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Rebellion [noun]
1. Resistance to authority, control, or tradition. 
2. The act of running away when under great amounts of academic stress.

Maybe Alice had better ideas, but she was already on the road and there was no turning back now. She blamed her spontaneous act of rebellion on the education system. She was expected to ask permission to go the bathroom, but at the same time, had the pressure of deciding what she wanted to do with her life after graduation. Alice was already emotionally muddled, so when it was reminded that final exams were less than a month away and that this was the most crucial process of high school, she picked up her things and walked out of auditorium.

Alice wasn't the type of person that was described as 'spontaneous' or 'rebellious', which is probably why no one immediately reacted to her stunt. There was a momentary pause of silence, a whole lot of staring and even a couple of gasps from her fellow peers. Then a kid in the back of the crowd started to slow clap, which pulled everyone from their temporary surprise and the chaos started. The rest of the graduating class clapped and a few even followed her out the doors. Teachers were yelling in all directions, desperately trying to calm the sea of out-of-control students.

If Alice were in the right state of mind, she probably would have felt guilty that she practically started a riot, but she was a complete mess and could barely keep her car in the right lane. Her mother kept calling while she was driving; a constantly loud vibration on the passenger seat that was giving her a headache. Eventually, she reached over and switched her phone off. Alice would deal with the consequences when she was ready.

In the meantime, she focused all her attention on driving in a straight line without going over the speed limit. She wasn't particularly sure where she was going or how far she had driven, but all questions were answered when she drove past a sign board.


She was already two towns away, and although it seemed like a great amount of distance, Alice lived in a rural area, where the towns were small and clustered together within a country landscape. It had been a long time since she had gone to the showgrounds. She wondered if there was a carnival on.

Alice decided to find out.

Circus [noun]
1. A travelling community of entertainers who give performances at numerous locations.
2. An empty space in which inspiration is found.

To Alice's utter delight, there was a carnival. And although the bright, scream-inducing rides were the attraction of the showground, she was more interested in the circus. Not only was it free, but Alice had a fascination with illusions, and the distraction was in dire need.

She checked the timetable taped onto the side of the tent. When she saw there was a show starting in five minutes, she walked straight in. But as soon as she stepped into the warm, humid air of the space and inhaled the stale stench of body odour, she was surprised to see that nobody else was seated within the bleachers.

"You're not from here, are you?"

Alice was admiring the emptiness of the space as a voice, as silky and mesmerising as a ringmaster, spoke from next to her.

"Is it that obvious?" she asked, looking up at the boy. He had broad shoulders and messy hair and smiled at her like she was the most interesting person in the world. She wondered why he was there. It was a school day and he looked about her age. Perhaps he shared the same motives.

"I'm good with remembering faces, especially girls with hazel eyes," he answered, placing his hands in his pockets. "I'm pretty good at remembering names too, if you give me one."

"Alice," she answered.

"Isaac. Have you ever been to a circus?"

"Yes," she answered. "Which is why I'm surprised to find this place deserted."

"You'll enjoy the show," he assured her, catching onto the doubtful tone when she mentioned the lack of audience.

"What brought you here anyways?" he asked, looking at her with mischievous blue eyes.

"I'm just uncertain about things," Alice mumbled, picking at a loose thread on her uniform. "I needed an escape."

"Uncertain about what?"

"The future. My future."

"Do what you love."

"It's not that easy."

"Oh, I think it is."

Then he stood, balanced his way across the bleachers and jumped off.

"Where are you going?" Alice asked, turning to watch him leave.

"I've seen this show a million times before. But I hope you enjoy the performances. Maybe it will give you a little inspiration." Isaac winked and disappeared outside the tent.

In that exact moment, the show commenced. The lighting dimmed and steady drum beat filled the space; the kind of sound that made the ground shake and heart pound frantically. A spotlight found its way towards the centre of the ring, the thick velvet curtains trembling from movement that occurred behind it. Until finally, the ringmaster spoke.

Illusions [noun]
1. A misinterpreted perception.
2. The most amazing experience ever.

Alice held her breath as the ringmaster spoke. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Donovan Circus. We ask that none of the stunts performed this afternoon are not attempted at home. Our performers are highly trained professionals. Also, please remember to take all rubbish with you when you exit. Now, please, sit back, relax and enjoy the show."

She had decided to sit in the centre, right at the front so she could experience the full effect of the show. Alice had been to a few circuses in her lifetime so she knew the regular performances to expect. There would be some sort of animal performance, some high air acts, a clown, some dare-devil stunts, perhaps a little magic and some acrobat routines.

Alice was looking forward to it.

"Please welcome our first act to the stage, Perception!"

Alice felt weird clapping by herself, but she did it anyways and watched as the curtain wavered. But before she could see anything emerge, there was a small tap on her shoulder. When she turned, she saw a girl, no older than thirteen, in a dress made of blue tulle. She bowed slightly, the thick crown of flowers on her head tipping forward.

Then the music began, something fast and upbeat, despite the dancer's attire. Alice wondered if she was going to start crumping or twerking, but to her relief, she didn't. Instead, she made her way to the stage, footsteps so light Alice wondered if she was even touching the ground. As she watched the girl move fluidly, she noticed another girl come from the other side of the arena. She was dressed exactly the same, except in green. They looked completely identical.

Oh, twins.

Nope, not twins. Five more girls joined them on the stage, each identical to the first, just modelling a different colour. Alice rubbed her eyes. Did she suddenly need glasses or was she really seeing septuplets? Septuplets.

But the fact that they were all identical completely slipped Alice's mind when she focused on them dance. Their limbs were in perfect sync, without any signs of hesitation. Dark tendrils of hair lifted into the air as they spun faster, their movements matching the beat of the music, the drums reaching climax. Then the tempo gradually slowed and so did the twirling until the girls formed a single line, one behind the other until all Alice could see was the first girl dressed in blue.

She was about to applaud when the last drum beat struck. It was loud and fast, like a gunshot and it ran through her heart, causing her whole body to tremble. But when she looked back at the dancers, only one remained, but her dress was no longer a single hue. Instead, it had merged into a combination of all seven.

Before Alice could figure out what she was seeing, the girl disappeared behind the curtain and the second act began. The ringmaster introduced the performer as Split Second. The spotlight moved around the stage and up one of the supporting poles until Alice could see the tightrope.

Heights always made her stomach drop.

As the light focused on the person, she tilted her head. Even with the distance, he looked just like-

He winked at her.


Alice sat, completely captivated by his complete and utter balance; his poise as he walked across the rope as if it were a thick, solid plank. His face showed minimal signs of exhaustion or concentration. In fact, he was at complete ease, crossing the rope with what seemed almost like boredom.

However, the third time he crossed, the rope quivered and Isaac's legs trembled. He kept his arms out, trying desperately to maintain his equilibrium. But his frantic arm movements and awkward hops on the line weren't enough. Alice caught Isaac's widened eyes and watched as his lips parted in silent horror before he fell.

She screamed.

But Isaac didn't fall to the ground. Instead, he floated down, as soft as a feather. His movements were slow and graceful as if he were suspended in water. Alice couldn't watch. She covered her ears and closed her eyes, curling into herself.

This is not happening. This is not happening. This is not happening.

When Alice opened her eyes and saw Isaac's costume of blue and white sitting on the space where his body should have been, she wondered if it really did happen. Had her mind just created the worst case scenario, causing her to miss the actual performance?

Alice barely had a second to speculate upon each act. They were consistent and fluid and each was equally as mesmerising. The animals that took the stage were giant, beautiful beasts; monsters from nightmares and creatures from dreams. Alice observed a phoenix die, bursting into explosion of flames until it was reborn within its own ashes. She watched a fierce lion made entirely out of gold dust jump through a ring of fire.

Alice was captivated by the acrobats as they performed their stunts and displayed their flexibility. By the magicians who manipulated her vision and caused her to witness strange and wonderful things. By the woman with the fiery red hair who hypnotised her with her act on the trapeze.

Each act wasn't just a performance.

It was a demonstration of impossibly beautiful optical illusion.

Dreamer [noun]
1. An individual who is idealistic.
2. Alice.

"So, did you enjoy the show?" Isaac grinned.

"You didn't tell me you were in the performance," she answered. "Other than you giving me a heart attack, I did enjoy."

"Did it give you any inspiration?" he asked.

"Still lost," she admitted. "But thoroughly entertained."

"Just be rebellious and step out of your comfort zone," Isaac offered, like it was the most obvious solution. "Isn't that what brought you here? And being here made you happy. Perhaps that should be your only goal in life. Not which occupation pays better."

"Today was simply a random act of spontaneousness." Alice crinkled her nose. "I don't know the first thing about being rebellious."

"The most rebellious people in society are the dreamers; for their minds are capable of creating incredibly beautiful and impossible concoctions. And those single thoughts alone have the ability to reconstruct anything. You, my dear, are a dreamer and the prime example of rebellion. Dreamers are believers. And believers are succeeders."

"That was deep," Alice answered, unable to help the small snort.

"You would know. You came up with it."

Alice turned to look at him, but he was already fading.

"Perhaps all I am is a figment of your own imagination. An optical illusion. You know what you want to do with your life, Alice."

He was right. She knew right from the beginning.

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