at home with your ‘back up plan’.” I air quote.

He sighs whilst shaking his head slightly “Anyway, back to the previous topic, take Mia to the wedding Tuesday. She hates that entire lovey dovey eternal dedication shit anyway so in a way taking her would be like getting your own back for her sticking her nose in.”

My mouth forms into a smirk at that. If she hates that shit, then a wedding is a perfect place to take her. Paybacks a bitch.

I turn to Nate as I snap out of my thoughts “Seriously man, you’ve been coming out with the wise advice today.”

He smirks before shrugging “I just completed 3 missions, banged and killed 2 hookers and escaped a police chase. I’ve never been more in my element.”

I grin at him. And this is why this douchebag is my best friend.


I was just about to knock on the door when I realised I’m Drake O’Connell.

I don’t knock, I barge in.

I walked straight through her bedroom door, seeing her raise her arms in desperation at me as she sat cross legged on her double bed watching something on the TV.

“I guess the word ‘boundaries’ is not in your vocabulary.” Mia spat at me bitterly, and my fists automatically clenched at my sides as these words came out of that little hypocrite. The girl who answered my private call behind my back.  It took every ounce of self-restraint I had in my body not to fly at her.

“You busy?” I ask her.

“Yes, I'm swamped. I have 3 meetings and a business lunch. And I'm in them all right now, go away.” She dismisses me, sarcasm dripping from her tone. She turns her eyes back to the TV, which I realised was playing ‘Two and a Half Men.’

Holy crap that show is still on. Previous mystery solved.

I got back to the reason I came in here, trying not to get distracted by how much of a lad Charlie Sheen was.

I want to be him one day…

I internally shake my head getting back to reality. I walk over to the double bed and sit at the edge of it, turning my body towards her and my back to the TV. Mostly because I knew I would get distracted and probably start watching the show with her.

She rolls her eyes as she sees me sit down, realising I wasn’t leaving just yet. I take into account the fact that her legs are bare as she is in pyjama shorts and a black Jack Daniels vest. I focus my eyes on her face, not her legs.

Which yesterday I was in between thrusting my junk.

“I need to ask you a favour.” I announce before my thoughts went down the porn route.

“No I’m not going to be your alibi.” She responds without missing a heartbeat.

“No not that.”

“I’m not giving you my pee for a random drug test.”

“No not that either.”

She turns to me with amusement in her eyes “Money for bail?”

I clench my jaw, making her pull her lips into her mouth as she holds back laughter.

“Will you shut up long enough for me to speak? Because if not I’m not against gagging you. And you won’t know what I’m going to use as a gag.” I give her a dirty smirk, and the smile on her face falls off as she glares at me.

That’s better.

“My dad rang me earlier.” I inform her, watching her face to see her reaction.

She looks startled at first, but like a pro she covers it with surprise “Oh really?”

I narrow my eyes. Unbelievable. This girl is a born liar.

If it wasn’t for the fact I knew she had answered the call and knew that my father had been in touch, I would never have known she was lying right now.

“Yeah, surprising I know.” I state bitterly “but anyway, he rang me and asked me to go to my cousins wedding Tuesday.”

She smiles slightly “That’s lovely. But why do I care?”

“Because I want you to come with me.” I come straight out and say. Like I said, I hate beating around the bush. There isn’t enough time in the day to stretch things out.

This time the surprise in her face is genuine “Me? You want me to come with you to your cousins wedding?”

I nod my head “Yes that’s what I'm getting at.”

Her mouth is hanging open in shock, or disgust I'm not sure which one.

“You want me to be your…date?” she asks in horror.

I shrug “You could call it that. Mostly I want you there because I could use the support.”

The horrified look is still modelled on her face “Why don’t you get Nate to go with you?”

“Because I don’t want my family to think I prefer sausage to sea food.” I reply without a heartbeat “And also because my dear father requested I bring my secretary.”

Her eyes widen as the look of horror on her face is replaced by guilt. The expression of a schoolgirl who’s been caught cheating in an exam.

“I guess I’m not the only one who doesn’t have the word ‘boundaries’ in their vocabulary.” I smile sweetly, throwing her own words back at her.

Her mouth opens and closes a few times as she thinks of something to say, before she finally sighs telling me she gives up trying to come up with a reasonable lie.

“I knew hoping your dad thought it was a dream was too much of a farfetched plan…” she mutters, before turning to me with guilt in her eyes “Are you here to punch me?”

“No. I was close to breaking my ‘never hit a girl’ rule when I found out don’t get me wrong, but your brother calmed me down.” I inform her.

She breathes a sigh of relief “Thank god for Nathan Hastings.” She turns to me again “Look I know what I did was over the line and I am sorry. I didn’t realise it was your dad.”

“What did you think it was that made you decide to go behind my back and answer my call? Which by the way almost killed me by falling off a massive rock if you remember.” I remind her, genuinely baffled as to why she answered the phone.

She begins to bite her lower lip slightly and I knew she was nervous. She always did that when she was nervous. Considering this girl never gets nervous, it’s noticeable when she does it.

“I just…I wanted to know what was going on with you.” Mia finally manages to get out. I cock my head slightly in curiosity waiting for her to continue. She sighs once more before she finally spits it all out “We had that fight just before because you were being so freaking mysterious, which is annoying by the way. Mysterious men may turn Bella Swan on and every other sexually frustrated girl who saw the movie or read that pile of shit, but in real life it’s just plain annoying.”

My lip twitches slightly as I see her go off topic. Also, this is the second time today someone has ripped into Shite-light.

Not a good day for Stephanie Meyer apparently…

I wait patiently for her to continue.

“I just wanted to know what got you so worked up you almost got yourself killed. I wanted to know something about you that didn’t involve what beer you prefer or how many girls you’ve slept with. I wanted to know something real.” She finishes.

I stare at her, fascinated by her suddenly. Why did she care so much?

If she knew how fucked up I really was, she definitely would not want to be more involved in my life.

I couldn’t find any words to say to her, all I could do was stare at her a little harder. She was still nibbling her bottom lip as she waited patiently for me to respond.

“Do you hate me?” she finally asks.

I smile at her slightly “No I don’t hate you. You piss me off to the point of wanting to put my fists through a wall, but I don’t hate you.” I tell her, and she smiles back with relief “But seriously Mia, my shit is MY shit. If I want people involved in it I’ll tell them. If you go behind my back again like that I won’t hesitate to take a piss on your toothbrush.”

The corner of her mouth rises up slightly “I promise my nose is staying out of your shit.”

I nod “Good because if you poke your nose in other peoples shit, it will leave a bad smell in your nostrils.”

Her mouth falls open slightly in confusion to my words, before shaking her head in amazement.

“That has to be the most disgusting but insightful metaphor anyone has ever said.”

I grin at her “Prison therapy.” I remind her, making her laugh. “So, Wedding Tuesday, Yay or Nay?”

I see the hesitation in her face again as I bring up the wedding. This time it wasn’t guilt in her face, it was uncertainty.

“I don’t know Drake…” she drifts off, something clearly on her mind.

“Why not, it’s a crappy wedding, we eat some cake, have a few drinks and watch two people make the biggest mistakes of their lives. Think of it as an educational field trip.” I try and persuade her.

“Yeah but, is it a good idea since we…” she drifts off, gesturing with her eyes that I should be able to fill in the gap. I stare at her clueless before she sighs “…since we almost had sex on a bathroom sink.”

I grin as she comes out with it.

“Forgotten already?” she asks annoyed.

“No I knew what you were getting at I just wanted to hear you say it.” I chuckle “And so what? We had a little slip and we both agreed it wouldn’t happen again. I want you to come with me as a friend Mia.”

She still looks hesitant “Yeah but I would be your date. People are going to think we’re together.”

I shrug “So? I barely see these people and you don’t even know who they are. You’re my plus one, you don’t have to be my date you can be my…companion.” I grin at her as I come up with that amazing substation of a word.

Which is basically a thesaurus result for the word date.

She still looks uncertain, and I could tell she was trying to find the best way to let me down gently considering this is something that actually means a lot to me. She would normally just tell me no and to get the hell out of her room, but apparently she was being a little more thoughtful this time.

And plus I knew the selfish bitch. She just didn’t want to go to a wedding where two people are saying the vows devoting to each other for the rest of their lives. In the middle of the ceremony you will probably hear Mia’s wrenching as she throws up on the flower arrangements.

“Look Drake I appreciate that you asked me it means a lot, but I wouldn’t feel right coming as your date after what happened-“

“It’s an open bar.”

“But then again I can put things like that behind me to support a friend.” She smiles brightly at me, her tune changing significantly as soon as I mention free alcohol.

The bitch is as cheap as I am. The word ‘free’ will probably push her to sell her soul to the devil. If she hasn’t already.

“So nice how you’d do something like that for a friend.” I smile sarcastically at her.

She beams back at me sweetly, before giving me a playful punch to the shoulder “Anything for you buddy!”

I resist the urge to smile.

I could probably get this girl to perform a trick with a midget and a mars bar if I offered her half a bottle of Jack Daniels.


A/N: sorry for taking so long to update, work has been killing me lately! but here you go, please let me know what you think by commenting below!

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