♡ forms ♡

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Haha ! Glad to know you are guys have made it till here. ^_^



Username :
Book title :
Subtitle and its position:
Book genre :
Fandom (if fanfiction) :
Author name :
Type of cover you want :
Summary of book (short ):
Mood :
Any face claims ?:
Any object claims ?:
Specifications :
Inspo (if possible):
Tags (4-5) :

Note : dont give fake tags please.

Inline comment here --->

■ character aesthetics ■

Username :
Aesthetic type (just pictures /colourcoded)
Book title : ( not necessary)
Character name :
Character traits :
Habits :
Any face claims ? :
Any quotes ?:
Colour scheme :
Tags (4-5)

Inline comment here --->

■ story banners■

Username :
Title :
Genre :
Author name :
Specifications ?:
Face claims ?:
Mood :
Type of banner you want :
Tags (4-5)

Inline comment here -->

■ end banners /end banners ■

Username :
Title :
Subtitle :
Add anything else like (thanks for reading , weekly updates , goodbye, dont forget to vote ):
Any face claims :
Object claims/background :
Mood :
Tags (4-5) :

Inline comment here --->

icons /edits ■

Username :
Type of icon /edit you want : ( edited /hand-drawn) :
Face claim :
Mood :
Colours :
Inspo :
Tags (4-5)

Inline comment here --->

character cards ■

Username :
Title :
Character name :
Character summary :
Face claim :
Sentences you want to add :
Character habits :
Quotes :
Mood :
Inspo (if possible)
Tags : (4-5)

Inline comment here --->

character gifs ■

Username :
Title :
Character name :
Face claim :
Any quote you wanna add :
Mood :
Colours :
Something bout the character :
Inspo (if possible)
Tags (4-5)

Inline comment here --->

certificate /stickers■
Username :
Awards name :
Idea /mood :
Specifications :
Other text :

I recommend to those who are hosting awards to PM me since it will be easier.

■ book marks / quote handlers■

Username :
Quote you wanna add :
Mood /idea :
Specifications :
Face claims /nature claims :
Tags : (4-5)

Inline comment here --->

Have fun ordering , and patiently wait for my time !

Adiós ! ^_^

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro