Chapter 30- 'Hold on, I forgot my sombrero.'

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A/N: Thank you to FearlessOne for the awesome banner! i love it!



“I been so many places, I seen so many faces, but nothing compares to these blue and yellow purple pills…” Drake and I sang in unison stumbling down the street. His arm was slung around my shoulder, the other holding a bottle of tequila we swiped from the bar before we left.

“I climbed the highest mountain, blah blah blah blah blah downton…” we continue to bellow, and I let out a laugh as I realise neither of us knew the rest of the words.

I had no idea what time it was, I had no idea where we were or where we were going. All I knew is that it was now dark outside, there were people walking by us giving us dirty looks and there were bright shop lights everywhere.

We stayed at the bar for god knows how long, making the most of the free unlimited alcohol to the point where my vision was blurred, I found anything funny and I was singing D12 on a public street arm in arm with an ex-convict.

Oh, and Drake was wearing a sombrero.

“Where the hell did you get that hat anyway?” I laughed as I looked up at him.

He shrugged “It was on that chair by that restaurant. I wanted to be a Mexican for a few hours.” He then lifts the bottle in his hand so the tip of it is right by my mouth, before proceeding to yell at the top of his lungs “TEQUILAAAAAA!’ with his head thrown back.

I burst out laughing to the point where I had physical tears rolling down my eyes.

It had been such a good night so far. We had done nothing but drink and talk, and as the drinks kept flowing the more I found myself appreciating just how hilarious this dude was. And how hot he was…

My Vagina was a big fan me binge drinking because that meant I was more pro Drake than I would be on a sober mind. And I had the morals of a Thai hooker.

We had ditched the car back at the wedding, realising we would have to get it tomorrow because neither of us were in a state to drive. Or be out in public.

“There! I want to go in there!” Drake suddenly bellowed, pointing the tequila bottle at another bar. I furrowed my brows as I saw a big board outside, but due to the fact I couldn’t see a hand waving in front of my face right now, I had no idea what it said.

With his arms still around my shoulder, he led me towards the door before even waiting for my input on the situation. I guess we were going in this place then.

The guy at the door stood in the way before we could walk in. Drake stumbled back taking me with him, and looking at the guy with a sloppy grin.

“You look like The Rock.” Drake chuckled, putting the tequila bottle over his mouth to muffle his laugh. I bit back my own.

The guy however did not look amused “Can’t come in with the bottle.”

Drake looked confused for a second before he realised what this man’s words meant. His mouth formed into an ‘O’ before he nodded in understanding and took his arm from around my shoulder.

“Sure thing bro.” he handed me the bottle and I took the hint and took a mouthful before we had to throw it away. I handed it back to Drake, only about a quarter of the bottle left.

Drake turned to the bouncer dude, his eyes widening with excitement “Want to see a magic trick?”


“Okay, prepare to be amazed…” Drake raised a hand at him, standing straight, or as straight as possible considering his current condition. He then brought the bottle to his mouth and to my utter shock, he down the entire remainder of the bottle in less than 3 gulps. He swallowed the drink, scrunching his face and groaning slightly before composing himself and grinning at the bouncer “Fuck Houdini, This is where the real magic’s at.”

His arm slung over my shoulder again he walked past the bouncer, handing him the empty bottle on the way in.

“That was ridiculously impressive.” I complimented him, still not believing he managed to do that.

He let out a snort “Some girls are impressed by flowers and chocolates. You're impressed by binge drinking.”

I shrug “A bunch of flowers don’t make you love life like a glass of wine does.”

He let out a booming laugh, which was soon drowned out by the music as we stepped foot into the main room of the bar. I was pleasantly surprised. I was expecting a dive where there were old men playing darts in a corner. Instead, we got a massive stage in the middle of the room which was in a ‘T’ shape and there were chairs and tables surrounding the stage. Upbeat music that wasn’t produced while Hitler was still alive filled the room and the people here were a couple years older than us but not by much.

Actually, I say people, but the majority of the people here were female.

I looked curiously around and sure enough apart from a few dudes who were clearly dragged here by their girlfriend or wife, Drake was the only man here.

Then I spotted the massive banner over the bar.

Ladies open mic night.’

I rolled my eyes as we reached a table which was directly at the end of the stage so you were at the bottom of the ‘T’. I sat down on one of the chairs, well slumped may be a better word to describe it, and Drake stayed stood with a massive grin on his face.

“You sly bitch, no wonder you wanted to come in here. There is wall to wall vagina.” I comment, shaking my head at him.

He looked down at me with a smirk “Actually I came here for the open mic night, the ladies night thing was just the cherry on top of the cake.”

I raised a brow challengingly, telling him I didn’t believe a word coming out of his mouth.

His smirk widened. He leaned over the table, placing his hand on it and bringing his face closer to mine.  “Jealousy is an ugly colour on you Mia.”

“I am not jealous!” I instantly reply, probably a little too instantly.

His further widening smirk confirmed this. He leaned forward and placed a kiss on my lips.

“Don’t worry Mimi, I only have eyes for you today remember?” he says, the amusement and sarcasm clear in his voice.

I try and pull down the corners of my mouth as he stands up straight.

“So why exactly are you excited for the open mic night?” I suddenly ask, not getting why he wants to come here and watch a few drunken hen parties go up and start singing the spice girls like Mel B is in their hearts.

He grins at me, his eyes glistening from the alcohol but for some reason he has never looked so adorable. Like a schoolboy who’s up to something.

“Ah, wait and see Mimi, wait and see.” He tells me cryptically, before he begins to walk away “I’ll be back in a minute.”

My eyes widen in shock as I see him run off towards the bar and towards some girl who was so hot I would have gladly dipped into the seafood buffet for a night with her. He stops in front of her and they begin talking, exchanging smiles and grins. Suddenly, I didn’t just want to have a lesbian experience with this chick, I also wanted to smash her head against the bar until she starts seeing cartoon birds flying around her head.

An overreaction I was allowed to have considering I was tanked up like a gas station.

Suddenly I see them both walk towards the back, and I can’t believe my eyes as I realise Drake has actually left me to go and hook up with that hot chick.

Even as I say the words, I realise how it sounds.

The asshole has left me on my own in a strange bar. I don’t care if he wants to get his end away with the girl, but at least wait for me to make a friend to leave me with before you go humping your way through ladies night!

I had a mind to go back there and kick him in the balls, but I was no cockblock. I’d beat the crap out of him after he’s finished entertaining the hottie.

See, not a cockblock. I'm a wing woman. Like superman only without the gay tights and a vagina.

More people piled into the club, drunken women all in groups screaming and giggling. Worse comes to worse, I would get up and socialise. I had gone up the bar and ordered myself a jug of Sex on the Beach. This should keep me occupied until the stud muffin at the back has finished.

I don’t know how long went by before I suddenly realised something was going on. The light on the stage had gotten brighter, and suddenly the music was a lot louder. It was like entrance music, and I soon realised why as I saw the hottie Drake had gone in the back with come onto the stage, smiling and holding a microphone.

I furrowed my brows in confusion. What was she going to do, announce to everyone she’s just been smashed and dashed?

“Good evening ladies and welcome to the Rager bar’s monthly ladies night!” the girl talked into the mic, earning her loud screams and cheers from the girls around the place. I had just realised how packed it actually was. I couldn’t see one empty table. “We have decided to do something a little different this month and try out our first open mic night…” she suddenly smirked and looked around the crowd “…and ladies, you will be glad we did. To our utter pleasure, our first open mic volunteer is actually a gentleman…” the crowd begins to cheer like hyenas ready for dinner “…he has offered himself up to entertain you fine ladies, and when you take a look at him, boy will you be entertained.”

I actually scrunched my face as the screams and cheers around the room threatened to bust my ears. I had no idea what was going on, all I knew was that my jug was half empty. And that I suddenly had the urge for a slice of cheese.

Holy shit, I am wasted…

“So, welcome to the stage the fine, the muscled and the ripped Mr O’Connell!”

My eyes shoot to the stage, almost choking on my drink as I don’t believe what my ears have just heard.

The stage goes dark as I see the hottie walk off the stage. The screams from the horny women around me continue as the music suddenly changes to a tune I actually knew.

 It was ‘Take You Down’ by Chris Brown. A song about banging basically. Appropriate when it came to Drake.

Suddenly, the stage lights up again and in the middle of the spot light stands Drake with his back turned to the audience. He was still wearing his suit from the wedding, along with the massive green and orange sombrero.

The slow music begins, Chris Browns voice suddenly filling the room. I look on confused as I realise Drake isn’t holding a microphone, telling me he has no intention of singing.

As he turns to face the audience, a grin at his mouth as he looks onto his adoring fans I suddenly realise what he is doing.

He isn’t singing. He’s going to freaking strip.

“Here we are all alone in this room…” The music blares around as Drake walks onto the long bit of the stage. He takes the sombrero off his head and drops it on the floor behind him.

“I’ll take my time, we’ll be alright girl…” he takes his suit jacket off, sliding it off his arms slowly as a smile is playing on his lips, before flinging it out into the audience where some woman actually stands to catch it screaming with approval.

“It aint my first time but baby girl we can pretend…” He mouths the words to the song, biting his lip as he begins to slowly roll his hips to the beat of the song sending the women through the roof. He grips the base of his tie, slowly beginning to undo it and throwing that into the crowd as well. The beat to the song suddenly picks up as the chorus properly kicks in, and as I stare on with my mouth agape he does the killer move that I swear actually was going to drive these girls through the roof.

“Let me take you down, I really wanna’ take you down...” he drops onto the floor, and like a fucking pro he begins to thrust his hips into the floor to the beat of the music. He pushes himself back up with agility, loving the approving screams from the audience from the grin at his lips.

“So don’t stop, go get it, quit playing with it…” he grabs his crotch and bites his bottom lip, and again the screams of the girls around the club reach a new level on the metre.

I gotta give it to him, he didn’t look like an amateur on there. He looked freaking good. He was doing moves which reminded me a bit of the guys off Magic Mike…

Then it clicked. He was doing this because of what I told him earlier.

I had said I would love to see a live show like that, and the freaking idiot went and gave me just that.

I suddenly found myself laughing as I watched him up on the stage undo the buttons on his shirt and showing off his rippled chest to his adoring fans.

He immediately jumps off of the stage and to a table full of blushing and cheering young girls. He walks over the girl closest to him, giving her the killer half a smile that is famously known for making girls drop their skirts like their life depended on it. He leans over and places a kiss on the girls cheek, making her friends cheer and she actually giggled. He suddenly straddles the girl on the chair, grabbing her wrists and placing her hands on the top of his trousers, riding them up to the point where I swear the girl was on the verge of a climax.

I knew her pain. Drake had a habit of doing that to women.

Before anyone knew it, he was off the girl and back on the stage as the chorus began to finish, he slowly undid his belt and slid it off, holding it  up in the air as he looked around with a grin.

I was still laughing at the moron, not believing he was actually doing this.

Just as the chorus finished, I saw his eyes instantly snap to me.  Before I knew it, he was off the stage again only this time he was at my table.

“Pretty girl let’s take it off in this room…” he mouths along to the words, an amused look on his face as he steps closer to me. His hands go to my thighs, slowly easing them apart until he was in between them. “No time to waste, girl you know what you came to do…” he grabs my wrists and places them on his shoulders, an instinctively I begin to slowly pull his shirt off of them, revealing more of his smoking hot body.

“We got all night to try and get it right girl, I hope you’re ready, hope you’re ready, hope you’re ready…” with every ‘I hope you’re ready, Drake slowly pushes his hips against me to the music, sending the girls around me insane as they watched on in envy.

Suddenly, I feel his hands at my waist and with no effort at all, he lifts me off my chair, my legs locked around his waist. I let out a laugh as I feel myself being lifted in the air. He looks at me with an amused grin as he walks back to the stage, placing my behind on it and turning my legs so I was now sat by the edge of the stage.

He jumps back onto the stage, not on his feet but automatically going to his knees so he is knelt over in front of me. His hands are on my legs again, placing one on either side of him as he stares down at me with that mischievous look in his eyes. He looked the picture of mischief right now. His shirt was still undone revealing his bare chest.

Suddenly as the chorus kicks in faster, his hands grab my ankles and yank me towards him, causing me to slide across the floor. I should be embarrassed, I should be blushing but to be honest I was too drunk to care. This was freaking hilarious.

Perfectly in time to the music, he leans over me balancing himself up on one arm as he rolls his hips against me. The girls were cheering us on, a few of them wolf whistling.

As the music carries on, he grabs my arm and sits me up, and somehow with agility and skill, he pulls me on top of him, manoeuvring his legs so now he is the one laying on the floor, his knees slightly up and I'm straddling him like a bar stool.

“Your chance to be in the Magic Mike movie sweetheart, take it away.” He grins up at me, and I let out a laugh.

Fuck it, we were both hammered. May as well do it properly and make complete assholes of ourselves. I place my hand on his chest as I begin to move my hips to the music.

He closes his eyes and places both hands behind his head, pulling his bottom lip into his mouth with a smirk at the corner of his mouth as he is clearly finding this as amusing as I am.

“Let me take you down, and show you what I’m about…” I mouth along to the words, leaning closer to him and singing it in his face. His eyes open and he grins, his hands leaving the back of his head and placing themselves on my hips.

“These are like the shows they put on in Amsterdam.” He says, and I can’t help it, I burst out laughing. I’m not even moving anymore I'm just literally sat on him with my head thrown back howling with laughter at the whole situation.

I’m still laughing as I look back down on him, and to my surprise he is no longer smirking, or grinning. Instead he is looking directly at me, staring at my face with so much intensity looking like he was fascinated by what he saw.

My laughter died out as I saw the look on his face, and as my eyes connected with his slowly darkening ones, he pushes himself up to a sitting position. His face is now inches from mine, looking up slightly at me as I swear he is trying to tell me something through the look.

As the music begins to slowly die out, I see that whatever he was thinking about, he had stopped because what he did next required us both not to think.

Without a hesitation he slams his lips onto mine, his hand tangling into the back of my hair as my mouth automatically moves against his. I felt my whole body go into a frenzy as I felt his mouth against mine, the tip of his tongue connecting with mine causing me to moan into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and pulling him closer to me.

I could sense the crowd going crazy, the screams probably cracking a few windows in the place, but right now I couldn’t hear anything. I didn’t know anyone was around me all I knew was that I was with Drake right now. Fake or not, I was with him right now.

The music stopped completely, and as we both began to pull away from the kiss, the screams and cheers from the crowds came back to us with force.

His eyes connected with mine, a small smile at the corner of his mouth and mine as we heard the wolf whistling and cheering around us.

“I can’t believe you did this…” I shake my head with a chuckle.

A grin spreads over his mouth before he shrugs “if anyone can be a male stripper, it’s a hot piece of ass like me.”

I full on burst out laughing at his words, causing a smile to spread over his face from the reaction he clearly wanted.

“Ladies and gentlemen, show your love for the highlight of ANY ladies night you will ever have!” the hottie’s voice from before suddenly echoes through the speakers.

I get off of Drake, remembering there were about a hundred other people currently screaming with approval at us from the bottom of the stage. Drake also gets to his feet. He grabs my hand and both of us give a bow, giving the audience a wave before I feel him pull me out towards the back of the stage.

We were just about to go down the steps when Drake suddenly stops.

“Shit!” he swears, turning back around and running onto the stage. A few seconds later he is back “I forgot my sombrero.”

I burst out laughing “Only coming out of your mouth would that seem like a normal sentence.”

He grins at me and we both walk backstage.

“So, what do you want to do now?” I ask him, my vision still blurred but I was on a high right now after our performance. I was hoping with everything I had that he didn’t say ‘go home’ because I was having too much of a good night to go home yet.

Drake looks up at the clock hanging on the wall “It’s not even midnight yet. I say we swipe another bottle of something from the bar, with guilt and regret as they were so hospitable, then go for a walk and see where that takes us.”

I grin up at him “We can’t just roam the streets Drake; we’d be one cardboard box away from becoming hobos.”

He thinks for a second, clearly realising I had a point.

Suddenly, his eyes widen and a grin spreads over his face.

“I have an idea.”

“Those words coming out of your mouth make me nervous.”

“Don’t worry it’s not that bad.” He reassures me “But this idea involves dipping into my little Mexican stash.”

I furrowed my brows in confusion as Drake reaches into his trouser pocket and pulls something out. He holds the bottle up for me to see with a smirk, and my eyes widen as I realise what they are.

The Mexican pills that we found in Luke’s cabin.

He sees the surprise in my eyes and utters the most reassuring words he could think of “Don’t worry, once you pop a couple you can wear my sombrero.”


A/N: Soooooo, thoughts and opinions? how much did you love the idea of Drake being like a Magic Mike stripper?  Best magic trick ever? predictions on what is going to happen once they pop he mexican happy pills?


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