Chapter - 20

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Swara was still in that position on the floor, resting her head back on wall. Her tears never dried up. Her mind was replaying the recent unbelievable scenario in front of her eyes again and again rather she was still trying to believe whatever happened. Did she really just got betrayed by the guy whom she loved more than anything in the world. Whom she trusted the most. Reminding the moments spend with him, she was still trying to make herself believe that it was lie. For a minute if her mind will accept the reality then what about her heart... That was constantly battling with her mind. So much anger, hate, fire for her father she saw in those eyes. It never soften at her just for a second to let her believe that it was all a lie. She always saw love and care in those eyes, how can be she so wrong not able to see the anger behind that soft look and smile.
On the other hand, about her dad whatever he told her about her father was that really true? Her mind was exploding with questions only to get no answers.

Swara ( monologue): can dad really do something like this? Whatever Sanskar said, can that be right? Did he  really killed Sanskar's family? No!! That can't be possible, I know my dad. He can't do anything like this. How can I believe on Sanskar words. He betrayed me and I am doubting my dad for him. No, dad always helps people. He can't be a murderer. Sanskar is lying.
I have to get out of here before he do anything to harm dad. He said he will kill dad. I won't let this happen. No, swara.. it's not time to cry over him who was never your's. I have to think something to get out of here and save dad before sanskar could do anything.

Thinking this Swara came out of her thoughts and wiped her tears and look around. She got up tried to open the door but it was locked. She looked around the room. It was a middle sized room but having everything needed along with a washroom. She sees the glass windows and go toward it. It was fixed window ,not openable. She thinks to break the glass and go out and search something to break the glass. She search anything in drawers but didn't found anything. Then she sees the chair. She took it and threw it hardly toward window. She eyes squeezed shut to hear the shattering sound of glass but it didn't Happened. She just heard sound of collision. She opened her eyes only to see chair fallen on the floor and not a single scratch on window.

" What the hell!!" She murmured and went to window and gets angry. She took the lamp stand and harshly smashed it on window. Still the result didn't change then only the door opened. She heard the sound and turned around being scared. It was Ragini who came inside with Swara's food. She heard the sound already when she was coming toward her room and now she saw the chair lying near window and lamp stand also.

Ragini looked at Swara calmly.
" Here is your food Swara have it." She said keeping the plate on table. And saw the plate that was send for lunch was still untouched.

"You haven't eat anything since last night. So have dinner Swara. Otherwise it will affect your health." Ragini said.

" Well you don't need to worry about that Ragini. You all have tried enough times to kill me so even if I die it shouldn't matter to you , Laksh or Mr. Master planner." Swara said sternly.

" We never intended to kill you neither we want to kill you. So have your food and This cupboard is having everything, clothes and other necessary things you may need till you are here." Ragini said looking at her.

Swara turned her face away from her. Ragini turned to go but stopped and say.
"This is unbreakable and more resistant glass Swara. If you will hammer it then also it will be impossible for you to break. So, it will be better for you to stop this unnecessary attempt to get out of here." Ragini said and went out locking the door.

Swara heard it and went to bed. She sat with thud and clutched her hair not able to do anything. She again started to think about Sanskar but then shook her head before her eyes again bring more tears.
" No.. I shouldn't think about him. I have to think something to get out of here. But how.." she murmured.

On the other side she was feeling so hungry. It's true that she didn't ate Anything since last night. Till morning she unconscious and after morning she was just crying, sitting on the floor. She was still in that wine colour short dress.
She palmed her face then sighed and bite her lips to not to cry and blinks several times. She got up and opened the cupboard only to find clothes and other things. She took out a white kurta and leggings and went to washroom.
She turned on the shower and let her tears, pain wash away with water but can her heart feel the peace. Can this really wash away her pain? No!! And she knows it.

Swara had her dinner somehow and now she was lying on the bed. Her wet hair scattered on the pillows. Her eyes  and nose were puffy red. Her back was facing the ceiling. She was feeling tired and weak ,whether physically or mentally.. she don't know. She is just trying to be strong, stopping herself from breaking more but the pain she thinks will just erase from her heart was not that easy. She fisted the pillow dugging her face in pillow, squeezing her eyes shut. Her knuckles turned white and sobs echoed in the silent and dark room with only table lamp on.

Next day:
Gadodia mansion:
Twinkle went inside mansion with scared as well as worried look. There is still no information about Swara. She thought to meet shekhr once that's why she came. She came inside only to find Shekhar was almost yelling someone on phone. Oviously he is father and he will be worried for his daughter, Twinkle thought.

" I don't care DCP, just find out swara from anywhere. I don't care!! It's been already more than 24 hours and we have no information. Is that how you are trying to search..... shut up!! I don't want any excuse.. I just want result. I want my daughter back to home safe and sound otherwise you know me very well what I can do!!" Shekhar shouted on phone.

He disconnected the call and then he saw Twinkle.
" Na.. namastey uncle." Twinkle shuddered.
"Swara is still not found that's what you want to listen." Shekhar angrily said.
Twinkle heard it and feels bad.
" uncle I m sorry uncle.. I.. " she was about to say something but he interupted.
"Exactly Twinkle, you are sorry and the main problem is that swara also hide everything. For you both, freedom and enjoyment is most important even it cost life. And see the result.. we still have no information about her." Shekhar said.

Twinkle looked down. She was feeling herself responsible somewhere. She should have denied the pub idea or atleast she shouldn't have left alone even for a minute. She was already feeling bad and other thing, shekhar never talked in such tone with her but today he was angry on her. Still She didn't feel bad about him or his words thinking he is just sad and worried for swara as a father.

Then only Shekhar got a call. He took it immediately.
" Ok, I am coming there." He said and went out.

Maria saw Twinkle. She knew Twinkle was sad because of Swara. She came to her.
" Twinkle beta, don't feel bad about sir words. He is really worried for swara since the time he came to know about her missing." Maria said.
" I know aunty. I am not feeling bad about his words. Anyway, I should get going. I have some work." Twinkle said and went out.

" What do you mean, you didn't arrested any girl? Your inspector called me to tell that he had arrested that girl Ragini, who is behind attacks done on Swara. I am sure she must know something about it or may be she is only behind swara's missing." Shekhar shouted on DCP.

" It's true Mr. Gadodia that our department was searching for the attackers but we never got any info or arrested any girl. Which inspector are you talking about and which girl Ragini?" DCP said.

Shekhar was shocked hearing it.
" Then who called me that day and who is behind it?" Shekhar asked.
"May be it was a fake call and who is this Ragini?" DCP asked.
"I don't know DCP. I never met that girl. She was swara's friend as swara said that day. She said, Ragini was having some ego against her due to professional career and that's why she wanted to kill her." Shekhar said reminding swara's word that she told.

"I think we should reach this Ragini first then we might be able to reach swara soon." DCP said.

" Yes, I think you are right." Shekhar said.
" Is there anyone who knows Ragini. And what's her full name?" DCP asked.
"Swara never had any large group of friends I guess. Still, I think we may get any information from Twinkle about this girl Ragini. She might know about her." Shekhar said.

To be continued...

Twinkle denied to know Ragini....

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