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"You don't look that bad..."

Peter Parker was sitting on the bed in the corner of the room looking at Nadia Maximoff's school I.D. picture. "I mean, I think you look pretty." The comment drew a questionable look from Nadia, who was sitting at the desk in the other corner of her room.

"I mean... pretty good, yeah. What?" The other teen tripped over his words, trying to keep himself from turning red.

"You say, when one receives a compliment, one says 'thank you.' but when one is given a compliment like that... how do they respond?"

Peter stared at her blankly. "You really don't get out of the compound much, do you?" Nadia shook her head sheepishly. "Have you ever been around kids your age?"

Another shake of her head. "No, not since my parents died. So I don't have much, or any friends my age."

Peter's expression softened, having lost his parents too. "How... old were you?" His voice was quiet, making Nadia have to listen closely.

"I was five." She fiddled with the comforter on her bed, which both Louis and Jane had provided. "I was a baby, but I guess I was in my enough to have Aunt May." Peter shrugged.

Nadia smiled softly at him. "I'm sorry." She told him. "I'm sorry too."

There was a silence before Peter glanced up at her. "Well, if you're ever in need of a friend your age, I could always open a slot."

A smile formed on Nadia's lips. "I'll keep you posted."

A knock at the door caused both teens to turn, seeing Jane. "Am I interrupting something?" The blonde-haired woman asked, an eyebrow raised. Nadia shook her head. "No, no. Of course not,"

Jane paused, a smile playing on her lips. "It's dinner time. Peter, you want to stay?" The brown-haired teen shook his head. "I'm good, thank you, Mrs. Jane. But I should be going, with school and everything tomorrow."

Nadia followed Peter to the door, leaving Jane to set the table. "You want me to walk you up?" Nadia asked him. When living in the same building, just different floors, it was easy to see one another. Peter's apartment was right above theirs, and so was his room.

"No, I don't want to keep you guys waiting, but I'll meet you here tomorrow for school, okay?" A nod was all he needed before heading off. "See you tomorrow." He told her.

"Yep, see you." Nadia shut the door to face a grinning Jane. "What?" The redhead stared at her caretaker in confusion. "Nothing, Nothing." Jane chuckled, walking back towards the kitchen.

This only made Nadia more confused. "What is it?" Jane just shook her head, still smiling. "It's nothing! I just think... you and Peter and getting along quite well." Nadia tilted her head in confusion.

"So? He's just helping me get caught up with school and everything..." She stopped when her last two brain cells put together what Jane was inferring. "Oh my god, Jane! That is... no!"

The blonde-haired woman smiled, "I'm just saying! Stop glaring at me and go set the table!" With a huff, Nadi grabbed the forks out of their drawer and placed them in the table.

"Oh, Tony sent your schoolbooks," Jane remembered. "He didn't need to buy them, I could have," Nadia replied, wrinkling her nose. Jane shrugged. "I told him, but there's no persuading that guy."

Nadia let out a laugh, "No, there definitely is not." She was grateful for Tony's generosity, but she was starting high school. She wanted to learn how to become more independent.

The front door closed, symboling Louis was home from work. Louis was a retired scientist, but he became a police officer to still do his part in making the world a better place.

"Oh! Dinner smells funny, you think we should order pizza, Nadia?" Louis made this sarcastic comment whenever Jane cooked since she wasn't always the best at it and tended to burn the food.

"I thought we'd give Jane a chance," Nadia chuckled as Jane threw Louis a look. She took a plate out and whispered to him. "It should be here in fifteen minutes."

Louis grinned at the girl and helped place the plates down on the table. "So, school tomorrow. How do you feel?" The question had been asked by them almost every day this week, but Nadia didn't mind. At least she knew they cared.

"Excited, yet nervous." Jane nodded in response, leaning against the counter. "That's normal, and you have every right to be excited. You're walking with Peter tomorrow right?" Another smile formed in Jane's lips as she asked.

"Yeah, and his friend he said he'd introduce me too, oh my god. Jane!" The teenager went red, shaking her head repeatedly. Louis looked at both of them confused. "What did I miss?"

"Nothing! Nothing." Nadia's phone began to ring, saving her from this awful conversation. Jane and Louis had provided it to her with both theirs and Tony's cell phone number. There was another one Tony put onto it, and that number was calling now.

"Hold on, let me take this." Nadia began to walk to her room, shutting the door. She quickly answered it. "Hey, Wanda!"

"Nadia! I hope I'm not calling late, I wasn't sure if I was calling at the correct time." Her sister's voice rang through the phone. Once Wanda has called at two in the morning, of course, it was only eight there.

"No, you're good! Louis and Jane and just fixing up dinner." Nadia replied, crawling onto her bed. "How's living with them? Do you like it? Are they nice?"

"Really great, they're great people. Yes, I love it. How's Scotland? Vision?"

"Cold, as usual. Vis is doing good, we're blending in with everyone here. Other than that it's nice to relax for once."

This is how most of the sisters' conversations went, they'd ask many and multiple questions until one of them had to had to go, or until it was late for very one of them. Nadia missed her sister and awaited every phone call each week.

"So, school tomorrow, you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," Nadia replied. She was staring up at the ceiling, with her legs in the air. "I'm pretty excited, though."

"That's good, I'm glad you are. This is so exciting! I wish I was there to see you." A yawn came from the other side and Nadia realized it was almost twelve-thirty down there. "I wish you were too. I got to go, dinner's ready,"

"Perfect, I'm headed to bed. But I'll call you tomorrow after school. Alright?"

"Sounds awesome. Love you, Wanda."

"Love you too, Nadia. Bye." The phone dial beeped, hanging up. Nadia turned her phone off and walked out of the room to Jane opening the stove and batting away smoke.

"You burned it?" Nadia asked, a smile reaching her face. "Yeah, guess we're going to have to order pizza." There was a knock on the door a moment later cutting Jane off.

"We'll speak of the devil." Louis chuckled, opening it to the pizza guy. "That will be twenty -two dollars and forty-five cents, sir." Nadia took the pizza as Louis paid.

Both of them turned to a frowning Jane. But Louis only shook his head. "What? You burn the food!"

ive only had Jane and Louis taking care of Nadia for a day, but they already have my heart

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