Chapter - 31

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" I can't believe my life, I lived a lie. I lived in illusion" Swara said in broken voice.

After revealition, Sanskar, kunj and Laksh trio were shocked. Swara pressed her lips and smiled weakly. A tears slide down her cheek. She wiped it harshly from her face like she had done a crime by shedding tear. Sanskar sees her. He gripped his fist tight such that his knuckle turned white. His expression hardened gritting his teeth in anger and eye turned in fury.

"I can't help you much but yeah, if you want to trap him then you have to get the black file. If you want to destroy him. You need to get that black file before he destroy it. There is no proof agaist him rather than that file." Swara said composing herself a bit.

"He always removed all the evidences and destroyed proof but that black file is having all proofs of his every crime that just fade away without even reported in police records and those complaints which were filled still police could never reach him due to lack of evidences. Its having full fledged information of his illegal buisness, clients and all the illegal activities. May be, your families company, the bridge construction project scam. May be those proofs have never burnt in that blast." Swara said looking at one point on table.

"So you need that file if you want him to be totally helpless. Because if in anyway he gets successful in finding me and this deal get done then trust me, It will be impossible for you guys to do anything against him. He will get so much money and power that it will be really hard to stand against him. Once you get that black file, Then nothing can help him." She continued further looking at them.

" But that is with shekhar Gadodia and why will he give that file to us?" Kunj asked looking at her confusingly.

" For something which is more important to him right now. For me. He will definitely try hard to complete the deal and if you offer him, that you will release me and want his black file then he will do it but not easily He will definitely try to or do something or trick you so that you won't get the black file also and get me release from you also. so now, it's depends on You how you will get that file. But, He will definitely take this risk with that file because If he don't get me then he will get nothing and may Ridhant will destroy him also, but dad is going to do everything in his power stop him. That's why he will Firstly destroy that black file." Swara said.

"So, You are saying to handle you to shekhar Gadodia then what about you?" Laksh asked not understanding.

Swara chuckled and then say.

"I will be destroyed. But Shekhar Gadodia needs to get punished. If by luck you arrest Ridhant then I may get my life back but I don't think that's possible because police never able to catch him." Swara said bitterly.

"It's not an option still if shekhar Gadodia give that file taking risk. It will be automatically lead him to danger. His whole crime will be exposed that what's the use of money." Kunj said.

"He will try to run out of country after getting money." Sanskar said thinking something.
Kunj and Laksh looked at him.

"After getting one thousand cr. He can easily run out of country with that money. Once we get that file then, kunj, you can easily get non bailable warrant against him because in that situation only that can help us to stop him so that he can't go out of country. And there will be no escape for him. He will be destroyed." Sanskar said looking at them.

" Yeah, he is right.. after all Master planner. Anyway, I am done." Swara said finishing her breakfast and got up from her chair and went toward her room.

Sanskar sees her retreating figure.

" Now what will we do, we have to get the file. But we have to stop this deal also. It's not any option to handle swara to him. He is ruthless moster. How can he do this to his own daughter." Laksh said.

Sanskar was thinking something and then say.

" I know what to do." Sanskar said and take the phone and called someone. Kunj and Laksh get confused a bit.

" Hello, Shekhar Gadodia, what happened? Couldn't reach your daughter yet? " Sanskar asked arrogantly.

"Didn't I tell you Mr. Gadodia, you will die every bit. You will live with fear." Sanskar said.

" Shut up!! Tell me what do you want? I want swara back!!" Shekhar shouted.

" Tch, tch tch.. why? You have pushed your efforts hard still couldn't bring back your daughter. How helpless you are without your power? But there is lot more to come. Still.. I have an offer for you. You can have your daughter back but....." Sanskar paused.

" But what? Tell me what do you want? I will give you everything. Just tell me what do you want to release swara?" Shekhar said impatiently.

"Relax shekhar Gadodia, don't be so impatient. Firstly hear me what I want and decide if you can give it to me or not." Sanskar said.

" What?" Shekhar asked.

" I want THE BLACK FILE!! And your daughter will be yours." Sanskar said sternly.

Kunj and Laksh looked at each other in shocked then sees Sanskar.

" What!! Black file? How do you know about it?" Shekhar Gadodia asked being tensed.

" It doesn't matter, how I know. All what matter is I need that black file with all proofs and evidences and you want your daughter. And yeah, don't worry.. I will give you time to think. You have twelve hours to think and I hope to hear positive reply otherwise forget your daughter forever!!" Sanskar said in hard tone and disconnect the call.

" What the hell sanskar!! What was that?" Kunj asked angrily.
" What?" Sanskar asked in uncared tone.
" Have you gone mad sanskar? We will handle Swara to that monster Shekhar Gadodia in turn of that black file." Kunj said further in stern tone.

" Right bhai!! Do you have any idea what are you talking? We can't let Swara's life in danger. But by doing this, you will directly send her to hell that is equal to death." Laksh said with glint of anger.

" I NEED THAT FILE because it will destroy shekhar Gadodia and he left with nothing. This will be the final destruction for him and if he will be ready to give that file in turn of swara then be it!!" Sanskar said with stern look and turned and was going but stopped hearing kunj.

" How can you do this Sanskar? You are not thinking about Swara. You are turning into stone hearted person Sanskar in fire of this revenge. You have no idea what the hell are you talking." Kunj said with anger.

Sanskar stopped in his track. He turned around and gave sharp look to Kunj and Laksh.

"I know very well what I am doing. Yes, this revenge changed me but I don't care!!! and if you both will be with me in this then fine, if no then also fine I will do it alone." Sanskar said with serious look.

Sanskar was in hall in his thoughts. Then only he came out of his thoughts and sees the time. He takes the phone and called Shekhar again.

"Your time is up Shekhar Gadodia. I hope you have come to conclusion finally and must have thought wisely about it shekhar Gadodia that you want your daughter or not?" Sanskar said.

" I am ready to give you black file." Shekhar said.

" Wise decision, after all if you won't have Swara only then what will you do without her. Anyway, tomorrow Reach at xyz place sharp at 12. Don't be late shekhar Gadodia, who knows if I change my decision." Sanskar said.

" No, I will be there on time. " Shekhar said.
" Don't try to be stupid and do any kind of stunt. Otherwise you know what can I do." Sanskar said sternly.

" No, don't do anything to swara. I won't do anything. I just want Swara back." Shekhar said.
" Good, then be there on time. I will get the file and you will get your daughter back." Sanskar said and disconnected the call.

Then only Swara who came from her room heard this. Her room wasn't locked now.
Sanskar saw her. Swara looked at him then say.
" Nice, so finally you took decision to  handle me to my dad. It's really weird, isn't it? When I wanted to go and tried so hard then you didn't let me go. And now.... That's ok. All you care about is your revenge, right? Let it be then. " Swara said with agony and pain.
She turned around and then went back to her room.

To be continued...

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