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Nadia buried herself deep in her thoughts. Her eyes closed. She tuned out everything as she sat with her head in her hands. On her wrists were two metal bracelets. Both of them used to block her powers out.

She didn't want to admit it, but the cell scared her. She hadn't been in one since Hydra, and she was having horrid deja-vu from experiments. Scars she still had begun to sting and she couldn't stop it.

She kept herself in the darkness, going through the memories that stuck to her like glue. She remembered playing with Pietro and Wanda when she was younger, learning how to control her powers— with Pietro.

God, she missed him so much. She wondered what he would say right now. But because of the blockage of her powers, she couldn't even talk to him. She began to burst into tears just thinking about it.

"Hey, Nadia." A voice called her softly, making her break out of the darkness and lookup. Clint's cell was next to hers, making it easy for her to talk to him.

"It's going to be okay, Nadia. You're okay." Nadia shook her head. "We're trapped in here. Nothing is wrong okay." Clint sighed, leaning his head against the wall of his cell.

"You don't deserve to be here."

"And you do? None of us do, Clint. But we knew what were doing when we didn't sign." Nadia glanced up at her ceiling, watching the lights flicker above her. She shut her eyes and opened them again, this time looking over at Sam, who paced his cell nervously.

Wanda's gaze stayed on the floor, she stayed silent as she wandered through her own thoughts. Only once she glanced up to see her sister and to make sure she was okay.

"Well, won't you look at us," Nadia muttered. "Some heroes we are."

Scott was wandering around his cell, muttering endlessly. Nadia glanced over to him. "Scott. Scott. Scott!" She shouted, getting his attention. Scott looked up at her, his face edged with stress.

"My daughter, Cassie. She doesn't know where and am, and these people won't let me call her," he ran his fingers through his hair, frustrated. "How old is she? Your daughter." Nadia asked him.

"Old enough to worry about me." Scott sighed, sitting down in defeat. Nadia got up, angry and frustrated.

She was tired of staring at the same white walls, tired of being treated like an animal. Locked away in a cage, and feared.

Out of fury, Nadia slammed her hands against the window, causing the building to shake. Her eyes widened as she glanced over at Clint, who looked equally confused.

Suddenly a group of five guards stormed into the room, causing everyone to back away from their doors. One guard tapped something in on his tablet and Nadia's door began to open. The rest of the guards quickly came in, grabbing her by the arms.

"What? Let go of me!" She shouted, trying to pull away. The guards only tightened their grip. "Stop! Let me go!"

"Hey! Hey! Let her go you son of a—!" Clint shouted, banging on his window as they proceed to drag Nadia out of her cell. "Stop it!" Scott joined in.

"Nadia!" Wanda got up, horrified. "Leave my sister alone!" She couldn't bang on the wall because of the stupid suit she was wearing.

Nadia was shoved towards the door, "Cassie— I mean, Nadia!" Scott shouted, watching her be dragged away. The door shut, leaving the group of criminals to stare at it in silence.


The guards brought Nadia into a room, screens, and camera were in every corner of the room. She was put in a chair, which strapped her hands down. The quickly left after, leaving her alone in the dimly lit room.

She struggled to move, but her bracelets stopped her from doing anything. Each screen projected a live video of the cells. Nadia glanced at each one, watching her friends and family in their cells.

Wanda was giving the camera a death glare, it even made Nadia shiver. Clint and Scott sure still at their windows. Sam was kicking the wall of his cell aimlessly, his eyes dull and bored.

A door opened and a doctor in a white coat walked through and over towards the screens. He picked up to metal bracelets, looking just like the ones Nadia was already wearing.

The doctor approached her, making Nadia try to squirm away. "This won't hurt," He assured her, placing two more bracelets onto her first. He clicked a button in it, sending a shock wave into Nadia's system.

Nadia began to squirm around more, trying to kick the doctor away. "What the hell did you do to me?" She demanded, her eyes began to glow bright purple and the doctor grabbed a needle from the side table. He quickly stabbed it into Nadia's shoulder, causing the glow to fade away.

She felt drowsy like her world had begun to spin. Which for her, it had. "What the..." she trailed off, her world fading to black.


She didn't remember being carried in, but she woke back up in her cell. It took her a moment to adjust to the lighting before she got up, she quickly regretted the choice.

"Ah." She muttered, grabbing her head. It felt like someone had bashed her head into several walls. Nadia shut her eyes, rubbing her forehead before she heard rumbling from outside.

"Nadia?" Wanda's voice echoed through the cell room, making everyone in the room turn. "Oh, thank god you're okay." Nadia offered a weak smile. "What, What's going on?"

"We don't know," Clint admitted. The floor began to move, making the building shake. "This time, it's not me," Nadia told them, grabbing into a wall of her cell.

The rumbling from outside continued as the building stopped moving. Nadia leaned back against her cell's wall, watching outside her cell for anything.

The door to the cell room opened, and Nadia sighed, looking the other way. Out of it, walked Tony Stark.

okay scott and clint are literally her dads okay?

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