05 : the obsession deepens

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The airport terminal buzzed with the familiar hum of departure, a symphony of hurried footsteps and whispered goodbyes. Yet amidst the bustle, a somber atmosphere hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over the scene before me.

Taehyung stood beside me, his arm wrapped tightly around Jasmine, who was visibly distraught, tears streaming down her cheeks in silent despair. I watched as he murmured soothing words, his voice a gentle melody amidst the chaos, as he tried to comfort his wife in her moment of vulnerability.

But despite his best efforts, Jasmine's tears continued to fall, each one a silent testament to the pain she carried within. And as I stood there, a silent observer to their private grief, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for the woman before me.

In that moment, surrounded by the cacophony of farewell, I saw Jasmine not as the object of my obsession, but as a woman burdened by her own demons, struggling to navigate the complexities of love and loss. And as I watched her heartbreak unfold before me, I couldn't help but wonder what secrets lay hidden beneath the surface of her sorrow.

But as the announcement for boarding echoed through the terminal, snapping me back to reality, I knew that now was not the time for questions or revelations. Now was the time for farewells, for letting go of what once was and embracing what lay ahead.

"It's not going to be long," Taehyung reassured Jasmine, his voice tinged with a mixture of sadness and hope. "Remember what we said to each other before."

Jasmine nodded, her eyes still glistening with unshed tears. "I know," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the din of the bustling airport. "But it still hurts."

Taehyung tightened his embrace around her, offering what little comfort he could in the face of their impending separation. "I promise, it'll be over before you know it," he murmured, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead.

As they stood there, locked in their own private moment amidst the chaos of the terminal, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy at the depth of their bond. For in that fleeting exchange, I saw the strength of their love, a love that transcended distance and time.

Taehyung's embrace felt suffocating, as if he were trying to impart all his fears and worries onto me through the strength of his grip. "Please look after my wife for me," he pleaded, his voice cracking with emotion. "If anything happens, please let me know."

I nodded, my throat tight with unspoken promises. "I will," I managed to choke out, my words barely audible above the din of the airport. But as Taehyung released me from his embrace, I couldn't shake the weight of his request, nor the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.

For in that moment, I realized the gravity of the task that lay before me. I was being entrusted with the care of the woman he loved most in the world, and with it, the burden of his deepest fears and insecurities. And as I watched him disappear into the crowd, a sense of foreboding washed over me, as if the fates themselves were conspiring to test the limits of our friendship, and the strength of our bonds.

I turned to Jasmine, offering her the napkin I had retrieved from my pocket. "Here," I said softly, extending it towards her. "You might need this."

She accepted it with a faint smile, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the hustle and bustle of the airport.

As she dabbed delicately at her eyes, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt gnawing at my insides. Here she was, facing the prospect of being separated from her husband, and yet all I could think about was the selfish desire stirring within me.

But as I watched her, her vulnerability laid bare for all to see, I knew that I couldn't let my own desires cloud my judgment. For in that moment, all that mattered was being there for her, offering whatever solace I could amidst the chaos and uncertainty that lay ahead.

"Let's go home," I murmured, breaking the heavy silence that hung between us. Jasmine simply nodded in response, her gaze fixed on some distant point beyond the confines of the car. As we made our way back, the atmosphere remained somber, punctuated only by the soft hum of the engine and the occasional sound of traffic passing by.

I stole glances at her when I could, observing the subtle shifts in her expression as she wrestled with her thoughts. There was a vulnerability in her demeanor that struck a chord within me, stirring a mixture of empathy and concern.

Despite the weight of the situation, I couldn't shake the nagging feeling that there was more to her turmoil than met the eye. But for now, all I could do was offer her my silent companionship, hoping that it would provide some measure of comfort amidst the storm that raged within her.

"Do you have any plans for this weekend?" I ventured, attempting to ease the tension with casual conversation. She turned to me, her expression guarded. "No, why?" Her response was curt, but I sensed a flicker of curiosity beneath the surface.

"Do you want to come with me to my book signing event?" I suggested, hoping to engage her in something outside of her current emotional state.

"Wait. I didn't know you are a writer."

I chuckled lightly, enjoying the playful banter. "Yeah, I've been writing for a while now, but it's not something I usually bring up in conversation. And as for reading, I have a pretty eclectic taste, but I lean more towards mystery, thriller, and darker genres. I love the suspense and the way those stories keep you on the edge of your seat, you know?" I replied, hoping to keep the conversation light and interesting.

"Do you like to read?"

"Oh, yes, I do enjoy reading," She replied casually, trying to hide her excitement. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she discovered my secret. "Taehyung didn't tell you that I worked as an author?" I exclaimed, my voice tinged with surprise and enthusiasm.

"No, he didn't mention it,"

"I guess he wanted to keep it a surprise,"

Her curiosity piqued, she leaned in closer, eager to learn more. "What do you write about?" she asked, her eyes wide with anticipation.

I leaned back in my chair, savoring the moment. "Oh, a bit of everything, really," I replied nonchalantly. "But I tend to lean towards mystery and thriller genres. You know, suspenseful stories with unexpected twists and turns."

Her excitement grew as she listened intently, hanging on to every word. "That sounds amazing!" she exclaimed, her smile widening. "I love reading mysteries! Do you have any books published?"

I nodded, feeling a sense of pride swell within me. "Yes, a few," I replied modestly. "But nothing too well-known. I like to keep a low profile," I added with a hint of mystery, hoping to intrigue her further.

She nodded eagerly, clearly impressed. "I'll definitely have to check out your work sometime," she said with a grin. "It's always exciting to discover new authors."

I returned her smile, feeling a sense of satisfaction wash over me. "I'd be honored if you did," I replied sincerely. "Perhaps I can even sign a copy for you sometime," I added, the thought bringing a twinkle to my eye.

"What's your bestselling novel?" she asked me curiously.

"Ah, that would be 'The Devil Woman'," I replied, a hint of pride coloring my voice.

Her eyes widened with interest. "Really? I've heard of that one! It's been getting a lot of buzz lately," she exclaimed.

I couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction at her reaction. "Yes, it's had quite a bit of success," I admitted, trying to remain modest.

She leaned in closer, her curiosity piqued. "What's it about?" she asked eagerly.

"Well, it's a psychological thriller with a twist of mystery," I explained, feeling a sense of excitement as I delved into the details. "The story follows a young woman who becomes entangled in a web of deceit and betrayal, all orchestrated by a cunning and manipulative antagonist known as the Devil Woman."

Her eyes lit up with intrigue as she listened intently. "Wow, that sounds intense!" she exclaimed, clearly captivated by the premise.

I nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "It's definitely a gripping read," I agreed. "Full of unexpected twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end."

She smiled, clearly impressed. "I'll have to add it to my reading list," she said enthusiastically. "It sounds like my kind of book."

I returned her smile, feeling a sense of satisfaction at her interest. "I think you'll enjoy it," I replied confidently. "And if you ever have any questions about the story or characters, feel free to ask. I'm always happy to discuss my work with fellow book lovers."

As our conversation continued, I couldn't help but feel a sense of connection forming between us. Maybe, just maybe, this was the beginning of something more.


The weekend I'd been eagerly anticipating had finally arrived. As the appointed day dawned, I found myself filled with a sense of excitement and anticipation. I waited outside my car, eager to pick up Jasmine for the book event we'd planned to attend together.

Standing there, I couldn't help but feel a flutter of nerves mingling with my anticipation. It was as if the moment held the promise of something new and exciting, a chance for us to share an experience that would bring us closer together.

As I scanned the street, my eyes eagerly searching for any sign of her approach, I couldn't shake the feeling of excitement building within me. This weekend was about more than just attending a book event; it was about the opportunity to spend time with Jasmine, to deepen our connection and explore the bond that seemed to be growing between us.

Finally, I spotted her approaching, a smile lighting up her face as she drew nearer. In that moment, all my nerves melted away, replaced by a sense of joy and anticipation at the prospect of spending the day with her. As she reached my car, I greeted her with a warm smile, eager to begin our adventure together.

"Sorry, I'm late."

"It's okay, no worries," I replied, trying to hide my disappointment at her tardiness. "Shall we head to the event now?"

As we arrived at the venue, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. This was my domain, where I felt most comfortable and confident. Leading Jasmine inside, I introduced her to some of my colleagues and fellow authors, basking in the admiration they showered upon me. Jasmine seemed impressed, her eyes lighting up with curiosity as she took in the bustling atmosphere of the book event.

As I sat at my booth with Jasmine beside me, a sense of contentment washed over me. Her presence brought a warmth that made me feel as though she already belonged by my side. I couldn't help but smile, feeling a surge of happiness as we engaged in conversation. In that moment, it felt as though she was more than just a friend; she was someone I could envision sharing my life with, someone who made me feel complete.

As we talked and laughed together, immersed in our own little world, there were moments when I forgot that Jasmine was my best friend's wife. Her presence felt so natural, so comfortable, that the boundaries between us blurred. It was easy to lose myself in her company, to forget the complexities of our situation. Yet, in the back of my mind, I couldn't shake the reality of our circumstances, the fact that she was married to Taehyung, my closest friend. Despite the fleeting moments of forgetfulness, the truth lingered, casting a shadow over our interactions.

As I sat at my booth, signing copies of my book for eager fans, I couldn't help but notice the predominantly female crowd that gathered around. It was a flattering reminder of my own allure, my magnetic presence drawing people in. Women of all ages approached, their eyes sparkling with admiration as they handed me their books, eager for my signature. I smiled graciously, basking in the attention, knowing full well the effect I had on them. Yet, amidst the flurry of activity, my focus kept drifting back to Jasmine, who sat beside me, her presence overshadowing all others. Despite the adoration of my fans, it was her gaze, her smile, that held the most significance to me.

As Jessica's voice pierced through the bustling atmosphere of the event, I couldn't shake the feeling of annoyance that washed over me. Her persistent attempts to claim me as her boyfriend were all too familiar, and I braced myself for another round of her relentless pursuit. Despite her efforts, I remained steadfast in my resolve to keep her at arm's length, my attention firmly fixed on Jasmine beside me. She was the only one who truly captivated me, her presence overshadowing Jessica's attempts to vie for my affection.

Jessica's voice cut through the crowd, its annoyance palpable as she addressed my readers. "Girls, behave yourselves," she scolded, her tone tinged with irritation. Despite her attempt at authority, her words fell flat amidst the excitement of the event, and I couldn't help but suppress a smirk at her futile efforts to assert control.

"Hi, Jungkook!" Jessica greeted me excitedly, but her enthusiasm quickly waned when she noticed Jasmine beside me.

"Who is she?" Jessica asked me with a jealous expression. Jasmine smiled, but before she could answer, I interjected. "Why are you here?"

I shot Jessica a frustrated look, trying to mask my irritation. "What are you doing here, Jessica?" I asked, my tone laced with annoyance.

Jessica's eyes widened in surprise at the sharpness of my question. "I... I'm here because I'm your manager for these events, Jungkook," she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of defensiveness.

I fought to keep my frustration in check, my jaw clenched tightly. "That's not what I meant," I snapped, unable to conceal the irritation in my voice. "Why did you decide to come today of all days?"

Jessica hesitated, sensing the tension in the air. "I just wanted to see you," she admitted, her voice faltering slightly.

My irritation only grew at her response. "Well, you're interrupting something important," I retorted sharply, unable to hide the edge in my voice.

Jessica's expression fell, a flicker of hurt crossing her features. "I... I didn't realize," she stammered, her tone apologetic.

I sighed, feeling a pang of guilt at her reaction. "Look, Jessica, I appreciate your support, but I need some space," I said, trying to soften my tone. "Can we talk about this later?"

Jessica nodded slowly, her shoulders slumping with resignation. "Of course," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

As Jessica retreated into the crowd, I couldn't shake the feeling of frustration gnawing at me. Her unexpected presence had thrown me off balance, and I couldn't help but resent the intrusion on what was meant to be a special day with Jasmine.

"She looks like she has feelings for you. I think it's a good sign. Taehyung told me that you've never had a girlfriend."

"No. She's just my colleagues."

"I may not show it, but my heart belongs only to you, Jasmine. I am obsessed with you," I silently confessed to myself.

As the event drew to a close, I breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that we had managed to avoid any major confrontation. Despite the underlying tension, I felt a sense of accomplishment knowing that I had successfully completed the signing event without any significant incidents.

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