Chapter 28- 'And by elephant, I meant his massive hard on.'

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A/N: Right guys, this is not uploaded from my laptop as thats still in the hospital getting patched up, but i couldnt make you wait anymore so i rewrote the whole chapter on my friends computer.

I would like to saw a massive thank you to PotatoXHead97 for the AMAZING, IMMENSE, AWESOME trailer that she did for this book! i freakiing loooove it!

Also a massive thank you to Musically mine for the amaaaaazing banner! i love it!


"Lacey you didn't have to skip school as well just to play dress up on me." I tell the crazy woman who was currently suffocating us both as she sprayed about a gallon of hairspray on my hair which she had already curled and back brushed

She didn't even blink as she was totally in her element "I once skipped school because I coughed and decided I had influenza. This isn't new to me."

I chuckled slightly, realising this girl would use any excuse to avoid triple sociology.

We were currently in my room and I was regretting ever telling her she could dress me up for this freaking wedding. We were due to leave anytime soon and she was applying the finishing touches to my makeup and hair. She had been dressing me up and styling me for about 2 hours now. She was like a woman possessed.

And she hasn't allowed me to look in a mirror for the last 2 hours. For all I know, I could look like a baby prostitute right now.

She plonked the can of hairspray on my dresser and looked me over, a proud satisfied smile forming at her lips.

"You're done." She nodded, gesturing her hands towards the mirror in the far corner of the room which she had covered with my coat so I wouldn't sneak any glances. I stood to my feet and walked over to it. She grinned at me, the excitement lining her face as she whipped the coat off whilst screaming "Taa-daa!"

I blinked a few times in surprise, not recognising the girl in the mirror for a second. Holy crap, Lacey was good.

I leaned closer to my reflection as I studied what she had done. My hair was in waves around my face, reaching about halfway down my back. I had my fringe area pulled up in a beehive, but not the crack whore beehive like Amy Winehouse, one of those ones that make you think 'hey sexy.' My eyes were lined with eyeliner, my lashes glued on but they didn't look fake. My lips were a faint red. All in all, the makeup was flawless teamed up with my ridiculously expensive dress and heels.

All paid for by the bank of 'I'm such a great thief I'd put John Dillinger to shame.'

"Well?" Lacey asked me anxiously. I could barely speak. Normally I'm too lazy to apply mascara, this was definitely an improvement.

"You are a fucking magician." I reply with honesty, because that girl is like Harry Potter only her wand is an eyeliner pencil.

Her grin spread over her face so fast I thought it was going to crack her skin. I smile back, loving the fact my friend was so easily pleased.

She clapped her hands like a little girl "I get to make you look smoking hot for your first date with Drake!"

"It's not a date!" I reply quickly and aggressively, causing her to try and hide a smirk.

Yesterday's shopping trip was very eventful. After Drake's 'fingers of fury' performance in the changing room, I was confused as hell. We didn't mention it for the entire time we were together, and basically acted like it didn't happen. It wasn't awkward, but you could tell there was an elephant in the room.

And by elephant, I mean his massive hard on.

Seriously from the look of that thing he could knock a Mexican gang over.

I decided I was going to go for the mature, adult approach. I was going to pretend like it never happened and hope it doesn't get brought up again.

You know, 'cause I'm so mature.

After Drake dropped me off home, I went to the cinema with Lacey, to watch one of the greatest films of all time by the way. Channing Tatum grinding to music may have completed my life, or any other lives I may ever have if reincarnation was really true. Anyway, we went to watch the film and came back to mine.

Lacey didn't even sneak out of my room to bang my brother.

It was a quiet evening.

Unfortunately, not quite as quiet of a morning when it came to the Lacey/Nate fiasco.

"That little asshole is going on a date tonight." Lacey announced suddenly, and I knew straight away the asshole was my brother. As a best friend, it was my duty to know.

"How do you know?"

"Facebook. Some blonde big breasted whore has been messaging him asking what time they were going to meet tonight." She tells me, and I look at her with a confused expression as I remember being on Facebook this morning and not remembering seeing those messages on Nate's wall. She reads my mind and looks at me without an ounce of guilt on her face "It was his private messages. He told me his password was Coco Pops when he was drunk one time. Probably blacked out of that memory as he never changed it."

I let out a laugh at the sneaky bitch. I knew I should probably tell Nate he had a stalker who was hacking into his accounts, but the boy needed to be taught a lesson. Stop being a douche and admit you like the girl for Christ sake.

"What are you going to do then?" I ask her as I walk to the bed and pick up my clutch bag. I freaking hate this things, couldn't it have like a handle or something so I wouldn't leave it on a table and completely forget about it?

She shrugs "Nothing I can do. He can kiss my ass if he thinks he's ever touching it again though."

I bite back a smile as I look at her "Say that sentence back in your head and tell me when you figure out where you went wrong."

She is silent for a minute as she is thinking, when she finally realises my point she rolls her eyes and carries on.

"The bastard actually lied to me and said he had football practice tonight." She informed me, and for a second I actually realised how much Lacey was hurt right now. I knew she liked my brother, but sometimes even I forget just how much she does like him.

"You know what you should do?" I ask her, realising I would have to forget Nate is my brother and be the scheming best friend she deserved right now. Lacey looked at me curiously "You should roll up to the bar when he's on the date with the breasts on legs with Tyler. Give it as good as he does."

She raises her brows with a small smirk, debating on my idea whilst nodding slowly and approvingly "I like that idea..."

I smirk at her, knowing I may have caused my brother a night from hell but also knowing I've made my best friend a little happier. It was a win for me.

The door burst open suddenly making me and Lacey jump.

"I swear on all that is Jay Z if you do not hurry your ass up I'm throwing you out of a fucking window." Drake bursts into the room, clearly annoyed at how long we were taking. As soon as his eyes landed on me however, he no longer looked annoyed. His eyes widened as his eyes scanned me up and down, his jaw hanging open slightly "Holy shit."

I suddenly felt my skin heat slightly as I recognise those eyes. Caked in lust. The same eyes that were staring at me through the reflection in the changing room yesterday.

"What do you think Drake? Would you bang her?" Lacey asks with a smirk, and I resist the urge to clock her one. Drake's eyes however are still on me, his hand grasping the door handle as he seemed unable to move.

"The things I would do to her right now I think are illegal in at least 3 different countries." He replies, causing Lacey to laugh and I actually roll my eyes, ignoring my vagina which was screaming 'Lets break the law then!'

His eyes are suddenly torn from my body and they lock with mine "Are you ready to go then?"

I nod slightly, mentally screaming at myself at why I am finding it hard to speak. All that was flashing in my mind was the changing room. His hands, and this dress.

Snap out of it you changing room slut, you're going to a family wedding!

God help me.


The silence in the car right now was actually killing me.

It was only a half an hour drive to church where the wedding was held, we had been in the car for about 5 minutes and neither of us has uttered a word. Every time I went to open my mouth to say something, I would close it again because I would remember the fact that his fingers were in my underwear yesterday.

Weirdly enough, that wasn't what was making it awkward. It was the fact I wanted him to pull over and use more than just his fingers this time.

Judging by the glances he kept giving me as he was driving, his eyes scanning my bare legs, we were probably on the same wavelength.

I could not let this happen again.

Friends. Not animals. Keep chanting this in your head Mia and don't give into this because it can only end in one way.

Disaster and Nate in prison for beating the shit out of his best friend.

"What was up with Lacey this morning? When we saw your brother leaving for work I thought she was trying to give him a heart attack with her mind with the look she was giving him." Drake suddenly breaks the silence, and I breathe a sigh of relief as he finally does.

"She seems to think Nate has a date tonight with some blonde hoe with boobs bigger than her head." I tell him, and I see his lip twitch slightly. After a few seconds of him looking amused and not replying, I groan "Oh Christ he does doesn't he?"

Drake's smirk spreads a little before he shrugs "I'm not saying anything."

I slap a hand over my eyes "I thought Lacey was just being paranoid." I suddenly freeze as I remember the advice I gave Lacey this morning. Drake apparently noticed too.


I chuckle nervously "I sort of told her to turn up at the bar with Tyler tonight while Nate was on his date."

Drake turns his head to me with his eyes wide "Nice move there batman."

His eyes are glued to me with an expression letting me know I have probably just caused a night from hell for both my brother and Lacey. I suddenly remember he is currently driving and point at the open road in front of us.

"Drake, eyes on the road-"

"Nate isn't with Lacey, he can bang whoever he wants and you giving that Ghandi piece of advice there Dr Phil will probably cause nothing but drama."

"Seriously Drake, road-"

"What is it with you and other peoples business?!"

"DRAKE! Watch where you're go-"

Suddenly all I hear is a car horn beep loudly, and both of our eyes shoot to the road ahead of us to see another car coming our way.

"Fuck!" Drake swears while frantically turning the wheel to dodge the incoming car. I hear someone screaming which was getting on my freaking nerves. It took me a few minutes to realise the person screaming was actually me.

After a few seconds, the car finally comes to a sudden halt almost sending me flying forward if it wasn't for my seatbelt. We were at the side of the road now, I could hear the swoosh of other cars driving past us but for the moment the car was silent.

The only sounds I could heart was both of our frantic breathing as we tried to catch our breath. My heart was almost beating out of my chest as the adrenaline was cursing through my body. Then after a few seconds, the anger replaces everything else.

Before I could stop myself I turned and started thumping the asshole in the arms and chest.

"You stupid dick!" with every word I sent another thump. He recoiled slightly as he was trying to avoid the hits, covering his head instinctively.

"Mia cut it out! Stop!" he protested.

"You almost killed us you absolute asshole!" I continued to lay hits on him, and just as I was about to clock him in the jaw, his hand flew up and caught my wrist.

"Stop!" he ordered, breathing heavily as he too was probably shitting himself from the near death experience. His eyes glued to mine as I took a few breaths in order to calm myself down "I'm sorry."

I stared back at him, my eyes like slits "Sorry? That's what you say if you accidently stand on someone's toe, that is not what you say when your idiotic driving almost gets us killed!"

"I am sorry Mia."

"All of that because of Nate and Lacey? Why do you care if they have an argument?! I get it I meddled in your business with your dad and I had no right, but I have every right to give my friend some advice so do not act all high and mighty with me prison boy!"

"I get it I was stupid-"

"Stupid? STUPID?! Try fucking moronic. You almost killed us! I'm 16. I'm a young girl, I have my whole life ahead of me! There is still a lot I haven't done! I want to get a tattoo, I want to be drunk in a foreign country and lose more brain cells, I want to watch Magic Mike at least 32 times before I do finally take that big yellow bus to the sky!"

"Mia calm-"

"You tell me to calm down so help me god I will kill you with a clutch bag." I cut him off, my voice more threatening that I've ever heard it before. Amazingly, I see the corner of his mouth twitch.

And you want to know the most angering thing about it all?

I almost smiled.

He lets go of my wrist as I lean back against my seat and close my eyes, taking a final calming breath as the silence is in the car again. The silence that I'm guessing follows a near death experience. I wouldn't really know I don't normally almost die on a daily basis. I'm not Buffy.

"Magic Mike, seriously?" Drake's voice cuts through my thinking, and this time I do smile as I realise out of everything I said, that's all he picked up on.

I turn my head to him as he looks at me with a raised brow.

"Hot men striping to decent music. What's there not to like?" I ask him with a smirk. He shakes his head with amusement.

"I can't believe you actually paid money to watch that shit."

"Hey, best money I've ever spent. If it was a live show I would probably sell a kidney if it got me the money to watch it." This time, he full on bursts out laughing at my words.

"You're such a little pervert." He concludes through his laughter.

I smile and look up at him "Pot. Kettle. Black."

His eyes meet mine as he smirks down at me. Now I'm no Edward Cullen and haven't got that mind reading power shit going on, but I didn't have to be a dweebish vampire who sparkles to be able to tell what was going through his mind right now.

The changing room.

The silence was intense this time, and his eyes kept glancing down at my mouth.

What the hell is wrong with us?!

"I have a proposition to make." He suddenly announces, breaking the 'I'm on the verge of banging you in the backseat' look we were giving each other.

My eyes snap away from his mouth as I notice it move, realising this was conversation time.


"When we get to this wedding, it's going to be a bit weird explaining why I brought my best friends little sister with me." He announces, and I nod my head not quite getting where he is going with this "So, I was thinking, and this is just for today by the way as soon as we step foot back in your house we go back to normal.."

"Spit it out Drake." I snap, realising this is not like Drake because he was beating around the bush. Normally that boy is blunter than a stoner's joint.

We make eye contact as I spot the corner of his mouth rise slightly. Clearly this idea made him smile.

"Be my date." He suddenly announces, and I furrowed my brows in confusion "I mean properly my date. I don't know or see these people often, so it wouldn't get back to anyone that we know."

"What wouldn't get back to people that we know? Everyone knows you're taking me to this wedding."

He sighs as I can see my stupidity is starting to annoy him "Jesus Christ do I need to spell it out for you?"

"Yes apparently you do because your cryptic bullshit isn't getting throu-"

I didn't get to finish my sentence because before I knew what was going on, Drake had leaned forward in his seat, placed his hands on the side of my face and pulled it towards him, covering my lips with his.

It took me about 0.2 seconds to get over the shock before my body automatically responded and my eyes closed, kissing him back in a way that was too familiar considering I've only kissed him twice before.

Way too soon, his face pulled away slightly. My eyes were still closed as I was still drugged from that freaking sudden kiss.

I felt his breath against my face as he chuckled slightly, clearly finding my reaction amusing.

"That spell it out for you?" he asks with a smirk as my eyes finally open.

"Not really no." I finally conclude, and he rolls his eyes before he suddenly looks excited.

"Want me to try again?" he suggests as he starts to bring his face closer. I push him away, much to the protest of my vagina as I realise if I was ever going to figure this out I needed a clear head. Which is obviously something I did not have when I was kissing this boy.

"No, no, no. No more of that, explain this with your mouth." He raises his brows with a dirty smirk, before I quickly correct what I just said "Words! Not just your mouth, your words!"

He lets out a chuckle, before turning so his body is facing mine and he is leaning up against the car door.

"Okay fine, for the day pretend we are together. Which means I can tell people you're my girlfriend, I can kiss you whenever I feel like it, I can grope you without getting a punch, hold your hand and all that other bullshit couples do." He finally explains, his blunt nature clearly returning because he didn't hesitate a single word "Clear enough for you sweetheart?"

For probably the second time in my life, I was finding it hard to speak "Wha-why do you-just why?"

He shrugs "Clearly we have a lot of tension between us. Probably due to the fact I made you come like a train yesterday-" I open my mouth to protest, but he holds his hand up telling me to shut up and let him finish "-so I figured why not just do this whole song and dance for the day. I get to feel you up, make out with you whenever I get a little bored and I can show you off to my prick of a dad. What's there not to love about this plan?"

I went to say what an absolute asshole he was, thinking he could rent me out for the day to show me off in front of his dad. This isn't the freaking wedding date. I am not a hooker.

Although I did agree to come to this wedding as soon as I heard the words 'open bar'...

I thought about it, and I don't know why but I found myself agreeing with him. Why not?

I mean we've already done some shit that I never intend to tell anyone, so what's pretending to be his girlfriend for the day going to change?

"Okay." I nod, and his eyes widen as he realises I have actually agreed to do something he's suggested.

"Seriously? You're not going to start screaming or hitting me and comparing this to that stupid movie you made me and Nate watch?" he asks in disbelief, reading my mind again and referring to that time I made them watch The Wedding Date because they had both stolen one of my bra's and used them to shoot condom water balloons off our roof.

I shake my head "Why not? I mean I'm already going to this wedding with you, I plan on getting bone drunk with someone else's money and you want to piss your dad off. What's a little bit of role-play hey?"

His eyes instantly turn about 10 shades darker "Risky words to say to me right now Mimi."

I smile slightly. This boy is a whore, he hears the words role play and has an instant stork.

I point at him warningly "As soon as this wedding shit is finished, we go back to friends. Deal?"

His mouth slowly forms into a smirk as he nods his head. He holds out his pinkie finger to me "Deal."

My smirk matches his as I link my pinkie finger with his, making our deal official.

No matter how old you are, you can't break a pinkie promise.

I turn back to the windscreen, getting comfortably again as I look in the little mirror on the flappy thing in front of me. I am useless with cars. I can pretty much guess colours and I think that makes me a mechanic.

"Well, we better hurry honey we don't want to be late." I tell him in my sweetest, sarcastic voice as I fix my hair in the reflection.

He lets out a booming laugh, before he sits properly again and starts the car.

"Whatever you say pumpkin."

This whole pretending to be a couple thing could actually be fun...


"Where's the bar?" I immediately ask as we walk down the stone path towards the two men dressed in tuxedos by the door.

"We're at a church Mia." Drake informs me like that should explain everything.

I shrug "So? Don't tell me these people aren't at least serving champagne before making us suffer through this harlequin romance shit."

We both smile politely as we approach the two men. They both shake Drake's hand and one even takes mine and kisses it. As soon as we are out of ear shot, Drake smoothly placing a hand on the small of my back as soon as the guy kissed my hand, and led me towards a couple of seats in the church.

"Chill out Amy Winehouse, we will get you a drink at the reception." Drake comforts me, his eyes scanning the room. I could tell he was worried, and I knew he was looking out for his dad.

My head shoots towards him as I stare with wide eyes "So you're telling me I'm going to have to suffer through this without the slightest buzz?"

He turns to me, his eyes connecting with mine and I could tell my whining was annoying him. I suppose he has better things to worry about, but that's what I'm here for. Taking his mind off of it.

"I'm afraid so. I don't think the priest will be too keen if people start doing jello shots in the house of the lord." He explains to me, again talking like I'm a few crumbs short of a full cookie.

I pout, turning and actually crossing my arms like a child.

"Dude can't even have sex, he is in no position to judge anyone." I mumble under my breath, apparently not low enough because Drake actually let out a small laugh.

A few more minutes pass by and the church slowly begins to fill out, people walking in dressed in clothes which probably cost more than my house. And I have a feeling they didn't do a me and purchase it with sticky finger syndrome.

Suddenly, I feel Drake tense up next to me. I turn to look at him and he may have looked nervous before, but now he was tensed up like a virgin in Vegas.

His jaw was clenched, his fists balled on his knees and his eyes focused on something a few rows in front. I turn to see where he is looking, and instantly recognise the well dressed, handsome man as Drake's dad.

He was near the front, talking to another man and laughing with him. He looked carefree, a man with no worries. He didn't look like he was worried about the fact he was going to face his son after walking out on him and possibly being the reason he was locked up. He was sat next to a blonde, gorgeous woman who was probably in her late 20's. Drake's dad clearly does well with the ladies considering he is in his late 40's.

Like father like son.

I place my hand over Drake's clenched fist, squeezing it slightly until his attention is on me. He loosens up his hand and I slip mine into his, giving him a reassuring smile. I don't know if it was the deal we made on the way over here, but I felt like I did want to be here for him. That's why I'm here, and if I'm given a job I'm going to do it properly.

"No fighting today sweetie, we're in the house of god remember?" I ask him sweetly, a playful smile at my lips.

Instantly his lips turn up, his eyes connected with mine as I see a flash of warmth through them. He takes my hand tighter and lifts it to his mouth, placing a small kiss on it.

"Thank fuck you're here." He relaxes completely as he looks ahead of him again, and I didnt know if this was the deal that we had or the day, but I felt my stomach flip slightly at what he just did.

It was a small thing, but I couldn't wipe the stupid smile off my face.

I suddenly realised this deal we had could be fun yes, but a small part of my mind was screaming I was in dangerous waters.

And knowing my luck I was going to get jumped by Jaw's older, angrier brother.

And all I could do was hope he had a freaking drink on him as I had a feeling I was going to need it.


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