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Not So Lord-y
December 15th, 1978.

Regulus was reading as he usually did these times. He didn't do much since he couldn't quite leave the house or his brother's friends would be on his tracks, which he was trying to avoid at all cost. He wasn't scared, he was confident and knew he could take them but parts of him didn't want to hurt his brother's friends.

Anyways, two nights ago, Kreacher had returned home in quite bad shape after the Dark Lord had borrowed him. The house-elf had tried explaining it so Regulus had done a lot of research in their family library, so he could connect the dots and last night, he had finally found something quite disturbing.

It turned out, their Dark Lord was not so lord-y.

He would have tried to contact Daphne but he couldn't find her anywhere, perhaps she didn't want to be found considering she was spying on his brother and his friends. Besides, Regulus had heard from his mother that Daphne was really angry about Evan becoming a death eater.

But, something didn't feel quite right. He couldn't just keep this to himself and the truth was that Regulus was kind of lonely. So, he found himself at Daphne's door on a very early morning, pondering if he should knock or not.

After long minutes, he finally built the courage to knock and waited. Surprisingly, Fabian Prewett was the one to open the door, "Godric, Black. Hello."

"Prewett," he greeted him. "Is my cousin here or are you just wandering in her flat?"

He snorted, "No, she's here. Come in," he said as he moved out of the way. "Tea?" He offered.

Regulus hummed, taking off his coat, "I'll have a cup of tea, please."

He spun on himself as he took some seconds to analyse the whole place. It had completely changed since she had moved in. The place was fully furnished and colorful compared to the places they had both grown up in. Weirdly, he found himself enjoying it.

"Fa--Regulus," Daphne's voice cut short as her eyes landed on Regulus who was in the middle of her living room. "What are you doing here?"

"I've--I needed to talk to you."

"Where were you?"

"Around," he replied casually, grateful that Prewett had stepped out of the room. "See, I've been reading lately."


"Daph, listen to me," he pleaded softly. "I know our family hasn't been kind to you these past few weeks and I'm very sorry for that but--"

"You could have owled me," she cut him off. "I spent most of my days alone and you could have owled or visited me!"

"I know."

Daphne sighed, "Why didn't you?"

"I wasn't--I thought your reaction was disproportionate," he admitted, full of shame. "I didn't think Evan becoming a Death Eater was a bad thing."

"Why is that?"

He shrugged, "Because men can do what women will always struggle to do so," he said without thinking. He winced right after and continued. "What I meant is Evan and you are totally different, and I tend to think that Evan could be a little more reckless than you."

"Being reckless is not a good trait, Regulus," she replied harshly.

He nodded, "I know that but--it could be a good thing for what's to come," he told her. "Before we argue about Evan being what he is. I want to share with you some things I found while I was reading. Have you ever heard of Horcruxes?"

"Once or twice," she said with a frown. "It was in Narcissa's library. They have these old books that I usually always go through and read about them once or twice. Why?"

He released a breath, "Right, Kreacher, my house elf, he--he came back home two days ago shaking and terrified. The Dark Lord had requested for me to send Kreacher so he could see something, so I did. Kreacher was barely alive when he made it home so I asked him what was wrong and he ranted about a cave, a pendant and—it was strange, Daphne."

"Do you know what he was talking about?"

"I think...The Dark Lord is creating Horcruxes. I don't know how many he did but I believe he made one in this cave."

"Reg...this is mental..." she whispered, running a hand through her hair. "What are you going to do?"


She frowned, snapping her head towards him, "Nothing?" She repeated.

"I want to avenge Kreacher but...I cannot just step out of my role. He's going to know something's off," he muttered. "Would you be willing to help me?"

"Regulus," she took a pause and let out a sigh, knowing she couldn't refuse. All she wanted was to take Voldemort down. "I don't know if I can help."

"Please, Daphne," he pleaded gently. "I know I'm not perfect but...Kreacher has been my only friend in the house and—he seemed in bad shape. I want to make him pay. There's no better way than destroying a part of his soul."

"But...what if something happens to you?" She said. "What if things were wrong and something happened to you?"

"What if something happens to you?" He asked.

Daphne snorted sadly, "No one cares if I leave this world. They wouldn't even know."

"Don't be ridiculous..." he muttered. "Evan asks about you and Narcissa too."

"I don't know, Reg."

"Daphne..." Fabian's voice chirped in as if he had been listening from the beginning.

Regulus sighed, "Would you stay out of it, Prewett? This is family matter," he muttered as Fabian rolled his eyes, clearly used to the attitude. Regulus deducted the red hair had met his brother.

"You really do look alike. You and your brother," he exclaimed. "Both arrogant."

Regulus offered him a tight smile, "Well, it's known to run in the family," he mumbled. "I'd like to talk with my cousin."

Fabian rolled his eyes but walked back into the room as Regulus focused back on Daphne, "Was it necessary?"

"What? To tell him to bugger off? Yes, absolutely."

"Regulus, I want to help you...but, isn't it a bit risky?"

Risky. It was risky but it mattered, it needed to be done. If Regulus was honest, he didn't know anyone braver than Daphne. It was the main reason that pushed him to reach out to her, despite the problems. Daphne was everything he was not and he really admired that.

After a moment of complete silence, Daphne sighed as she ran a hand through her hair. He took a moment to look at her and he noticed how tired she looked, she didn't really looked exhausted but overly tired. He pondered asking what was happening in her life with everything, but he somehow felt like he shouldn't.

"I'll help you," she finally whispered. "Just...wait for me to owl you, alright?"

"Right," he answered, grabbing his coat and drinking his tea in a rushed manner. "I'll leave you then."


Daphne's eyes lingered on the door even though Regulus had walked out minutes ago. Fabian made his way towards her, sitting down next to her. It seemed he had heard the whole thing because they sat in silence for ten minutes as if they were still processing Regulus' request.

"Is it...Is it mad?" She finally built the courage to ask.

Fabian sighed tiredly. He hadn't been sleeping well lately considering all the missions he was asked to go to, "I—I wouldn't know. I reckon you should talk about it to Dumbledore. He'll know."

"Fab, I don't think Dumbledore is the first person I should talk with."

"Who is then?" He asked. "I am not letting you go with your bloody cousin. It's just—You're bound to die, if you go. Voldemort is not stupid, he probably charmed that cave and if you manage to find the horcrux, he'll know. It won't be long until he comes for you."

Daphne scoffed, "I'd rather want him to come for me than the rest of the world. This is—This is stupid. I need to walk," she muttered, standing up.

"Daphne! Stay and let's talk about it," he pleaded softly, following her to the door. "Come on..."

"Fabian, I need air. I need to think," she said. "I'll be back in a few hours."

Needed air. That was what she needed right now. She could barely think straight and was already falling into a never ending spiral. Was it the right thing to do? How could she even help Regulus? Thinking about it, Daphne had barely attended meetings lately.

If only she could talk to someone other than Fabian. Sadly, Daphne wasn't talking to Pandora or Rebecca anymore. The only thing she had heard was that Rebecca had moved out of England and Pandora was living with her now-fiancé.

For some unknown reason, she found herself pushing the door of the Leaky Cauldron, somehow hoping to find a family face in the place. Instead, the only person who was enjoying a glass of firewhisky was James Potter.

"Of course he had to be there," she muttered under her breath, making her way to the bar.

Funnily enough, he didn't notice her until she spoke up to order the same drink. He turned his head just to check if it was really her or if the alcohol was making him hallucinate but there she was.

He blinked twice just to see if she was really here. That was when he noticed that her hair had gotten longer and she was slightly skinnier than before. Was she eating enough? Was she alright?

"Hello," he found himself talking as he tried his best not to stare too much. "I didn't know I could ever find you here on a Thursday afternoon."

Daphne hummed, "Well, things change."


Minutes later, Daphne spoke again, "I didn't think I would see you here either. Why aren't you with Lily?"

"Oh, she's away," he answered as he vividly recalled the argument and the reason why Lily left. "We've had an argument."


He chuckled softly, almost awkwardly, "You."


"Yes. Lily just lost the plot when you showed up at the meeting...You know how she is...She discovered that I knew about you know and she thought I still loved you," he ranted.

Daphne felt her heart racing as she sipped on her drink, "And do you?"

"Do what?"

"Well, do you still love me?"

He shrugged, "I—No," he said then sighed, rubbing his eyes. "Actually, I don't know if I still love you. You're my first love and feelings don't disappear that easily, do they?"

"I—It depends."

"Did you lose all your feelings for me?"

Think, was the only thing Daphne kept telling herself. Think hard and don't say anything stupid, she thought too.

"I didn't lose all your feelings for you, however I love Fabian more than I love you," she blurted out. "Does that make me a bad person? Because Salazar knows that I've loved you as hard as I possibly could, but left me and Fabian didn't."

"It doesn't make you a bad person," he answered gently, though Daphne could see that he was hurt. "It makes you an honest person and a good person. If Prewett was able to make you do the right things then he's a good bloke too."

"He is."

James nodded his head softly, not knowing what to say to fill the silence. He hated the fact that his heart still skipped a beat when she looked at him or simply quickly glanced at him. He felt weak and like an idiot whenever she was around. He loved Lily, he really did but why did he still feel that way? He knew deep down that she didn't feel that way anymore but he couldn't help but love her.

"I still have the snitch you gave me last year," he said, a smile appearing on his face as he reminisced about the moment. "I couldn't throw it away."

"Lily would kill you if she knew," she replied quietly. "You should throw it away."

He shook his head, "I don't want to. It matters."

"It shouldn't."

He didn't know why her answer made him so angry. Why didn't she care like he cared?

"Why did you come back?" He asked. "Why now? It's been months--How did he manage to make you come back? Because if I remember well, you were very inclined on staying a death eater for your whole life," he muttered.

Daphne scoffed, "I wasn't planning on joining the Order whatsoever, but Evan joining the Death Eaters wasn't planned either."

"So, everything for Evan then?" He queried.

Daphne agreed with a hum, "Everything for Evan."

"Right. What's happening with you? You look troubled," he told her. Of course he noticed. "I know we're not together anymore but you can tell me."

Something about his tone of voice made her weak inside. He used that same soft voice he used back then, when he didn't loathe her and she was still his whole world. She sometimes missed it. He used to care about her so much and she still pictured his face when he discovered she was one of them, she hated it.

"Nothing much," she mumbled.

He nudged in a friendly manner, "C'mon, Daph. Have you been in contact with your parents lately?"

"Not really--well, not at all to be honest," she replied, looking down at her glass.

"Is that why you look troubled, then?"

"No. It's just--See, I feel like this," she said referring to the war. "It is never going to stop and I know you all think that you have chances to win but...I don't think we will be able to defeat him, James."

He frowned slightly, "Why?" He queried. "I know you like the back of my hand, if you say this now, that means you know something that we don't."

How could he still know her so well?

Daphne sighed, rubbing her face with her free hand then talked, "I know that he is preparing something bigger than we thought and I don't know how far he got," she explained rapidly, not wanting to say too much because he looked so confident.

That was one of the things she admired the most, he was always so bloody confident. No matter the situation, he still succeeded to look confident as if he was able to walk through fire and get out without a scratch. Knowing him, it was probably possible.

"Right," he took a pause and that was when his eyes drifted on her hands. "You're wearing my ring," he commented.

"I didn't think much of it..." she answered. "It's a beautiful piece and I love wearing it," she confessed.

"I knew I was right when I bought it. Fits you like a glove," he said, giving her a sad smile. "I wish--"

"James," she warned. "Don't say something you might regret."

He nodded, pursuing his lips, "There is nothing I regret about you, Daphne."

Daphne smiled warmly as she fought back the tears. Oh, how much she would have loved to hear this months ago. Merlin, she would have adored it.

"I think it's time for me to go," she murmured softly, raising on her feet as she gave him a soft smile. "Goodbye James."

She gently put her hand on his cheek, rubbing it softly as he closed his eyes at the touch. Daphne could feel his whole face relax in the palm of her hand, and she felt herself warm inside. Pulling away, he gave her one last smile and a small wave as she headed out.

James Potter stayed hours in the pub, waiting for the warmth of her hand to dissipate because he still couldn't phantom the fact that she had been here. They had talked and smiled at each other.

Despite his messy thoughts lately, he knew one thing: he still somehow loved Daphne Rosier.

authors note, i'm finally updating after a whole month! i'm so sorry but i've been to london, then got busy with school... it was awful but hey i'm back AND with an update!!!

thank you so so much for 65k reads, i love you! i hope y'all are okay!! ❤️❤️❤️

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