Chapter - 5

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Sanskar stopped the car near swara's mansion and then look at her. She was lost in her thoughts looking down. Her eyes were constantly looking at her hand in her lap. She was numb. He kept his hand over hers and gripped it.

" Swara.." he called her slowly.
She looked up into his eyes. He was looking so sad to see her like that.

" Sanskar.. I.." swara was about to say when he interupted.
" Shhh.. nothing happened Swara. You are safe. Just don't think about it much. You will only stress yourself." Sanskar said.
"But Sanskar,. He tried to kill me. What if he again..." Swara was saying but stopped in the middle.
"No, he won't. I will not let anything happen to you Swara. Trust me." Sanskar said looking at her.
" I trust you Sanskar.. but I am scared." Swara said and tear slide down her cheeks.
He cups her face gently and wiped her tears.
" You don't need to be scared of anything till I am with you. I promise we will find that person soon who is responsible for this." Sanskar said assuringly.

Swara nods and hugged him. He hugged her back and ruffled her hair. After few minutes of hug, he breaks the hug and gently hold her face with both hand and kissed her forhead.
" I love you." He said.
" I love you too Sanskar." She said.
"Hmm.. Now go inside before I change my mood and loose my control. You know you make it difficult for me." He said leaning towards her lips and trying to light her mood.
Swara heard him and smiled a bit. She pushed him. He chuckled.

" That's like my Swara, now go inside and take rest. Don't think much. Ok?" Sanskar said.

" Okay."Swara nods.
She opened the car door to go out but turned around and looked at him. She goes near him and kissed him on his cheek and say.
" Bye" She said with smile.

"Bye" sanskar said.
Swara goes inside. Sanskar saw her then he drove away.

Next day:

" What!!!" Twinj and Raglak said shockingly.
" Yes, He tried to kill me again but thank God Sanskar came there at time." Swara said.
" This much Happened last night and swara you didn't even care to tell me. Any of us?" Twinkle said worriedly.

"Sanskar you also, why didn't you call us last night only?" Kunj said.

"I only stopped Sanskar, I thought to tell everything today. Otherwise, you all would have been worried. It was already night." Swara said.

"Swara, oviously we will get worried. We all are friends. ( Sigh) Anyway, it's good to see you are fine." Ragini said.

" Sanskar, did you also see him?" Laksh asked.

Sanskar nods his head negatively.
" No, I didn't. When I came to swara and she said he was following her. I looked at her back but didn't find anyone there. I wanted to go to check but she was really scared so she didn't let me go." Sanskar said.

"I was really scared when I saw that guy with sharp knife and when he was approaching still giving me chills. How can you suppose me to let you go and face that dangerous man. What if something might happened to you?" Swara said.

"I didn't mean in that way." Sanskar said.
" Hey relax guys, Sanskar didn't mean that swara." Ragini said.

swara sighed.
" Yeah, but how are going to find that Mysterious guy?" Kunj asked.

" Swara, you couldn't see his face but was there anything, you can remember.. any clue that may be help?" Laksh asked.

" I don't know. He was wearing a black hoodie. I saw his back and I was following him then it was all dark... And I wasn't able to see his face. I don't really remember anything. My mind literally went blank that moment.. I just wasn't able to think anything." Swara said

" Without any clue, sign.. how will we catch him." Kunj asked.

"Don't know but we have to... Before he plan something else." Sanskar said simple yet hard tone. Then look at them.

"There must be something that he must have left behind. May be we aren't able to see that." Sanskar said further.
" But what.. this note " chase your shadow until your shadow leaves you" means nothing.. he just wanted swara to follow him so that he could kill her." Twinkle said.

"No, I think he is right Twinkle. There is must be something that is Missing by us." Kunj said thinking a bit.

" But what?" Ragini asked.

" If we come to know then mystery is solved." Sanskar said.

Screen splits on their faces.


Twinkle took swara to orphanage so that she may feel little bit better. They played with children. Sanskar had told her not to roam around alone but she assured that Twinkle is with her only  so, she told him not to worry. Swara was now feeling good spending time with children.

After sometime, Swara and Twinkle both were walking around then take seat watching children playing. They sat on bench. Twinkle sees swara who was again lost in her thoughts. She put her hand on her shoulder.

"Swara, you are still thinking about that?" Twinkle asked.
" What to do Twinkle? I can't divert my mind for sometime but can't erase that moment from my mind. What does he want? Why do he want to kill me? What will he gain? We know nothing about him."

" But I think he know so much about you.. about us." Twinkle said looking serious.
" What do you mean?" Swara asked confusingly.

" I don't know Swara..  but I find something suspicious. I don't know how to share this with you." Twinkle said.

" Twinkle what do want to say. Say clearly." Swara said not understanding her.

" It's about sanskar. I mean.. I don't know but I am suspicious about him. I feel he is behind it. Just.. just don't get me wrong but you only see na . You were attacked two times and Sanskar was with you on both time. He saved you both times. Isn't that suspicious?" Twinkle said.

" What do you mean Twinkle? You are clearly accusing Sanskar. He put his own life in danger to save me that day." Swara said with glint of anger.

"Yes swara, I think he is behind it. Just think, yesterday as soon as sanskar came.. that hoody guy disappeared. Why? That day, sanskar saw the car approaching you when all of us were there only. Do you have any answer for that?" Twinkle said.

" What the hell!! Do you think he will put his own life in danger. He is acting on front of me. He is damn worried for me Twinkle and I can say more restless than me. He cares for me and loves me. You are saying it's all fake. Why will he save me if he wants to kill me?" Swara said angrily getting up from bench.

" That's I don't know Swara, we really don't know what is the motive of that killer." Twinkle also got up and said.

" Just on the basis that he was with me both times and saved me. You are accusing him. Fine!! but tell me something, that phone call what he got that day,.. the killer's warning. What was all that haan?" Swara said looking at her sternly.

" For god shakes swara, voices can be changed, recorded and calls can scheduled by using software." Twinkle said.

" Sanskar called on his own phone Wow!! And last night, sanskar came wearing hoodie with a knife.. he was following me and suddenly he appeared in front of me without any hoodie or knife. Isn't that sounds so pathetic!!" Swara fired back.

" Swara, I am not sure but I find it suspicious. Why weren't you not attacked when you were alone? Just think about it swara." Twinkle said trying to make her understand her point.

Swara look at her she thinks a bit then her expression changed.

" You know what I think.. the way you are accusing Sanskar, I think it's you or.... May be kunj." Swara said in hard tone.

" What do you want to say?" Twinkle asked as her expression changed.

"Nothing much... I just remembered,. No one knew that I was going to beach party Accept you and kunj. I told you at evening and at night only I was attacked. I find this suspicious Twinkle!! If I say kunj is that mysterious guy and is behind all that and who knows if you are also with him. you are trying to save him by accusing Sanskar."  Swara said.

" You are accusing me swara for trying to kill you?" Twinkle asked looking at her in unbelievable tone.

" Voices can be changed, recorded and calls can scheduled by using software. Quite nice haan and That day , after shopping, you both were also with us na?" Swara repeated her words in accusing tone.

" Just shut up swara!! How can you say that!!" Twinkle said angrily.

" Why? You can only accuse Sanskar? But can't handle accusations on you or Kunj? Why, Because you love him. Trust him. So do I Twinkle. I love Sanskar and I trust him." Swara also said angrily.

After saying this She marched out of orphanage not before giving sharp look to Twinkle. Twinkle looked at her retreating figure angrily.

Screen splits on their faces.

To be continued...

Precap: when the suspicion gets wrong or..... Strong!

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