Ha, Yeah... Soooo

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We have a bit of a problem at the moment. ~Hailey

And it doesn't have anything to do with me this time!!! ~Angel

Right... Dan's just having a bad time right now with... I guess I could say it's life. ~Hailey

Yeah, let's just say life. ~Angel

Anyways, he just feels bad about something going on on here between him and a few other people. He may or may not be on very much because of how he's feeling. ~Hailey

Yeah and one of the people that are part of it, he might talk to them for a little bit unless they make up their mind. He told me he doesn't want to rush them, he doesn't what to do that. ~Angel

If you are this person, he doesn't want you to feel bad. He really does like you. ~Hailey

Way to go Hailey, you pretty much just told them who he likes. ~Angel

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