Chapter - 7

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" What are you looking for Twinkle?" She heard his voice in Serious tone and get freezed.
Not getting any reply, he called her again.
" Twinkle??" He called her.
Twinkle tried to compose herself and turned around to face him who was looking at her confusingly.

" What were you searching for Twinkle? I asked you something." Kunj asked.

" Um..Nothing, I was just...I.. I... I.. just.. umm .. yeah searching for laptop charger. The battery is low." Twinkle said in stammering tone.

"Charger? Are you sure Twinkle? Because it's in laptop bag only." Kunj asked looking at her with serious expression.

" Oh, I didn't check in bag and started searching in cupboard only. Um.. I m sorry." Twinkle said with fake smile.

" It's ok. Did you send the mail?" Kunj asked.

" Ye.. yeah. I did." Twinkle said and took the charger to put laptop on charge.
Kunj took the charger from her hand.
" Give it to me. I will do it." Kunj said with smile.
" Okay." Twinkle said.

Kunj put the laptop on charge and then turned around and he saw her as She closed her eyes and take a deep sigh.

" What is it Twinkle?" He asked directly.
" What?" Twinkle looked at him confusingly.
" Since the time you came, you are behaving differently. What's the matter?" Kunj asked.
" What? No..'s it's.. nothing." Twinkle said.

"No, Twinkle, there js something wrong. I can feel that. Your face expression is different.Your words are not supporting your eyes. What are you hiding something. What is it?" Kunj asked.

"It's nothing kunj. What will I hide from you?" She said with fake smile and looked away.

He walked to her and hold her shoulder gently and look straight in her eyes.
" Twinkle, if I asked something then I need an answer and that should be truth only. You can't lie easily to me." He said in stern tone.

Twinkle looked into his eyes and get scared.

Swara reached the same place " the beach party". She looked around and find so many people like yesterday.

" Just this last thing Sanskar, I wish to be proved wrong." She said herself.
Then only her eyes caught the drinks counter. She remembered Sanskar went to take drinks for them. She goes to counter.

" Excuse me." Swara said.
The guy on the counter look at her.
" Yes ma'am, what do you want?" He asked with smile but then his expression changed in confusion looking at her face.
" Wait, you are...? I think I have seen you." He said further trying to remember.
Swara looked at him confused and then say.
" May be, I came here yesterday also." Swara said.
"Hmm.. no wait. A guy shown your pic to me to ask about you last night." He said.
"What? Who was he? Was he wearing any hoody?" She asked instantly.
" What? hoody? No ma'am. Actually..." He was saying when swara phone pinged with message. She just swiped it totally ignoring it as it was sim notification and she kept the phone on counter.
" Yeah, you were saying....." Swara was saying him to continue but he said interrupting her.
" He is the same guy." He said pointing toward her phone's wallpaper.
Swara sees as it was Sanskar's pic.
" Are you sure?" Swara asked.
" Yes ma'am, he is the guy. I remember he ordered two drinks and after taking the drinks he went but in few minutes he came back again. He was looking very worried. He shown your pic to me and asked if I have seen you. He asked so many other people also And then he told me to call him giving his no. if you come here or I see you and then he went out.. but Where did you go last night, ma'am? he was really so restless for you. After so much time, when I didn't see you and neither he came back then I only called him to ask, if he found you or not then he replied that You are with him." He said.

Swara heard all this and guilt formed inside her heart. She now started regretting to doubt on him.

"He really loves you a lot. You are very lucky ma'am." He said with smile.

Swara nods and tried to smile. She goes from there saying thanks.


"Kunj, Don't get me wrong. I.. just want to ask you something? Please..ju..just answer that?" Twinkle said.

" What do you wanna ask?" Kunj asked.

"Last night.. You left from my flat at 8:30p.m but your guard told that.. you came home at 11.. how? Have you... gone somewhere?" Twinkle asked slowly.

Kunj heard her looking at her for few seconds then removed his hands from her shoulder. He shaked his head with sad smile realising her words.
" Now I get it, what is it all about!! so, you think that I am the one who wants to kill swara, right?" He asked in unbelievable tone.

"No kunj, I didn't mean that but.. last night only That Mysterious man tried to kill swara. It was around 10 and you came back home at 11. So, I just got doubt and wanted to clear..." Twinkle was saying but he interupted.

"If you wanted to ask then you could have asked directly to me. I would have answered you. Wait a minute.. were you checking my laptop and the cupboard for some kind of proof?" Kunj asked her.

Twinkle's face expression changed.
" Yes or no Twinkle?" Kunj asked in hard tone.

" Yes." Twinkle said slowly nodding her head.

" Kunj, just tell me where did you go? I swear not a question more." Twinkle asked.
"Then why didn't you ask me earlier? I could have told you directly. But now, it's looking more than accusing." Kunj said in hurt tone.

"Kunj Please, I.. i trust you." Twinkle said and was about to hold his hand but he jerked away.

" No ,you don't!!!" Kunj said little bit loudly. Twinkle shuddered.

" I know Swara is your best friend, like your sister and you are worried for her but I wish you could have little trust on me or our love." Kunj said.

"Kunj no.." Twinkle said but he interupted.

" Fine, you wanna know na where did I go? I will tell you. Last night, on my way back to home. I saw a car met with accident banged on the tree. I stopped my car and went near only to find a man who was on the verge of loosing his consciousness. I took him to the hospital. Police came. They got the details and all. I had to do some formalities. After that, Blood was needed immediately. so, having same blood group, I gave my blood at that instant. It all took so much time. After that, I came back home and I was literally tired to even notice the time.
So Twinkle, if You are still not satisfied, let me take you to the hospital to see that person. He is still there only.
I didn't thought to share all this to you because you were already so worried for swara since morning. But I guess I was wrong, I should have told you. Atleast, I would have been out of your suspicioun zone. Let it be, the matter is that, you don't trust me. I understood it. Thanks.

" Now, Let's go to hospital." He said and hold her hand. He started dragging her with himself.

" No kunj, stop please. I am sorry.." Twinkle said and stopped him.

He stopped but didn't looked at her.

Sanskar's mansion:
Swara drove back to his mansion. She came out of her car and goes inside. Maid saw her. The maid saw her and smiled at her. She tell that he was in his room. Swara nods and rushed towards his room.

That's when she heard him and feels really bad for not trusting him. She closed her eyes tightly.

"No Inspector, you don't understand. It's really important. We have to get that person soon. I can't see her in danger..... Yes... yeah ok.. And I have told you already and repeating the same Please don't tell this to her or her dad. I want this investigation to be unofficial. I hope you understand that. Yes please.. thank you." Sanskar said on phone.

She runs toward him and hugged him from back as soon as sanskar disconnect the call. Sanskar stumbled a bit with force then looked down at chest. He smiled to see her hand. He hold it.
" So ma'am finally came haan? Aunty told me that you waited for so much time and then go suddenly for some important work. I called on your phone also but I guess someone was so busy to take my call."
Sanskar said with chuckle and pulled her in front of him but get shocked to find tears in her eyes. His smiled faded from his face.

" So, you heard everything?.. ( sighs) Swara, I know you didn't want that and I shouldn't have involved police but it's about your life. I can't take any risk. I stopped last time because of you but not after what happened yesterday. Don't worry, your dad will know nothing about it. " Sanskar said

Swara shook her head negatively. Hearing him, she feels so bad and guilty. She looked down.

"Swara, you don't need to be scared of anything. I assure you, we will find him soon. There is something that can help us. The k.c. club is organising that event na. As, They do video recording for their events. This beach party recording is also with them. With police help, We can get that video recording. So I m sure, we will find something, any clue to reach him Or may be we find that Mysterious guy Only." Sanskar said.

She squeezed her eyes shut and was struggling not to cry. She hugged him tightly and sob escaped from her mouth. He gets worried.

" Swara? What happened? Did you saw him again? Swara... Why the hell are you roaming around alone. I told you not to do that but you just don't understand." Sanskar said and then break the hug and cups her face.

" Tell me swara? Did you see him again?" He asked.
Swara nods no. He gets relaxed a bit but still restless to see her crying.

" Why are you crying? shh" He said and wipes her tears away from her face.

" I am sorry.." she said and looked at him with her red teary eyes.
"Nothing" she nods her head negatively not wanted to tell him.

" For what?" Sanskar asked not able to understand anything.
She didn't said anything.
" Swara? What is it?" He asked in slow yet serious tone.
She still didn't answer.
" Swara look at me and answer. You are scaring me damn it!!" He said.

" I.. I.. doubted that you are the only that mysterious hoody guy. " She closed her eyes and said in Slowly.
" What?" He said in mere whisper.

She nods and then tell him everything. Sanskar looked hurt after hearing all this. He seperate himself from her. He chuckled sadly and clapped.

" Oh wow!! Because I was there both times. I saved you both times, I m that hoody guy. I just can't believe this Swara." He said looking at her unbelievably.

" Sanskar.. I.." She tried to say something but he cuts her in middle.

" So Swara, you only tell me. How could I prove that I am not that killer. By letting that car hit you that day or Letting that mysterious guy stab you last night?" Sanskar asked looking at her sternly.

Swara look at him sadly with tears.

"I am sorry Sanskar." She said

" No swara, I am Sorry, I can't do that. Even though you mistrust me. I can't leave you in danger and I cant just run away because I truly love you." He shouted on her.
She flinched.

Screen splits on swasan and twinj. Angry faces of sanskar and kunj and sad faces of Swara and Twinkle.

"If not Sanskar and Kunj then...... WHO?"

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