Im a cat in school .

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Author Note: please be Warned this is my first book and probably going to be terrible . Sooooooo you have been warned . Lol ......sounds as if i say theirs murder around the corner . Oh! That reminds me their may be some foul language. So you have been warned .

Chapter one.

"Rose? Rose? Please wake up. Rosealee! Honey wake up your going to be late!" Uhhh what? Oh...late for school. Groggily I opened my eyes changed back into human and put on my glasses. I got up pulled on jeans, a t-shirt,and a hoodie to cover my ears and a backpack to cover my tail......yes I said tail. I'm half cat ,I have cat ears and a tail. Before you ask I do not know how I became that way all I know is I can turn into a black cat .

When I got down stairs my mother who is completely human was helping my father who is also completely human ,I'm a little envious they know I have cat ears and tail and can turn into a cat but they don't understand ,they try but how can they there human. Anyway they were , makeing a cake for a special client, the "prince of Paris " (his real name is Aaron,) don't know why they call him that he is not even a real prince. He is probably so far stuck up his glass he doesn't know the difference, and he's going to our school this year.Of course everyone but Neko thinks he is the ''. Neko is my favorite friend he's the only one who knows I'm a cat, mainly cause he is the same as me . He is silly, protective ,He gives awesome advice, is a little immature at times, super sweet and has blond hair hiding his Calico ears and blue eyes.Plus totally dislikes Aaron. Our friends give us crap about how we should date. Oh I should tell you ,"Brinnnnnnnng". Oh shoot I have five minutes to
till I'll be late ! " Bye ma! Bye dad! See you later!"" I said as I ran out the door . Thankfully I'm right across the street . I thought as I waited for the walk sign,a and sighed softly in relief that I made it on time .

I was heading to 6th hour (algebra 2) when my friend Chloe came up to me with her black hair bouncing behind her and her brown eyes filled with excitement .

"Rose!! Oh Rose, John asked me on a date !!!!! Can you believe it !!! John!!!!"

ohn...... who's John? Oh right . The football playing player / womanizer/ jock/idiot A.K.A The jerk. Better put a smile on my face and seem excited.

" That's amazing Chlo."

"You don't sound so excited. Why's that? What's wrong?"

"I am excited for you Chlo. I'm just tired. Okay?"

"Oh! Okay!" She said with out a second thought.

"Ummm, Rose?"


"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"I'm always about me..... I never ask what's going on with anyone of my friends I've never had many friends and you have been my friend for about 6 months sadly your the only friend who has stayed my friend. So I'm sorry for being a stuck up beach."

"Um okay Chlo I accept your apology, but your not a 'beach' . Okay? Your fine the way you are. Okay?"

"Okay Rose" she said as she gave me a hug. "Thank you."

"Uh huh. " I am starting to get uncomfortable here...........

I heard footsteps and turned my head to their direction and saw Neko. I mouthed help me he laughed, shook his head ,and walked over.

"Hi Rose, hello Chloe. Sorry to interrupt touching moment but can I steal Rose for a minute Chloe?"

"Of course ,Neko. ". She said then she whispered to me " If he kisses you tell me all the dets." and winked I just smiled back and fallowed Neko to our Algebra class. I wish...... No ......I won't let that happen....I CAN'T let that happen ......I can't get to involved with anyone here .......not even Neko. But get this...I still had butterfly's in my stomach when he put his arm around my shoulder.

Authors note: sorry if this was terrible like I said this is my first Chapter/book...sorry if it's alittle cheesy/mushy......anyways .......I could not figure out how to add the picture to the top so this is how I imagine Rosealee without her hoodie or bag on😉 (if someone could give tips and instructions for that I would be thrilled ( how to add a pic up top) 😺)

Doesnt she look adorable !!😼😉 I was really surprised I found a pic that looked so much like her (the only difference is her eyes are a little greener ) next chapter I will post a picture of how I imagine Neko with-out his cover stuff on . Oh and sorry for the cliff hanger and all the un-ansured questions I will TRY to ansure most of them next chapter . Please stick around and read my whole story . Thanks !!!! Figured out top pic😸 sooooooo that is the outfit Rosealee threw on without the hoodie and back pack .❤😸

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