Chapter - 16

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Two days later:
Swara was sleeping peacefully in her room when her phone rings. She moved her hand Lazily on side table to grab her phone with her eyes still closed. She got the phone and open her one eye a bit then take the call and closed her eyes again keeping the phone to her ear.

" Hmm.. yes." She said in sleeping tone.
"Happy birthday sleeping beauty." She heard from other side. She smiled.

" Thank you Sanskar. But you know na, Sleeping beauty can't wake up till her Prince kiss her." She said teasingly.

"hmm... That could have been only possible if you would had let me come to your mansion. You have strictly ordered me not even try then how can I deny your order ma'am." Sanskar said.

"Ohh but I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about my prince." Swara said in playful tone.

" Really?? Then I guess I should disconnect the call. Your prince must be coming to you."she heard him teasing. But her eyes got wide open.

" What no way Sanskar!! You are not going to come here! I said na, we will meet in evening." Swara said hurriedly only to hear chuckle from other side.

"Well, I was also talking about your prince not me, swara." Sanskar said with Chuckle. Swara smiled.

" Princess.. wake up!!" She heard her dad coming toward her room calling her name loudly.

" Shit!! Dad!! Bye Sanskar." Swara said hurriedly.
"Bye swara, love you." Sanskar said.
" Love you too." Swara said and immediately disconnect the call and threw the phone aside then only Shekhar came inside.

" Good morning dad." Swara said smilingly.
" Morning and Happy birthday princess." Shekhar said.
Swara hugged him.
" Thank you dad." Swara said.
"Here is your gift."shekhar said giving her a box.
Swara took it and immediately open it only to find a beautiful necklace set.
" Wow dad, it's so beautiful but it looks so expensive. What was the need to buy it?" Swara asked.

Shekhar kissed her forhead.

" To see this smile on your face. Whatever is mine is yours princess." Shekhar said.

" I loved it dad, thank you." Swara said.
" You told me not to have any party that's why I didn't keep. So what's the plan?" Shekhar asked.

"Woh.. I will celebrate my birthday with orphanage kids. But before that with you, we will go to temple like every years." Swara said.

" Sure, you get ready. I will wait for you downstairs." Shekhar said patting her cheek and goes from there.

" There is one more plan but sorry, can't tell you dad." Swara thought smilingly.

She goes towards her bed and pick a photo frame from table. It was her and her mom's pic.
" Hey mom, I wish you would have been here. But still I know your blessings are with me. Love you Mom." Swara said with smile and kissed the pic.
Then swara goes to Washroom. She comes out in her bath rob after sometime and pick a white anarkali suit. She gets ready then goes downstairs. Then only Twinkle came.

"Happy birthday Swara." Twinkle wished and gifted her small god idol. Swara happily takes it and thanked her.
Then they goes to temple. Twinkle also accompanied Shekhar and Swara.
After reaching temple, Swara prayed in front of God idol and take blessing.

After noon:

" Ok dad, we are going to orphanage now." Swara said.
" Okay beta take care. Have fun." Shekhar said.

" Dad, it will take some time for come back. So I will come late. Please... I want to spend time with those children and celebrate with them." swara said in requesting tone.

" Okay, ok.. enjoy yourself. It's your day. But guards were there only." Shekhar said.

"Yeah, they can be there. I don't mind." Swara said with smile.

Twinkle looked at her with narrowed eyes. Swara winked. Twinkle shakes her head unbelievably with smile.

They come out mansion and sat in car. Guards also sit. Swara make faces. Twinkle saw this and chuckled. The car started and moved away. They Firstly buy few things, sweets and chocolates for children. Then went to orphanage.
When swara entered, kids rushed to her. They sang happy birthday for her and they made her cut the cake that was arranged by orphan caretakers. They knew about swara's birthday as she usually come to celebrate every year. Swara feed them cake happily. And then Twinkle and swara both distributed chocolates and sweets in children. They were celebrating with happiness and joy.
It's been evening now, around 7:15p.m. Twinkle looked at swara and nods.
" Come on kids, it's dark now. Let's go inside. " Twinkle said.
All kids went inside along with Twinkle. Swara also about to go inside when guards started to come.

" What? I am just going inside. They are kids and they aren't going to harm me. So, you both can wait in that room or wait here." Swara said.

" That's ok ma'am, we will wait here. They said and sat on the bench." The guard said.

Swara nods and goes inside room.
After spending Sometime with kids, Swara escaped from there with Twinkle through back door.

" Swara, you always do like this!! What if uncle come to know about it?" Twinkle.
" Arey chil Twinkle, nothing will happen. If we wouldn't escaped then how will we go to pub? I can't take them with us. And dad won't know neither those guards, we will come back before 10:30. I told caretaker to handle everything. And other thing is I already took permission from dad that I will come late." Swara said.

" Swara, you will land yourself and me in problem some day. If uncle will come to know we fooled guards again na, then you will go newyork and I..." Twinkle was saying in worried tone but swara interupt.

" Don't worry, I will take you with me." Swara said with Chuckle.

" Swaraaa!!" Twinkle said in fake angry tone.
They come to the main road and get inside the cab. After sometime, they reached pub. Swara paid the fare.

" Where is Sanskar and Kunj?" Swara asked looking around.
" Wait, I will call kunj." Twinkle said and turned around dialling kunj no. Then only she dashed with someone.

" Sorry, sorry behan ji.." The guy who dashed with her said looking down.

" Kunj!!!" Twinkle yelled out. Swara who also heard and see all this laughed.
" Twinkle, you? And swara? You both are wearing this anarkali suit? Really? We are going inside pub not in temple." Kunj said unbelievably.

Twinkle rolled her eyes at him while Swara chuckled.
"Your car keys??" Twinkle demanded.

" What? But why?" Kunj asked.
" Shut up!! and give me the car keys." Twinkle said.
Kunj took out his car keys confusingly from his pocket and give it to her. Twinkle grabbed it and pressed the button to get his car in parking.

" Come on swara." Twinkle said and walk with a bag in her hand. Swara followed her and kunj too.
Twinkle get inside back seat and shut the door.
"What's going on? Can you tell me?" Kunj asked confusingly.
" Twinkle I must say, your boyfriend is really a duffer." Swara said who standing out with kunj.
" I know that Swara." Twinkle said from inside the car with chuckled.
Swara started talking with Kunj looking around. Only they were in parking lot.
Then only Twinkle came out of car. Kunj who was saying something looked at Twinkle. She was wearing a black dress till her knees with full sleeves.
" Woww.." kunj said unconsciously.
Swara giggles and get inside car to get change.
" Now, I hope you won't feel like going temple Mr. Singhania, right?" Twinkle asked with tight smile.
Kunj nods no and smiled.
After few minutes swara also came out of car. She was wearing red wine colour off shoulder dress.

" Thank you so much Twinkle, it's so beautiful dress. I loved it." Swara said.

" Oh sorry, I forgot to wish in all this. Happy birthday swara." Kunj said and hugged her.
" Thanks kunj and it's ok. You already wished on phone call." Swara said with smile.
" But where the hell is My idiot Boyfriend?" Swara aske din a bit angry tone.
" So, he didn't tell you?" Kunj asked.
" What?" Swara asked confusingly.

"He had some really important meeting so he said he won't be able to come and that's why he sent your gift via me as I was coming. He said he will talk to you but I guess he is too busy to call even." Kunj said in slow tone looking at swara who was getting angery. He give a box that sanskar told him to give swara.

Swara fumed in anger watching the gift wrapped box in her hand.

" What does he think of himself!! I don't want this!!" Swara shouted and threw the box but Twinkle instantly caught it. She knew Swara will regret throwing and will definitely see it when her anger will subside.

Then only Swara gets call. It was sanskar. She instantly took the call.

" You dog, idiot, monkey, donkey!! What the hell do you think of yourself!! I came all the way escaping those guards to celebrate my birthday with you but your meeting is more important to you na?" Swara started yelling without letting sanskar to even say.
Twinkle and kunj looked at each other and shook their head.

" Swara, wait please listen to me. I know you are angry but it is really important otherwise I would have...." Sanskar was saying but swara cuts him.

" No, you always do it and even on my birthday you don't have time for me. Fine!! What do you think? If you won't come, I won't celebrate my birthday. Go to hell. I hate you. I hate you Sanskar Maheshwari. Don't you ever show me your face!! Good bye!!" Swara shouted and disconnect the call without even listening.

To be continued...

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