Chapter 42- 'He tried and failed like the Twilight Films.'

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A/N: Last chapter was depressing as hell, so the humour is back in this one! 

Thank you to curlyfry394 for the hot ass banner i love it!


One month later

“You will literally stop at nothing to skip a day of school won’t you?” My brother shakes his head disapprovingly as he sees me leaning over the toilet bowl wiping my mouth.

Yes, I am that attractive.

“Nate seriously, that freaking chicken you made you last night was still healthy enough to have a run around the house. You are to blame for this.” I inform him, my stomach doing summersaults.

“There was nothing wrong with that chicken. So what it was a little pink, you’re a girl you’re meant to like that colour.” He shrugs, his logic apparently perfectly normal to his moronic eyes.

I look at him stunned “Just because I have a vagina doesn’t mean I like eating foods so pink they basically scream out salmonella!”

He grimaces “Ergh, don’t say that word.”

I furrow my brows “What word?”

He’s still scrunching his face, before he whispers “Vagina” and shivers.

I roll my eyes, my stomach doing another flip and I have to turn to the bowl as I continue to puke my guts out.

“That is so attractive Mia; you’ll sure as hell find a husband one day.” Nate tells me sarcastically, and I flip him off while I'm still puking.

I stop, wiping my mouth again as I take a few deep breaths “Still think I’m lying to get out of triple English?”

He walks towards me so he is standing over me, and takes a peek in the bowl. He scrunches his face in disgust before he shakes his head “No, I believe you. That’s like the shit that came out of the exorcist girl.”

“All thanks to you.” I mutter under my breath, and he actually nudges my back with his knee because I offended what he calls ‘cooking’. I call it taking live animals and putting them on plates.

I don’t know why I ate that chicken. We were both in last night and suddenly Nate had a Jamie Oliver moment and decided he was going to chef up the kitchen. I was so freaking hungry I didn’t realise until I had eaten half the chicken that it still basically had a heartbeat.

“It wasn’t my cooking; I’m not spewing my guts up.” Nate points out sitting on the edge of the bathtub. He starts rubbing my back once he sees me gag again.

“That’s because your stomach is immune to everything considering the amount of crap you put in your mouth.” I counter, urging slightly.

I see him smirk from the corner of my eyes “I do put a lot of disgusting things in my mouth.”

My eyes snap to him as I glare “You realise how gay that sounds?”

He shrugs “It was too much of a good set up not to take it, even if it did make me sound like Elton John.”

I breathe a laugh.

Thank god we were back to normal. It took a while; for the first couple of weeks the most I would get out of him would be a grunt in the morning and the occasional ‘you’re blocking the telly’ statement. Living in the same house day in and day out made it impossible for us not to speak though and finally he started to be fine with me again.

We talked it through, which was an awkward freaking conversation saying to your brother you’ve been banging his best friend, but we had it out. I also broke down to him and admitted I knew about Drake.

The stunned look on his face I will never forget. He looked like I had just told him he was pregnant.

He was shocked Drake actually told me, and I saw the flash of disappointment when I told him I had walked away from him. It lasted a few seconds before his poker face went back up and he acted like he didn’t give a damn what happened to Drake anymore.

Ironically, Nate stuck up for Drake. When we talked about it, the one time we did and it hasn’t been mentioned since, he had said that Drake went too far sure, but anyone in that position would have been so angry they would not be able to see sense.

He also understood why I couldn’t stay. I felt guilty every single day for walking out of that hospital a month ago, but I just couldn’t handle it. I'm a sixteen year old girl, there’s only so much shit I can handle. That was just too much.

I haven’t spoken to him since that day. I text him a few days later saying I was sorry and asking if he was okay, but I heard nothing back. I also did the typical girl thing and text him apologising every single time I was drunk. Not something I was proud of but my phone unfortunately does not have the ‘you are wasted, you sure you want to send this text?’ app. Again, I heard nothing back.

Nate had barely said his name since the argument they had. Seriously the word Drake around here was worse than screaming Voldermort from the Hogwarts roof. I did see the guilty look on Nate’s face when I told him Drake had taken the fall for what happened at the bar so Nate wouldn’t lose his job. For a second I thought Nate was going to cave in and talk to him, but he didn’t.

Lacey did tell me after that she was snooping through Nate’s phone (they weren’t hooking up still and were adamant that they had become ‘best friends’ but she was still bitch crazy and rooted through his phone to see if he was hooking up with anyone else) and apparently she saw a text Nate had sent to Drake thanking him for what he did. Apparently according to Lacey, there was no reply from Drake.

I did see him a few weeks after that day at the hospital with Sean and Luke in the supermarket. I was on my own because I had a sudden craving for cookie dough, and we had none in the house. He looked different from the last time I saw him. He was talking to the guys and laughing about something, but that laughter quickly stopped as his eyes landed on me.

I was subtle and cool as usual.

I dived behind a tower of baked beans, but because I am as subtle as a sniper I knocked into it causing them all to tumble onto the ground. The local shoppers looked over at me in disgrace.

I saw a half smile on Drake’s mouth as he shook his head slightly.

Now don’t start thinking the reason I dived to hide was because I saw him and was so scared of him because I knew his deepest darkest secret now. It wasn’t that at all. The reason I did try and hide was because I was a female, Drake was a guy I still liked and even though I knew nothing would ever happen because we weren’t even speaking, I was still self-conscious because I looked rougher than a skinny dude after 12 rounds with a polar bear.

I was in sweat pants, my slippers (yeah, I went to the shop in my slippers. This one goes out to you Snooki) and a black sleeveless top that had toothpaste stains on it. My hair was up on my head so I looked like a pineapple and I had no make-up on. Apparently even though I walked out on the guy, I still wanted to impress him.

This is how the female mind works. If there are any guys reading this, seriously what the fuck do you see in us?

Luke and Sean tried to see what caused all the havoc, but I was now hiding behind the doughnuts and pastries so they couldn’t see me. From the small gap in the shelf I was spying through, earning me weird looks from one of the guys pricing the shelves, I saw Drake turn his back and carry on whatever they were doing. I don’t think he told the guys he saw me, because if he did they would be over in seconds making sure I would never forget this moment.

And that was the last time I saw him.

He looked good, as usual. He looked a little more tired than normal and had bags under his eyes. I also noticed the black eye he was sporting, and I shook my head a little pissed that even after everything that happened he was still getting into fights. That boy will never learn.

I can understand why he didn’t reply to any of my texts. I’d be pissed at me too but I'm not going to lie it did hurt. Thing is I don’t know what I intended to happen when I text him. I don’t think I have it in me to handle what he did, but then again this past month without him around has been fucking horrible.

Not having him there when I came down for breakfast, or calling me fat when I mainlined a fudge cake. The house felt empty without him and Nate arguing over who was cheating on FIFA and who ate the last slice of pizza from the fridge. I know Nate was too angry to admit it, but even he felt the same. He did miss him, but he was adamant he was done with Drake.

This is the longest in 12 years they have not spoken, so I was starting to believe it. Even when Drake was inside, Nate would visit him at least once a week.

Jimmy and the rest of the guys had seen him and hung out with him a couple of times. Not a lot though because whenever they tried to ring him to meet he would always be busy. The guys had begged Nate many times to sort it out because they missed being ‘The Lad pack’ as they fondly named it, but it was no good.

“Are you working today?” I asked Nate, pushing myself to my feet as I realised I was done puking my life up into the toilet bowl.

He nodded “Yeah I start in half an hour. I can tell them I'm not coming in if you want me to stay and look after you?”

I smiled “What is your definition of ‘looking after me?’”

He thought for a minute “Like making sure you don’t choke on your own sick and making you soup and shit.”

“Then definitely no if it involves more of your cooking.” I decide, walking out of the bathroom “Go to work I’ll be fine.”

“There’s nothing wrong with my cooking!” Nate defends the live chicken, standing up and following me out. I turn to him and raise a brow, and he sighs “Are you sure?”

I nod “I’ll be fine, I’ll watch some Jersey Shore Re-runs, maybe watch Bad Boys. No doubt Lacey will figure out I’ve skipped school and be here by lunchtime so I’ll be fine.” I see him perk up slightly as I mention Lacey’s name. I smirk as I notice it, and he avoids eye contact. “Although that might make you want to stay home even more?”

He glares at me “We are friends Mia.”

“Just because you haven’t slipped it to her in a few months doesn’t automatically make you friends. Especially if every time you’re in a room together you’re staring at her like she’s the Juliet to your Romeo.”

“I do not stare at her!” he quickly replies, and I look at him with raised brows “I admire the clothes she wears.”

I burst out laughing at the poor defence “Yeah, admire them while you mentally take them off of her.” He stares death in my direction as I carry on laughing “Seriously when are you going to grow a pair of balls and admit you want to be with her?”

He doesn’t reply and just continues glaring. An evil smirk suddenly forms on his mouth.

“I’m going to work now.” He informs me whilst towards the stairs “I’ll bring you back a KFC.A bucket full of greasy, pink, juicy chicken.”

My stomach gurgles, and I put a hand over my mouth as I urge.

“You absolute asshole.” I choke out before I turn and run back to the toilet bowl.

As I continue to throw up half my body weight, I hear my brother walk down the stairs laughing.

“Get better soon Mia.” He chuckles, his tone smug as he got the result he wanted.

Its times like these I wish my parents put him up for adoption.


I was so freaking bored.

It wasn’t even 2pm yet and I had no idea what I was going to do. Lacey had already rung me raging that the head teacher already caught her trying to sneak out after second period. Apparently the excuse she gave was that she had a premonition there was a massive explosion and she had to make sure the town and its people were still okay. She was now being watched until the final bell rang because apparently that wonderful excuse just wasn’t believable enough. I wonder why.

So I didn’t even have her company, and Nate wouldn’t be home until later so I literally had no idea what I was going to do. To make it worse, I felt a little better. Once I had vomited up a good majority of my body weight I felt fine. I little lightheaded and a bit of a stomach ache but all in all I felt fine.

I made the decision I was going to go into town. If anyone saw me from school I would say I thought I was having a heart attack and had a doctor’s appointment. Hopefully I won’t have to explain this when I reach McDonalds because I don’t think that excuse would be believable whilst I'm waiting for my nuggets.

I brushed my teeth about 4 times to get rid of the smell of sick. I did my hair and put some make up on, I felt like shit but I didn’t want to look like it as well. I however stayed in my grey sweatpants and black ‘Yeah Buddy’ top, throwing on a ¾ length denim jacket and white hi tops.

I laughed to myself as I glanced in the mirror on the way out the door and realised I was a poster girl for tumblr right now.

The walk into town was only 15 minutes, and the fresh air did really help actually. I now have another reason for leaving the house which can be classed as medical. Once I reached town I bolted to McDonalds, doing a mini fist pump as I saw it was dead and there was no queue.

I ordered my nuggets; yes I did order 20 of them, and what?

Once they were on the tray in front of me and I was basically watering at the mouth, I put my card into the machine and waited while the little screen said ‘please wait’ like an obedient little girl.

It dawned on me I was throwing up all morning from eating uncooked chicken, so what do I have for lunch? Chicken. My life made a lot of sense.

Once I put my PIN in I immediately went to reach for one of the nuggets, but suddenly the workers voice stopped me.

“Your card has been declined.” He informed me, wearing his little hat.

I furrowed my brows “How the hell has it been declined?”

“By coming up with a message saying ‘this card has been declined.” He replied sarcastically, and I narrowed my eyes at the comedian in front of me. “Do you have any money on it?”

“Yeah, my brother put £20 on it yesterday.” I informed him “He lost a bet. He said he could do the cinnamon challenge but failed like the Twilight films.”

“That is fascinating and all, but the machine’s not accepting the card so I’m afraid I can’t give you the food.” The guy told me, his face looking bored. He was really starting to piss me off. No man keeps me from my nuggets.

“What happened to service with a smile?” I asked him bitterly.

“I’m not serving you because you have no money, so I'm not inclined to smile.” He responded with an amused expression and I gritted my teeth in annoyance.

I snatched my card out of the machine “Listen pal, just because that hat screams ‘virgin’ doesn’t mean you have to take it out on us customers. Maybe if you smiled a little more you wouldn’t be sat at home on Saturday nights masturbating to ‘Star Whores’ and writing angry poetry about how hard your life is.”

I smiled sweetly at him, leaning over to the tray and picking up a nugget as he stared back at me with his jaw touching the counter.

“Take my advice chuckles. You’ll thank me for it one day.” I took a bite out of the nugget and gave him one last smile before I turned and walked out. I may have been a little bitchy, but the asshole was standing between me and my nuggets. It was never going to end well.

I stormed over to the bank to make sure Nate did actually pay that money in and didn’t pussy out on the bet. He lost fair and square, and I have a kitchen covered in cinnamon powder to prove it.

I walked into the posh little building, like all banks were. I think a few people looked at what I was wearing and thought I was going to rob the place. Safe to say I stood out a little.

There weren’t that many people in here it was quite a small bank, there was a bigger one across town so this one was more of a convenience if you were lazy and couldn’t be bothered to walk that far. It may have been built especially for me actually.

I went to one of the machines by the wall and put my card in, and sure enough there was money on the card. I was going to go back to McDonalds and poke that kid in the eyes with my bank statement.

I got my card back and put it in my pocket, waiting for the statement to be printed out.

And that’s when I heard the shouting.

“Everybody get down now!” I heard a man’s voice scream, and as I turned around my eyes almost came out of my sockets.

It was a freaking robbery.

“This is a robbery!” he screamed, couple of seconds too late may I add.

It was a bit pointless for him to scream it anyway to be honest considering every person in this bank had already figured that out as soon as they spotted the 4 men, dressed all in black with balaclavas over their faces carrying guns.

Holy shit, they had guns.

Everyone immediately got to the ground, a few women screaming as they did which really pissed me off. How exactly is that going to help?

I got to the ground too, going to lie on my stomach but as soon as I did my stomach started playing up again.

Holy crap, do no puke. Do not puke Mia Hastings.

I realised if I kept laying like this I was going to barf all over the floor, so I decided to just get on my knees with my hands up in surrender. I saw a couple of other people doing this so I thought it was acceptable.

Jesus Christ, being part of a bank robbery is like being part of the cool group at school. Make sure you do what everyone else is doing.

The four men with the guns were spreading out, one of them closing the front door and putting some kind of lock through the handles so no one could get in. Or out.

I could have just been at home, puking and watching Jersey Shore but nooooooooo, I just had to get some freaking nuggets.

“Everyone stay on the ground or I swear I will put another hole in your body.” The leader guy who had done all the talking so far threatened. To be honest he didn’t even need to bother saying that considering there were a grand total of 16 people in this bank, and 2 of them were men. The other 13 were screaming females and if they didn’t shut up soon, I would ask to borrow one of those guns so I could shoot them in the fucking vagina myself.

I was pretty out of sight considering I was in the corner almost behind them. I debated whether to be like batman and try and hide behind the big plant by me, jumping out on the men and saving the day considering they haven’t even looked in my direction yet so I probably had the best chance to be the hero.

Then I decided against it realising I didn’t want to die.

I too failed at the cinnamon challenge last night, so if I couldn’t do that how the hell was I going to fight off 4 bank robbers with guns?

“You…” the leader guy pointed to the two cashiers behind the counter protected by glass “…You’ve pressed the panic button I'm sure, but that’s no use as my good friend disabled it already. So turn around, walk your pretty little ass to the safe and put the money in these bags.” He ordered, walking to the door that led behind the counter and behind the protective glass holding a bunch of rucksacks.

The cashiers had no choice but to let him in considering they were too fucking stupid to actually lock the door. I rolled my eyes as I saw him open the door and laugh at their stupidity. Probably the worst run bank in England today.

The two other guys were stood in front of the group of people on the floor, sort of guarding them and making sure no one did anything stupid. I looked at the guys; one was a pretty big dude. The black hoodie he was wearing was tight on his broad shoulders and as much as I hated myself for it, I began to wonder whether or not he was hot once you took the balaclava off.

Don’t judge me okay, there isn’t much to do in a bank robbery.

The other guy was a little skinnier and a shorter than the beefy guy next to him, but i still wondered if he was worth a look without the mask covering his face. The one by the door was beefy, but more in the cheeseburger kind of way than a muscled kind of way. He wasn’t huge, but he could do with doing a few sit ups before bed.

Suddenly, the beefy maybe hot/maybe not guy cocked his head and took a few steps forward.

He stopped over one of the women; she was sat on the floor with her knees up. Her eyes were on something on her trousers, but as soon as she felt his presence loom over her she looked up with terror in her eyes.

“What’s that in your hand sweetheart?” his voice was low, there was a smile to it. I narrowed my eyes as I heard him. She didn’t reply, too scared for any sound to come out of her voice. The balaclava he was wearing showed his mouth, and I saw his lips turn up as he chuckled “No phones in the classroom.”

He stuck his hand out and waited patiently for her to hand it over. She eventually did, hesitating slightly but she realised there was no point in being a hero. It wasn’t your money they were stealing, so just let them take it. A wad of cash isn’t worth a bullet in the ass.

Unless it was a biiiiiiig was of cash, and Considering i couldnt afford Nuggets I'd probably take a bullet for a fiver.

“Good girl.” He smiled down at her, not in a threatening way but it was almost…friendly. He crouched down and rested his arms on his knees “You’re lucky it was me who confiscated this, my friends aren’t quite as charming as I am.”

I was staring at the guy so hard now. I couldn’t hear his voice that clearly because he was speaking in a low tone, I could make out what he was saying though and for some reason it made me pay attention. I swear I recognised that voice.

‘I wanna see your peacock, cock, cock. Your peacock, cock, cock.’

My eyes popped out of my skull as I heard the ringtone suddenly blare around the bank.

I then closed them and sighed as I realise it was coming out of my pocket.

Thanks a lot Lacey, you’re going to get me shot…

I recognised her personalised ringtone straight away. I found it hilarious at the time because it was just after she had come downstairs after Nate had defiled her, she was in nothing but one of his T-shirts with her hair messed up cavewoman style and I was saying how much of a slut she was. All in good humour of course, the ringtone just seemed appropriate at the time.

How was I meant to know it would come back to haunt me if I was ever in the middle of a bank robbery?

All eyes were on me now, bank robbers and hostages.

I opened my eyes and let out a nervous laugh “I am so sorry about that, let me just switch this thing off…”

I reached into my pocket and pressed the end call button, switching my phone off in the process. I looked up with a nervous smile “I know you're going to confiscate this one too, but is there any chance I can get it back? My dad got it for Christmas and he will be pissed if I lose another phone.”

I wanted to bash my head against the wall. Why the hell did I just say that?

You can buy new phones Mia, what you can’t buy however is your life back once these lunatics shoot you in the face.

The beefy robber didn’t reply straight away. Instead I saw his eyes widen as they looked over at me, his mouth slightly parted in surprise.

“What are you doing here?” he suddenly asked, knocking me back at the tone he used. It was a familiar one, like he knew me. He suddenly realised what he must have said because he cleared his throat and smoothly corrected himself “What are doing over there out of sight?”

I narrowed my eyes as I looked at him harder “I was getting a bank statement. The machine is over here.” I explained, my voice coming out slow as I continued to bore my eyes into him “I wanted nuggets.”

Why I said that bit, I had no idea.

I saw the corner of his mouth twitch but he didn’t smile.

“Over here with the rest.” He ordered, pointing his gun where he wanted me to go. I stood up slowly and walked over until I was in the middle of all the screaming and crying females. I wanted to thump the beefy robber for putting me over here. I debated on asking him if I could move, but decided against it realising its not the best decision to try and nagotiate with a man holding a gun.

I knelt down again; my hands still up in surrender holding my phone.

He walked over to where I was and crouched in front of me like he did to the other woman so we were at eye level.

He held his hand out “Phone.”

I looked straight into his eyes, the familiarity of them so strong. I knew what my brain was telling me, but I refused to believe it. It couldn’t be. It wouldn’t be.

I slowly handed him my phone, my hand brushing against his as I did “I want that back.” I ordered, my voice automatically going back to normal as I forgot these men had guns. When I remembered, I smiled nervously and added “Please.”

A faint smile appeared on his lips, and I couldn’t quite confirm it with just that. I needed something more.

“Don’t do anything stupid.” He ordered, his eyes staring straight back into mine.

I needed to be sure, and I knew exactly how.

“I’ve done a lot of stupid things. I could give you some names right now.” I joked with an innocent smile, the sexual joke clear to anyone who heard it, and it was certainly clear to him because before I knew it a smirk was on his lips.

And that’s when I knew. I would recognise that fucking smirk anywhere.

I felt my stomach drop and I wanted to be sick now more than ever.

“Don’t do anything stupid.” He repeated, almost begged actually as his eyes bore into mine, like he was trying to tell me something through them. He whispered the next bit so low I knew I was the only person who heard him “Please.”

I clenched my jaw, sure now more than ever who the person was under the balaclava and confirming my earlier thoughts. He was hot under the mask.

I shook my head slightly in disgust as I looked at him, and he closed his eyes and sighed as he got to his feet.

“Are we almost done?” he asked over to the leader guy who was helping the cashiers stuff money in the bags.

“Yeah just a couple more handfuls and we’re away.” He called back over.

I never took my eyes off of him, glaring the entire time. I was pissed off, and anyone who saw the expression on my face would be able to tell.

Finally the guy came out from behind the window bit holding 3 rucksacks stuffed to the brim with cash. He handed the other two bags to skinny robber and beefy robber, who slung the strap over one of his shoulders casually. Even the way he had his bag proved it was him, like a jock who was too cool to give a shit.

The door guard robber began to take the lock thing off the door, and as soon as they were open they all began to file out.

To my surprise before they all disappeared, beefy robber walked back over to me and crouched back down.

“You need to change that ringtone.” He said as he slid my phone back into my jacket pocket, his voice low.

“I don’t need to change anything. Unlike some people.” I almost spat back, staring him out as hard as I could.

He nodded slowly, pulling both of his lips into his mouth as he thought for a minute.

“Tell me about it.” he replied, his voice almost deflated.

“Kid, hurry the fuck up!” The leader guy was shouting at him. He kept eye contact for a few more seconds, and then he pushed himself to his feet and followed the others out.

I finally let my arms down, giving up the surrender motion and just stayed on my knees staring at the door he just walked out of. I don’t know how long I stayed there, but I could hear police sirens coming from outside so it must have been a while.

I gritted my teeth, I was pissed. Beyond pissed.

Screw surrendering, I was about to knock seven shades of shit out of that moron.

I stood to my feet, the crying and weeping from all of these stupid women around me getting on my last nerve. I was the first one to walk to the door and leave, no doubt the police will want me to answer a few questions but screw them, they can ring me.

I had bigger fish to fry.

Or to put it more accurately, I had an ex-convicts balls to fry.

All of this because I wanted some fucking McNuggets…


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