Chapter - 37

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" What did I do to deserve this Twinkle? Why me? Why?? Why dad do all that? I.. I.. just don't know why Twinkle. It's ll because of me. If I wouldn't have been born then no one could use me for their benefits. Mom left me and dad stood by me always but it was all fake!! It's all fake, Twinkle. He wanted just property because mom named it on me. Even though it is impossible still if I try to forget it, then also I will never able to do that. I will never able to forget that my father was a criminal. How can be he so selfish to take people's life for his profit. And being the blood of the cold hearted person, I also became like him after killing him. I swear, I didn't wanted to do that but...he..he tried to kill San.. sanskar also. I hated him after knowing his reality but I wished he would have surrendered. I hate myself Twinkle, how can I do that." Swara said cryingly.

" No Swara, calm down. I know everything. You are not wrong Swara. He was wrong. He had choosen wrong way. He had chance to surrender but he didn't. I know it's really painful because he was your father but no father does what he did to you ,swara. You are not wrong. And you did that to save Sanskar. Don't think yourself guilty Swara. You need to be strong. I am with you. You.. you always think me as your sister right then how can you say you lost everything? Huh? We have each other na. You know Swara, our fate is almost same. I also have no one but you. Its unbearable pain, I know it but you need to strong like you are. Stop crying please." Twinkle said with tears and heavy voice.

Swara sobs hugging her. Twinkle pats her hair. Then only she felt Swara's weight and looked at her only to see her unconscious.
" Swara.. swara, wake up.. swara." Twinkle called her.
" Maria aunty, bring the water please fast." Twinkle shouted.
Maria nods and went from there. Then came back within a minute with water. They sprinkled water over her face. She wasn't responding Making Twinkle too much worried. She told Maria to called doctor. She was going to do that but Then only Swara eye brows furrowed. She blinks and opened her eyes slowly and look at them. Before she again start crying Twinkle stopped her and tell her take rest. They took her to room and made her ly in bed. Swara ly down her head in Twinkle's lap. She still controlled herself not to cry and was sobbing. Twinkle was caressing her hair feeling really bad for her.

Two days later:
Sanskar was in his ward. He was sitting with support of bed and Lost in his thoughts. He got conscious the next morning and first thing he asked was about Swara.
Sanskar opened his eyes only to find Laksh and Kunj. Ragini had just left an hour ago.
" Thank god you are fine man." Kunj said.
" Yes bhai, you scared us." Laksh said.
" I am fine." Sanskar smiled a bit then only thought of Swara stricken his mind.
" How is Swara? Where is she?" Sanskar asked in concerned tone.
" She is not fine but don't worry Twinkle is with her only." Kunj said looking at him.
Sanskar felt bad but he nodded at him. At that moment, he wished to be with her. He remembered Whatever he had done with her. Every moment spent with her came in front of his eyes. She loved him more than anything and what he gave her only pain and betrayal. Still she saved him.

Flashback end:

"Whether he doesn't love me but I love him dad." Her words still roaming around his mind. It's been two days, he was in hospital. He wanted to go back home. Atleast to see her once. Swara didn't come here in these two days but he didn't feel bad about it. He knew she had her own suffering. It's doesn't specify how much you love someone if you be with them or not. Love can be felt even when you are distant from your love. He was still important to her. Laksh told him that Swara came to meet him that night when he was unconscious. What she must have said, he really wished to be awake for her. To know what she was saying, when she must have shared her pain. He knows she loves him.. a lot. More than him, She needs him or may be not. Why will she want him around when he is the sole reason of her pains. Still he wants to see her. To know She is fine. He came to know from Ragini and Kunj about her but his heart was too restless. Doctor told that he needs to be here at hospital only for two or three days more. He tried to go against him nd say that he is fine but Ragini and Laksh made him understand that it's for his health. Two days has passed but still three days was making him restless.

He was in his thoughts when sound of door bring him out of thoughts.

" Hey Kunj" Sanskar said.
" Hi Kunj" Laksh asked who was sitting on couch reading some magazine.
" Hi Sanskar, hey laksh, so how are you feeling now, Sanskar?" Kunj asked sitting beside him.
"Better, but I just want to get out of from here and you know why." Sanskar said in impatient tone.

"Sanskar, I know that but till you are not totally ok. You can't go. Your wound will take time to heal na. Doctor said tha..." Kunj was saying but Sanskar interupted..
" Yeah, I know" sanskar said cutting him middle then he thinks something and asked.
" Umm Kunj, Swara must have given her statement na that we kidnapped her and I already told you that you won't change any statement or do anything about it then why didn't anyone took action against me or any of us till now?" Sanskar asked.

Kunj looked at Laksh and then at him. He sighed and then say.

"Because Swara had given the statement to police that.. she was living with us on her own decision to get saved from Ridhant and her father, to get saved from deal that her father had put on her. Not that we kidnapped her." Kunj told him.

" What?" Sanskar asked with shock.
Kunj nodded.
" Yes, she didn't tell anything about kidnapping and all. Nothing against us. " Kunj said further.
Sanskar closed his eyes and clutched the bedsheets in his fist.
" Why are you so good Swara? It's making me feel more guilty as hell" sanskar thought and opened his eyes looking out from window.

Laksh and Kunj looked at each other. They knew what sanskar must be thinking.
" anyway bhai, there's a good news also." Laksh said trying to divert his mood.
" What?" Sanskar asked.
" Kunj is promoted as New DCP." Laksh said.
" What? That's good man." Sanskar said looking at kunj with small smile.
" Hmm, because of Shekhar and Ridhant case but it wouldn't have been possible without you all. " Kunj said.
Then only Laksh got call and he excused himself.
Sanskar nods but his mind again shifted back to Swara.
" She is fine na?" Sanskar asked.
" May be she is trying to be." Kunj said.
"And Twinkle?" He asked Looking at him.
Kunj chuckled sadly.
" Once we lost our family because of shekhar and now, it's look like world is shattering again. I don't want that to happen." Kunj said in serious and heavy voice.

Gadodia mansion:

Swara was sitting in hall with normal expression. Her tears had dried. She looked pale. Shekhar's last right was done the next day after he died. Twinkle was always by her side. She never left her alone. Swara hardly eat but Twinkle made her eat forcefully or blackmailing that she will also not eat. So, now she was somewhat better than she was.
She was sitting with A lawyer.

"Mr. Patil, Give all shares back whichever Dad had overtook by cheating them. I have already sighed the papers." Swara said.

" But Ms. Gadodia, you will really face too much loss after this. You are paying all this from your mom's share that you got. It's nothing to do with your dad's company right now. Both are separate. Mr. Gadodia's company already faced too loss and now it's seized by government officials also and this mansion also will be taken by them by today or tomorrow. If you will use this share to pay back then you will left with too less." Mr. Patil said making her understand.

Twinkle was also sitting beside her.
" Swara, Mr. Patil is right. You should atleast think carefully before taking this decision." She said.

"Because of my dad, so many companies and people faced losses and much more than I can imagine. I want to give them back what dad snatched from them Twinkle. I will find a bit peace after doing this. I can't believe I was spending my all life with his black and blood money." Swara said.

" But Ms. Gadodia.." Mr. Patil tried to say but swara cuts him in middle.

" No, Mr. Patil. I have already decided and What will I do keeping all this? I understood one thing very well that money can only makes people greedy and even they sell relations for profits." Swara said with sad Chuckle.

Twinkle put hand on her shoulder. Swara nods looking at her.

"And yeah whatever will be the remaining amount donate it to NGOs. I don't need it." Swara said.

Mr. Patil was shocked after hearing it. But he nodded.
" Okay, as you say." Mr. Patil said and go from there.

" Swara,..." Twinkle tried to say.
" Twinkle, can I live with you in your flat? Anyway, this mansion is getting sealed. If it wasn't going to happen then also I don't want to live here. It's suffocating me. Please.. I..." swara says when Twinkle interupted.

" Shut up Swara. Don't you dare to say please. You are coming with me and will live with me." Twinkle said.
Swara looked at her with small smile.

To be continued...

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