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A Snake
April 13th, 1978

James read over and over again the last letter he had received from her, it was bittersweet he'd say. He was mostly happy to hear from her, and over the moon to read that she had been having fun in muggle London. He wondered if they'd be able to stroll around London, hand in day. He cleared his throat, folding the letter and putting it in his nightstand before rising to his feet.

The holidays had been fun for the most of it, all of his friends were there and they'd spend most of their times outdoors. Remus and Peter would speak under the big tree in the garden, while Sirius and James played Quidditch for long hours. Sometimes, they'd go in the muggle village not too far from his home, sit in this cafe called Chez Lola—probably a french woman who had moved to England, anyways her coffee was excellent—though, he found himself dying to have a butterbeer again.

Other days, he would get jealous of his two friends. Sirius and Remus weren't very affective in public, but it was the small details that—unfortunately—James had caught. Sirius intertwining their hands, Remus innocently running his hand through Sirius' curls or whispering into each other's ears. It had been seriously painful. He missed his lover.

"Pete, this isn't right," James muttered as he read his DADA essay. "Where did you get all these informations?"

"In the book?" He replied, not sure of himself.

James sighed, "Here," he told him, handing him his own essay. "Use mine if you need to, alright?"

"Thanks, James," he smiled softly, looking down at his own essay before effacing the whole thing with his wand. "Hey, don't you find Sirius and little too annoying? I mean, not annoying but—"

"They're in love," James cut him off, glancing at his two friends as they laid into Sirius' bed. "You should he happy for them, Wormtail."

"Right, yeah," he muttered.

Peter was nice, James thought that—after all, they had been friends since forever. He had grown up with him and had shared everything with Peter before Hogwarts. But, sometimes he could be a little naive, though James knew he didn't mean to.

"Hey, Prongs," Remus called for him as Sirius left. "There's an owl at your window," he pointed as the maroon owl knocked on the window restlessly.

James rose on his feet rapidly, "Oh, that's Feather," he mumbled, opening the window slightly. "Hey, you," he cooed, patting the owl affectionately.

"Feather?" Remus questioned, making James go stiff. "Is it one of your family owl?"

"Er, no," James muttered. "She's my girlfriend's," he admitted lowly, hoping he wouldn't ask further questions.

"Girlfriend, eh? You never told us about her, who is she?" He asked, making himself comfortable in Sirius' bed, meaning he wouldn't leave until he had an answer.

James cleared his throat, "She's nice. I mean, she's funny and brilliant, Moony," he breathed out. "I think you would like her, at least she would have the bullocks to put Sirius back in his place," he chuckled.

"Who is able to put me back in my place?" Sirius queried as he entered the bedroom again, and plopped on the bed. "Well?"

"Oh, nothing," Remus said. "We were just talking about James' mysterious girlfriend," he grinned.

Sirius hummed, "Well there are only a few explanations why he hasn't told us yet," he started and James sighed loudly. If only he could tell them, it would make things so much easier. "First, Lily knows her. Second, she is not very nice or we don't like her—"

"Well, Prongs just told me I would like her," Remus answered, cutting him off.

Sirius waved a careless hand at his boyfriend before continuing, "Or, perhaps she wants to keep it a secret to make things exciting," he teased James.

"Or, maybe she's in Slytherin," Peter chirped in and James' eyes widened, not excepting Peter to throw away his most important secret.

Sirius grinned at Peter, "Wormtail has a valid point," he then said, clapping his hands together. "So? Which one is it? One, two, three or four?"

"Ah," Remus smirked. "One is one them. Prongs just went stiff at the mention of it, so my guess would be on one," he told.

"This is bloody ridiculous," James groaned, closing his eyes. "It feels like I'm being interrogated," he added.

"Okay, I agree with the Lily thing," Sirius mumbled, clearly scrutinising his best friend. "Could she possibly be in Slytherin? Let's read this letter, shall we?"

"No!" James shouted.

The letters were the closest things he had from her and her well-being, he wanted nothing more but to keep them to himself. It was truly one his favourite thing to read, especially before going to bed. His fingers would trace every single word and small silly drawings she had made on the parchment.

"Okay, Pads, give it back to Prongs," Remus muttered quietly, reaching for the letter but Sirius backed away.

"I want to find out the bloody truth!" He argued, and suddenly his mood had changed and he was not joyful anymore, but angry. Angry at James for hiding her. "He's supposed to trust me, us! Don't you want to find out, Moony?"

"Well," he cleared his throat, scratching the back of his neck. "Of course, I want to but I think it should be James who tells us," he added.

"He will never tell us!"

"Because I fucking can't!" James said angrily. "She doesn't want me to say it because she's scared of what could happen...No one knows, except for us," he muttered, his jaw clenched. "And if she wants to keep it like that, then I will keep it like that because I love her!"

"Go on, let it all out," Sirius exclaimed. "I don't care, I'll still bloody read this letter, James."

"Okay," he agreed silently. "But I've warned you," he added, looking merely angry now. James knew the second he would start reading, Sirius would definitely try to hex his arse. "Want to make a deal?"


James grinned, "You read the letter but you can't shout at me," he said, showing his hand so he could shake it.

"Deal," Sirius mumbled.

He released a breathe and opened the letter, his eyes read it carefully and James could have sworn he saw, at least, five expressions on his face. The frown between his eyebrows kept increasing and he wondered when he would come to the realisation that Daphne, was in fact Daphne Rosier—his dearest cousin. Feeling content with the deal he had just made, James simply laid back on his back and waited.

"You bloody wan—" Sirius started.

"Shh," he shushed him rapidly. "We made a deal, remember? So, if you want to talk about it calmly then yes. But, if you want to shout at me then I will go back to my room and wait for you to cool down."

Sirius grunted, "No, it's okay. I—we can all have a calm conversation about this," he responded then turned his head towards Remus. "Moony, yell at him please."

"Who is it?"

"My cousin!" He whispered. "My bloody cousin, Daph," he said, glancing at James. "Is it her?"

"Yeah," James shrugged. "We've been together since November," he confessed. "That's where I go most of the nights."

"How romantic," Sirius snorted.

Peter gasped from his seat, "Are you with a snake?"

"She's not so bad, Pete," James smiled at his friend. "Ask Remus, he will tell you."

"She did promise to not talk about us," he stopped watching at Sirius then continued. "Or, my condition. And, as for now she didn't say anything so I trust her."

James smiled gratefully at Remus, "Thanks, mate," he said lowly, then looked at Sirius. "She's not so bad, trust me."

"I just want you to be happy," Sirius muttered, running a hand through his messy curls. "You don't know how our family is, Prongs. It's dangerous for you to see her, I'm serious."

"And, I'm James," he smirked as Pete and Remus sniggered.

Sirius rolled his eyes, "Using my jokes on me, very funny, Prongs," he mumbled. "You don't know my family like I do," he then said.

"Listen, Sirius, I'm happy," he stated. "You know how much I am. I would do anything for her and I know she would do the same," he said confidently.

Sirius released a breath, "I need to think, I will be out," he said, rising on feet and leaving the bedroom. Remus sighed, giving James a pat on the back before trailing behind his boyfriend.

"Mum wants me home by six, I should get going," Peter whispered and James forced a smile, watching him the bedroom.

Once again, James Potter was alone. Exactly how his life had started, then Sirius came along and these amazing blokes that he loved to death. He wasn't so alone anymore. He sometimes dreaded the moment he would have to go home because then it would mean he would be alone, no Remus to tease, no Sirius to laugh with, no Pete to play chess with. It was mostly why he felt the need to invite people during the holidays. Sure, he loved his parents dearly and was happy with them but it could get a little too much.

Then Daphne came along, she seemed to be the worst idea of his yet. But, then he realised that he was wrong, so wrong. She turned out to be everything he had been looking for, she matched him so well and he wondered how he hadn't found her earlier. It was silly but the laurel leaves pin that he wore on his heart, as she asked him, made him feel less lonely and loved.

Knocks echoed through the bedroom, snapping him out of his thoughts as he shouted a small 'come in'. He watched his mum walking in, with a soft smile on her face as she sat down on the bed.

"Hello, darling," she said gently, kissing his head. "Care to tell me why Sirius just left the house in a hurry?"

"Just some things," he muttered under his breath, staring at the snitch in his hand. Something he would keep with him as much as he could. "We had a fight? Well, not really but he is angry at me."

"Over a girl?" She teased.

James chuckled, "Kind of," he sighed loudly, glancing at his mum.

"Is it about the secret girl, then? The one you won't talk about?" She queried.

James' eyes widened, "How did you know?"

"James, love," she let out a breathy chuckle, ruffling his hair as he muttered a few complains under his breath. "I know you like the back of my hand, darling. And, you are awful at lying," she added.

He gasped, "Am not!"

Euphemia Potter just burst into laughters, and James thought it was the first time he heard his mum laugh so loud, "You are, darling," she patted his back. "Do you want to tell me everything about her?"

"Do you promise to keep it to yourself?" He whispered, suddenly nervous to tell what he had been itching to spill for a few months now.

"Of course, James."

That was how James started speaking about Daphne Rosier and everything he adored about her. The way she played Quidditch and might be a better player than him, her mum promised she would try to talk to McGonagall about coming to see them play. Not only James, but Daphne too...And for some reasons, it meant the world to him. He managed to tell her about how amazing she was in potions, and how funny she could be.

When James finally couldn't stop thinking of things to tell his mum, the sky was bright orange and the moon was slowly replacing the sun.

"I am sure Daphne is an amazing girl," she said at the end, smiling at her son.

James nodded, agreeing, "You don't think it is bad? Bad of me to like a Rosier?" He murmured. "Sirius thinks it is bad..."

"Her last name doesn't mean anything, James. Sirius is a Black and he is nothing like Walburga or Orion," she exclaimed. "Perhaps she will be as good as Sirius."

"I know," he replied softly, then straightened his posture and offered his mum a loving smile. "Thank you, mum. It feels good."

"As I said before, you are a horrible liar," she teased with a chuckle as James snorted. "Alright, come down for dinner. I am sure Winky prepared your favourite dish."

James nodded, "Alright," he rose on his feet and opened the door. "After you, Madam," he bowed his head, steeping aside to let his mum walk out.

Euphemia gasped softly, putting a hand on her chest as she faked to be flustered, "Thank you so much, Mister Potter."

April 16th, 1978

Sirius hadn't talked to him that much the past few days, James reckoned he needed a little more time and it was alright with him. Instead, he would spend time with his mum when she wasn't randomly called in by the Ministry and when she was gone, he would just read Daphne's last letter. He still hadn't received an answer from the last one he had sent three days ago, but he didn't mind much, she would answer sooner or later.

"Mia, you have heard what Moody said about Vol—"

"Don't speak so loud, Monty. The kids are just upstairs," she scolded as he apologised. "And, I have heard what Moody said. I was at the meeting too," she added.

"He is in Britain. In Buckinghamshire," he muttered under his breath. "He's rumoured to be staying in one of the trustworthy family," he told.

James stopped in his tracks, listening closely. His parents never wanted to talk about with him nor Sirius, so the two teenagers found themselves ears-dropping way more than they wished to. Every conversation confirmed their doubts about their parents being closely involved in the war, or whatever was coming their way.

"Just stop talking about this here, Monty. I don't want the boys to hear anything," his mum warned lowly as his father clicked his tongue, and hummed. "Thank you."

A soft pop made James jump in surprise as he turned on his heels, and his eyes landed on Winky, "Mister Potter should not be listening to his parents. I is very disappointed," she murmured. "Winky does not like ears-dropping."

"Oh, come on, Winky! They don't tell us anything," he argued.

"Because Mistress and Mister Potter are good. They do it to keep Mister Potter safe," she pressed, frowning.

James sighed, knowing he would likely lose the argument against Winky, "You are right, Winky. I am very sorry, I will go to bed."

"Good, Winky is happy then," she gave him a bow and left his sight as fast as she could.

James released a sigh, and decided to walk up the stairs. His parents seemed troubled enough, he didn't need to annoy them with silly talks—but, he was getting lonely. Sirius and Remus had spent much time together, and he was happy about it. They deserved it. He missed Sirius and Remus, that was it. Peter hadn't showed up at all, he had sent letters a few times though, stating he would be leaving England for the rest of the break.

"Pads? Moony?" James whispered, knocking gently on the door, Sirius' bedroom door now.

"What?" Sirius' voice echoed.

"Can I come in?" He asked shyly, like a tall child. After hearing a low grunt, he pushed the door open and smiled at his two friends. Remus was sitting in the armchair, reading a book as Sirius laid in his bed on his stomach. "Hello."

"Hiya, Prongs," Remus said softly, waving. "What is going on?"

James shrugged, suddenly feeling very stupid to have come. Sirius clearly hadn't forgiven him yet, "I-I just felt lonely," he confessed.

Sirius snorted from the bed, "Aren't you writing to my cousin?"

"Sirius, enough," Remus warned lowly. "Prongs, it's not wha—"

James cut him off, shaking his head, "No, I want to hear it. I'm sick of spending my days alone because this wanker isn't able to forgive me!"

"You're right, I am not!" He shouted. "You are going out with my bloody cousin, Prongs! From all the girls at Hogwarts, you chose Daphne Rosier!" He argued, rising on his feet and took a step closer from James. "Their family isn't like ours. They don't have a long and calm conversation about who we love! They judge, threaten and torture you because they are not the right match—so, please forgive me if I am a bit reluctant about this relationship," he added.

"I love her," James was all he could say to defend himself. What else there was to say? "I love her and I would do anything for her, Sirius. Do you remember when we talked about her? I told you she made me happy the way Remus makes you happy...I've said that she made me feel things that I've never felt before. I-I thought I loved Lily but I am not so sure now," he admitted, inhaling deeply.

"It isn't right, do you know that?"

James nodded, "I do."

"You will never have a happy ending with her, except if she is ready to leave everything behind," he added. Daphne would never leave everything behind, not Evan at least. "And, I am not so sure she will do that. Ever," he said lowly.

His words cut deeper than James thought they would have. Sirius Black was right and James couldn't say anything to deny it, anything.

"I don't care," James replied after a bit of thinking. "I am happy for now, we will see how things evolve from there," he then told him. "I should go back to my bedroom."

"Wait," Remus hurried herself to say before James could walk out of the bedroom. "I'm happy for you, Prongs," he articulated, ignoring Sirius' stare on him. He would definitely hear about this in a few minutes. "As long as she makes you happy."

"Thanks, Moony," James answered, his heart warming at the thought of having, at least, one of his friend who was happy for him. "Night."

James hurried himself to his bedroom, closing the door behind him and desperately tried his best to get as fast as he could into his bed. He was angry and tired, he had enough of Sirius' behaviour towards him—he actually wanted to hide under the covers and never get out again. He threw his clothes on the closest chair before plopping into his bed, and letting a sigh of relief as he let all his muscles relax. He tried to not think too much of what Sirius had said, or what he had heard in his parents' discussion instead he closed his eyes; and did what he thought the best. Think of her.

Knocks interrupted him as he prompted on his elbows, squinting his eyes to see who it was. He soon recognised Remus, "What's going on, mate?"

"Can I bunk in?" He asked, reaching the bed and James nodded his head, letting Remus move under the covers. "I might bunk in a little more now," he admitted.

"Sirius got angry, didn't he?"

Remus snorted, "Angry? He is absolutely mental, I will tell you that," he replied, earning a chuckle from James. "I hope you know he doesn't mean any bad things he has said these last few days," he added, clearing his throat. "He's just...He's confused and a tad angry. He will get over it, trust me," he said to James.

James nodded, "I know. I trust you, Moony."

"Right, yeah," Remus smiled sweetly. "I should probably sleep, then. Night, Prongs and thanks for letting me sleep in the bed."

"Of course," James answered. "Night, Moony."

authors note, only james but a lot of daphne's mentions so it's a win-win!!!!

also thank you for 12k LOVE YOUUUU

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