19 : Serial Killer

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As the days passed, my role as Jasmine's protector consumed me entirely. The line between right and wrong blurred as I continued to eliminate anyone who posed a threat to her safety. Each act of violence weighed heavily on my conscience, yet I found solace in the belief that I was her guardian angel, her unwavering protector in a world fraught with danger.

But with each life I took, the darkness within me grew deeper. Was I becoming the very thing I despised? A serial killer driven by an insatiable thirst for control and power? The thought haunted me, but I pushed it aside, clinging to the notion that my actions were justified in the name of love.

Yet, as I stared into the abyss of my own morality, I couldn't ignore the nagging doubt that gnawed at my soul. Was there another way to safeguard Jasmine without resorting to violence? Could I protect her without succumbing to the darkness that threatened to consume me?

As I grappled with these existential questions, one thing became clear: I would do whatever it took to keep Jasmine safe, even if it meant sacrificing my own humanity in the process. For in her eyes, I found redemption, purpose, and a flicker of hope amidst the chaos. And as long as she needed me, I would continue to walk the razor's edge between protector and predator, haunted by the shadows of my own making.


Over the course of three days, I carefully observed Hanni from a distance. She seemed content in her own world, playing with her canine companion in the backyard. But behind that facade of happiness, I knew her true nature—ugly, just like her personality. With no family to lean on and no one to watch over her, she was the perfect target for my plan.

Living alone, Hanni was vulnerable, and I exploited that vulnerability to execute my plan. Gathering information about her routines and habits, I found the perfect opportunity to strike. Sneaking into her home under the cover of darkness, I tampered with her vitamins, adding a deadly poison to the mix. It was a calculated move, ensuring that she would ingest the lethal dose without suspicion.

As I left her home that night, I felt a sense of satisfaction, knowing that I had eliminated a threat to Jasmine and myself. Hanni's absence would go unnoticed, her demise attributed to natural causes. And as I returned to Jasmine's side, I couldn't help but feel a sense of duty fulfilled—a guardian angel protecting his woman from harm.

The following day, news of Hanni's death reached us. According to reports, the police believed it to be a suicide, a tragic end to a troubled life. However, I knew the truth behind her demise, a truth hidden from the prying eyes of law enforcement.

As investigators combed through her belongings, they stumbled upon her laptop, a treasure trove of illicit content. Illegal videos, evidence of her dark dealings, were scattered throughout the device, shedding light on the depths of her depravity. It was a grim reminder of the darkness that lurked beneath the surface, a darkness that had now been extinguished along with Hanni's life.

Despite the police's assumption of suicide, I couldn't shake the feeling of satisfaction that washed over me. Another threat had been neutralized, another guardian angel act to protect Jasmine from harm. Yet, as the world mourned the loss of Hanni, I couldn't help but wonder what other dangers lay hidden in the shadows, waiting to be uncovered.


We are currently at the makeup store. She's keen on getting some new makeup. Honestly, I'm not really bothered whether my woman wears makeup or not. It's just something they seem to enjoy. I'm glad Jasmine doesn't seem too affected by what happened with Hanni. Still, she's respectful enough to attend Hanni's funeral. She's really kind-hearted.

"I should try a new shade of romand lip blur tint and peripera blusher. But I haven't finished the ones I already have," she remarks.

I smile at her playful complaint. "Well, why not treat yourself? It's always nice to have some options, right?" I suggest, reaching for my wallet. "Consider it a little gift from me."

Jasmine looks at me with a grateful smile. "Are you sure? I don't want to be a burden."

I shake my head, dismissing her concern. "Not at all. It's my pleasure. Besides, seeing you happy is worth every penny."

With a nod of appreciation, Jasmine begins to carefully select her desired shades, her excitement evident as she examines each product. As she makes her choices, I can't help but feel a sense of contentment knowing that I can contribute to her joy in even the smallest of ways.


I look around my house and chuckle softly. It's undergone quite the transformation. What was once a minimalist space in white, grey, and black now exudes a more lively and cozy atmosphere. The scent of mint has been replaced with the sweet aroma of strawberry pound cake. It's reminiscent of Jasmine's influence. She's truly made this house her own with her decorative touches.

As I admired the changes in our home, I couldn't help but remark on the transformation. "You really love the coquette style, don't you?" I asked Jasmine, a playful smile tugging at my lips. I watched as she moved around the room, adjusting small details and adding finishing touches to the decor.

Jasmine paused for a moment, considering my question. "Yes, I do," she replied with a smile, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "I love how it brings a sense of warmth and coziness to the space, don't you?"

I nodded in agreement, taking in the soft hues and delicate accents that now adorned our home. "It definitely adds a certain charm," I admitted, feeling a sense of contentment wash over me. "And it's all thanks to you."

Jasmine's smile widened at my words, and she moved closer to me, her hand reaching out to gently brush against mine. "I'm glad you like it," she said softly, her gaze meeting mine with warmth and affection.

Leaning in closer, I couldn't resist the urge to press a kiss to her forehead, reveling in the feeling of closeness and intimacy that surrounded us. "I love it," I whispered, my voice filled with sincerity. "Just like I love you."

"You're a sweet tooth," she says with a teasing grin, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Am I?" I replied playfully, feigning innocence as I glanced back at her.

"When will your new book come out?" she asked eagerly, her curiosity piqued. I could see the excitement in her eyes, and it warmed my heart to know she was so invested in my work.

I smiled at her, appreciating her enthusiasm. "Maybe next year," I replied, considering the timeline for publication. "In two months, I'll be submitting my manuscript to publishers, and once they've had a chance to review it, we'll see where it goes from there."

Jasmine nodded, her expression thoughtful as she processed the information. "I can't wait to read it," she said sincerely, a smile spreading across her lips. "I know it's going to be amazing."

Her words filled me with a sense of pride and determination, and I couldn't help but feel grateful to have her unwavering support. "Thank you," I said softly, reaching out to squeeze her hand gently. "I'm lucky to have you by my side."

"Give me a little spoiler, Kook," she begged me like a little kid. Her cuteness is my weakness, but I'm not going to fall into her trap. I don't know what reaction she would give me if I told her about the plot. What if she thinks I am the creepy guy and psychopath?

"Come on, just a tiny hint," she persisted, giving me her best puppy-dog eyes.

I chuckled softly, shaking my head. "Sorry, babe, can't spoil the surprise. You'll just have to wait and see when it's published."

She pouted playfully, nudging me with her elbow. "You're no fun, Kook."

I wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. "I promise it'll be worth the wait. Besides, I want your honest opinion when you finally read it."

Her expression softened, a genuine smile lighting up her face. "Okay, deal. But don't take too long, okay?"

I pressed a kiss to her temple. "I'll do my best to speed up the process for you, my love."

As I pondered over the ending of my storyline, I couldn't help but feel torn between a happy and a sad ending. A happy ending would mean Jasmine and Taehyung divorcing, and me marrying her, with Taehyung eventually accepting the situation and forgiving us. However, a sad ending would bring about a myriad of possibilities – perhaps involving Taehyung's demise, one of us meeting a tragic end, or facing the consequences of my actions and ending up in jail. The thought of Jasmine suffering at Taehyung's hands weighed heavily on my conscience. I realized that in order to craft a truly compelling conclusion, I needed to draw inspiration from real-life events and emotions.

"Jungkook," Jasmine's voice called out from behind me, pulling me back from the depths of my thoughts. I removed my glasses and turned to face her, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. She stood before me, clad in her lace pajamas, a vision of beauty and grace. "Yes, Love?"

She approached me, her steps graceful and purposeful, before settling herself onto my lap. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close as I pressed gentle kisses against the nape of her neck. The scent of her perfume enveloped me, a heady mix of sweetness and warmth that stirred something primal within me. The tantalizing aroma of strawberry pound cake hung in the air, tempting me to indulge in the feast before me, to mark her as mine in every way possible.

"I just FaceTimed with Taehyung, and I don't know why, but he seems to know about us," Jasmine confessed, her voice tinged with concern.

"What do you mean? Did he say anything?" I asked her nervously. I shouldn't feel nervous because I know I need to face the consequences. Having an affair with his wife is not something I should be proud of. But what can I do? Having Jasmine in my arms makes me feel proud of myself.

"He's talking about you. But he sounds mad. He didn't even say 'I love you' to me before we ended the facetime. He also talked about how he'll be back anytime and wants you and me to be ready."

I bite my bottom lip, feeling a surge of anxiety. I suddenly remember my dream where Taehyung comes to my house with uncontrollable anger, hitting me in the face and accusing me of betrayal.

Is the day of reckoning for my storyline and my life coming sooner than I expected? I didn't know it would happen so fast.

"And I want to confess something," she says with a somber tone.

I patiently wait for her to speak, sensing the weight of her words.

"My parents asked me to come to their house," she reveals, her voice filled with sadness. I can feel the trauma she carries from her past, and I can't blame her for being scared.

"Do you want me to come with you?" I inquire gently, reaching out to touch her arm softly.

She shakes her head, indicating that she doesn't want me to accompany her.

"I just don't want to go. What if they abuse me again? I can't even stand in front of their door because I'll hear my own screams," she confides, her voice trembling with fear and vulnerability.

"What do you want me to do? To protect you?" I ask, feeling a surge of protectiveness toward her. I know that all I can think of doing is to eliminate the threat, but they're still her parents.

"Kill them," she says suddenly, causing me to choke on my breath in shock.

She bursts into laughter, and although I was initially taken aback, I can't help but join in, relieved that it was just a joke.

"Just kidding. They're still my parents no matter what. I love... them," she concludes, her laughter fading into a soft smile.

But for a moment, I couldn't shake the feeling that there might have been a kernel of truth in her words.

But I suppose I'll never truly know.

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