Coming back

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  My cousin nudged me as we were on the street that Haruhi and My dad lives on.
"Yeah I know I'm paying attention." Liar. He said.
"Bitch." Fucker". He then said. "Mother fucker."
"Piece of shit." Ok you win." Haha." He teased.

I stopped and threw my skateboard in the air and caught it. I walked up to the apartment and knocked on the door.

I made sure my white hair covered over my red eye.

My dad opened the door and looked at me. Excuse me? He asked. "Hey dad do you like not remember your own daughter?" I mean I know I look like a boy and dress like one but come on."

He stared at me then gasped....Hara. "No duh." I hugged him. "Hey Kiro come over here!" He walked up the stairs. Yeah. He said. "Dad look Kiro came too." I said pointing at him.

Kiro! My dad screamed and pulled him into a hug. "Is Haruhi here dad?" No she's at school. My dad said. "What school?" Ouran Academy. My dad responded. "Kiro lets go." I took my skateboard and walked to the street. I put down my skate board and started off for the school my twin is supposed to be in.

You may ask how I know where the school is. Well for one it's a fucking pink gigantic school! Who's gonna miss that?
Two it's for rich snobby people so yup my poor sister goes to that dumb school.

"Oi Hara are you gonna tell your sister and your dad what we work as?" Kiro asked. "I'll try to get to that point." Cause of course it's gonna be hard explaining that we work as fucking assassins." He laughed at that comment. You see we work as top rate assassins. Luckily we work in the shadows so we're barely ever seen.

I didn't come here to see my family I came here because I have 3 major assignments. Since my family lives here I'll be staying with them so. I turned in front of a big PINK school. YES PINK I KNOW I'VE SAID THIS A LOT BUT IT'S FUCKING PINK!

My cousin looked at me then said "The school is Pink what the fuck was the headmaster of this school thinking."

"I know right!" We laughed and went inside the school. I stopped and picked up my skateboard in front of a girl.

"Hey do you know who Haruhi Fujioka is?" She turned a bright red at the mention of my sister. Is this girl lesbian or something. (A/N: I have nothing against lesbians I totally support their decision. So sorry if I may have offended you).

"Can you please tell me where Haruhi is?" Yeah he's at Music room #3. The girl said. Wait he!? Is he cross dressing as well? I'm only doing it to be an assassin and to keep under cover. Wait that makes sense why the girl blushed. I winked at her just to see her reaction.

She turned bright red. I gave Kiro a smug smile. I walked around the school until I found Music room #3. "Hara you know you're carrying a gun and deadly poison on you right?" No duh." Whatever Mr. I already knew that ass."

When I opened the door fucking rose pedals went straight at us. Kiro pushed them out of the way while snarling.

'Welcome' 7 boys said. I ignored them and studied all of them. A boy had a face that looked like Haruhi. No idiot that is Haruhi.

I walked up to Haruhi and stared at her. My cousin was right behind me. I pulled her into a hug."I missed you Haru-chi." That's the nick name I gave her.

I pulled away from the hug and let Kiro go up to her. He rubbed her hair and said "what's up Squirt." She looked at us wide eyed. I looked at the other 6 boys. A blonde one looked mad.

Haruhi who are these punks?! The blonde one asked. I grabbed him by the shirt. "Excuse me Jealous much but just to let you now I hate being called a punk by an idiot like you." I snarled the word you.

Kiro was smiling.  Hara put him down. Haruhi said.  And so I did put down The Blonde idiot.

Kiro put a hand on my head. So this is what your sister has been doing this whole time? He asked in English. "I don't know." Wait but look around he said. Isn't that Mitskuni Haninozuka? He asked. "Yep and the one next to him is his cousin Takashi Morinozuka." Though we shouldn't speak in English Kiro I'm sure those two know English and Glasses over there too. Glasses, Takashi, and Mitskuni were staring at us wide eyed. So I decided to change the subject.

"So Haruhi you got a boyfriend huh?" What no! She screamed. " Hey Blonde idiot if you dare hurt my little sister I swear I will kill you!" Hide me Mommy. He said while hiding behind Glasses. Wait little a red haired twin said. Sister the other red haired twin said.

"Yeah she's my little sister." Haruhi sweat dropped only for 2 hours. She mumbled. Wait so your this punk's twin. The blonde idiot said. I know he can be like this but he has good qualities. Haruhi said.

Like playing the piano and being sweet once you get to know him. Really you can play the piano! Mitskuni said.

"I used to play it." Can you play for me pretty please! Mitskuni pleaded. I took a long sigh. "Fine."

That's when the blonde idiot opened a curtain that had a huge white piano.

I looked at Kiro the said "Don't laugh." Can't promise that he said. I walked up to the piano and sat down.

"Ok then I'll play Etude in C minor , Op. 10 No. 12 "Revolutionary Etude." I took a deep breath.

It's been so long. I placed my hand on the piano and started playing. I can't promise I won't be rusty.

I noticed I was sweating a little. Soon enough my hands were basically moving by themselves. You see this mom I didn't stop playing after you passed.

I finished the song. I noticed that a bit of my hair that's covering my completely red eye was out of place. I moved it to cover my eyes.

So what's with your hair covering one eye Hara. Haruhi asked. Fuck what do I say now.

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