Chapter - 43

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Next day:

" Swara, just turned your face little side way...Yeah, that's perfect." The photographer said.

Swara was on outdoor photoshoot. She was giving different poses. Then only her eyes fall on someone standing at some distance leaning on his car wearing shades. She gets surprised to find Sanskar there. He waved his hand at her with smile as she saw him. She smiled at him and continued her photoshoot.

"Swara, hold the gown with your hand in floating way." Photographer said.
Swara did it.
" Is it good?" She asked.
" No wait, I will tell." He said and went to her to made her hold the edge of her gown.
He put her hair behind from her shoulder and let some curls fall on her face. In this process, his hand touched her shoulder, her face, her arm.. but that was all professional. Swara knows it. Then only she looked toward Sanskar. His jaw clenched and His hand curled in to fist, struggling to controlling his anger. Photographer was saying something to Swara about pose, swara just nodded but she was still looking at Sanskar who was looking as if he will burst out any second. She get little tensed but she was enjoying his jealousy, smiling inwardly.
Then photographer went away from her to the camera and she saw him relaxed a bit.
Few minutes later, the shoot was over. Swara signed five minutes toward sanskar to get her clothes changed. He nodded at her with smile.
After changing into blue top and black jeans, She went to him. Going near him, She hugged him. He also hugged her back.

" Feeling better, jealous Maheshwari?" She whispered in his ear lifting herself a bit.
She chuckled breaking the hug but her hand was still around his neck and raised eyebrows at him.
"Wh..what? No, from whom, I will be jealous?" Sanskar asked trying to say in normal tone.
"Oh really? But I could sense who was getting angry when photographer came near me.What to do, you can hide your angry eyes behind these shades but there is another thing that you couldn't hide, that is is your hand curled into fist like you are going to hit something or rather someone really hard." Swara said smirkingly.

" So you noticed it? ....Fine, but couldn't he maintain distance from you, idiot!" Sanskar said in insecure tone.

Swara laughed at him and say.
" Sanskar, he was just doing his job to get perfect angle." She said.

" Whatever, but just stay away from him." He said.
" Typical indian boyfriend!" She murmured to herself rolling her eyes.
" What?" He asked narrowing his eyes at her.
" Nothing, leave all that. You tell me What happened that, Mr. Busy Maheshwari got time for his girlfriend suddenly?" She asked.

" When I stay busy then you complain and now I came then also you are complaining. You only keep complaining that I don't give you time." Sanskar answered her.

" That's right. You don't have time for me. One day I will definitely take revenge from you. Just wait and watch Sanskar, a day will come when you will die for my time and I will act pricey and ignore you that you will beg for me and my attention." Swara said with fake attitude tone.

"Really?.. Ok, you can make me beg and I will keep requesting but please melt your heart at last." Sanskar said pulling her closer, holding her by waist.
" That depends upon how hard you try and can melt me or not." Swara said with smirking smile.

"Well that we can see later. For now, if you are free from your photoshoot can we go?" Sanskar asked.
" Where?" Swara asked confusingly.
"To your dad, to ask your hand to marry you." Sanskar said with smirk.
Swara looked at him with wide eyes suddenly then got that he was teasing her.
"Sanskar.. you, stop teasing me. Dad know nothing about us." Swara said smacking him on his chest.
Sanskar chuckled.

" I was just kidding let's go to your favourite place." Sanskar said.
" Okay,.. let's go." Swara said and they sit in his car. Sanskar started the car.

Flashback end.

Sanskar comes out of his thought and looked forward. The cool breeze and waves of water near shore was the only source of sound in the silence. It was Her favourite place. One more day he came here without her. He used to come here with her because she liked this place so much. He still feel her presence, resting her head on his shoulder, holding his hand. He really wished her to be here but he knows he have to try too hard to reach her and to get her forgiveness.

She was looking at pic in which he was hugging her from back wrapping his hand around her while she was resting her head back with closed eyes on his chest. This pic was taken by Twinkle once when they went to pub and both were dancing. Twinkle clicked it to tease her but now it's one of the memory.

"It never did and will never affect you to live without me but it's affecting me to live without you because I still love you so much and you never loved me and never will. Otherwise you would have definitely tried to reach me. It's too hard to live without the one we love." She thinks.

Two days later:

" Twinkle, don't go out Today." Kunj said.
" Why? Who are you to order me? Listen I am living in your house that doesn't mean you will rule over me!!" Twinkle said sternly.
Kunj felt hurt but he calmly said.
" I am not ordering you. It's a request please. I am saying due to some reason only. Actually...." Kunj was saying but she interrupt.
" I don't care. I am least concern to hear your whatever reason." Twinkle said.
Then only kunj got the call.
"Please, it's my request don't go out and be in home." Kunj said for the last time in pleading tone and went out while talking to someone over phone.

Twinkle looked toward him angrily as he went out.
"What does he think of himself, why will I follow his word. He started to show his true colour now. But I won't listen. Huh!!" She thinks.

Twinkle thinks about the conversation that happened today's morning. He told her not to go out and thinking that he is trying to throw his decision on her, She went out. She had some work in NGO. She needed to go. But it resulted her life in danger. But Kunj reached there at that instant only with police force and she was saved. But Kunj left hand was badly injured in all this. The criminal was caught by police.
Kunj was taken to hospital. After bandaging he was allowed to go home. Kunj already told officers to send her home safely.
So, she was in hall and the news was going on about that criminal only who was arrested. She felt bad for behaving like idiot. He had stopped her because of this reason only. She was concerned for him.
That's when he came with an officer. He told him to go, he will take care. Then he come to her.
"You are okay na Twinkle?" He asked.
She looked at him as if he had hit head or something. He is injured and asking her if she is fine or not. Still she nodded at him.
He nods and went to his room.
Sanskar and Laksh came to meet him as soon as they come to know about that.
Later, in evening Ragini come to meet him. Twinkle was going toward kitchen to get water when she heard.

" Twinkle shouldn't go out like this." Ragini said.
" I know, I tried to stop her but she didn't listen. Still I don't want to say anything to her. I am happy she is safe. Atleast she is with me may be for some months only. I don't know if she feet bad by any of my word and she leave me then I can't even imagine. I am happy she is fine." Kunj said.

" But you are not." Ragini said with chuckle pointing his injured hand.

"No, I am good. It will be alright in a week." Kunj said.

"She didn't forgive you?" Ragini asked with serious expression.
He got silent for a couple of second then say.
" She don't want to but I can't give up. Atleast till I can. Only four months left now. These three months passed in a blink. I didn't realise it. Good days passes so quick." Kunj said with sad smile.
" Don't worry everything will be fine." Ragini said.
" hope so." Kunj said.

Twinkle heard it and went from there. She looked disturbed.

"Anyway, what about you and Laksh, I mean..." Kunj said and paused looking at her.
"That's not the thing to talk about, right now. You just take care of yourself." Ragini said.
Knowing she don't want to talk, he didn't said anything else further.

A week later:
Not much changed in everyone's life but something changed in Twinj life. Twinkle wasn't rude with kunj but she wasn't normal with him also. She ignored him more than she usually do. She didn't said a word to him. On the other hand Kunj was still same caring toward her. He noticed some changes in her behaviour but he didn't ask anything. On the other hand, Twinkle knows if he is fine or not through Sarita aunty. She never asked him, like she doesn't care. But she used to see him struggling while doing his works, she wanted to go and help him still she never shown any care toward him, struggling with herself and the battle that was going between her heart and her mind.

A week passed now, his hand was much better, just having bandage around his palm and wrist. He was in his room getting ready to go out. When he heard the knock.

"Aunty, I am getting late. I won't have breakfast.. Just give me juice." Kunj said finding his wallet. He got it and kept it in his pocket then turn around only to find Twinkle.

"Oh Twinkle, sorry.. I thought Sarita aunty came." Kunj said.
" I am sorry." She said.
He gets confused.

" I am sorry, I shouldn't have done that... I.." She said but he interrupt knowing about what she was talking.

" No, that's ok. You are fine, our...... Uhm..yo.. your baby is fine. What more than that I want. I just stopped you because I got threat from that criminal to hurt you. Basically if I see, it's also my fault only. You life came in danger also because of me. What to do? I am DCP. police officers generally have so many enemies. But you don't worry. He is behind the bars now. You are safe." Kunj said in calm tone.

Twinkle looked at him.
" I behaved like stupid. You told me not to go out. Yet I went and.. " she said but kunj again stopped her.

" That's really alright. Don't be sorry." Kunj said with half smile.
Saying this He was about to go out when he heard her.
" Kunj, can we give a second chance to us?" Twinkle said.

He stopped in her track and turned around.
" Wh.. what?" He asked like he heard something wrong.
She looked at him and go near him.
" can we give second chance to our relationship? To.. be like we were.. but without any misunderstanding, without any lie." She said.

He was freezed after hearing it. But get so happy. Did she really want to give second chance to them. He smiled and his eyes got teary.

" Will.... will you forgive me Twinkle? Please, I promise I will never repeat my mistake. I promise Twinkle, I came in your life because of a motive but the moments I spent with you was never a lie. Every moment is truth. Our love,.. our beautiful moment.. it's all a bliss for me. I love you. Please forgive me for my mistakes. I.. I am sorry for hurting you and whatever I did.." Kunj said with emotions.

" Shh.. forget the past. I forgave you. Don't talk about that. We should think about future and this baby. " Twinkle said and hold his hand with smile.

" I promise, I will be the best father and the husband in this world." He said smiling with tears.

Twinkle smiled.
" I trust you." She said
Kunj hugged her. She also hugged him back. He wiped his tears and whispered thank you to Twinkle. Thank you for giving a chance to them and closed his eyes, hugging her
The moment freezed for them.

The next day:

Kunj was really happy that he got his love back. Twinkle finally forgave him and they can start a new phase life and as she said without any misunderstanding and lies.

" I have signed it.. here , you also sign then I will send it." Kunj said signing on the marriage registration papers.

" Why do you think I will sign, kunj?" Twinkle said.
Kunj get confused.
" What? But You only told na, to get these papers." He said.

Twinkle looked at him with smirking smile and took the papers and tore in pieces throwing on floor.

To be continued...

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