I'm meeting who?!

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(Y/N's POV)

I sat in my cell staring at the wall. "Man this is boring..." I said sighing. I've been in here ever since the incident with SCP-173. I didn't know I was supposed to tell the others when I was about to blink. But at least me and that one guy survived. Suddenly my door opened and one of the guards stepped in. "D-4729. It's time for your... Appointment." He said chuckling which confused me. "Ok?" I said as I stood up and walked out with him. I was led to a elevator and was pushed in. "This is as far as we can go. This elevator will only take you to the floor you will be in. You will be met with by Dr. McLoughlin. He will take you to where will need to go." The guard said before pressing the button to send me down. "Wait... McLoughlin... That name is familiar..." I said to myself as the elevator lowered to a new place. When the elevator doors opened I was met by a familiar smiling face. Once I had only seen in videos on YouTube. "Wait a minute... I know you!" I said a grin forming on my face. "I know those crystal blue eyes, that adorable smiling face, and that fluffy green hair anywhere! You're THE JackSepticEye!" I said my (e/c) eyes shining. "Yes it's me. The one and only Jackaboy. Now come on. It's time for you to meet the SCP you will be contained with for a bit until we can get 131 to stop following us..." He said leading me down the hall. "Wait why are you here? I thought you enjoyed making videos..." I asked sadly following him. "Well... I did enjoy it... I just had to help someone here... Anyway here we are..." He said and I could hear the hurt in his voice. I looked at the sign that's usually by the door to identify the SCP. "049?... Isn't that the plague doctor?..." I asked clearly scared. I remembered Markiplier's play through of SCP Containment Breach. This SCP's touch could kill you...

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