im sorry

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I was really frustrated... The last few days haven't been the best to me. And my brother was getting mad again.. Sorry I got y'all worried

I also need some help, so there's this girl who rides my bus and I hate to say this but.. she's a bit annoying... And I don't really like her... Cause I know she has a lot of problems but I kinda feel like she's using my sympathy against me, and I don't exactly feel safe with her... She's pretty violent when she's mad and she's already "hit" my friend... She also lays on top of us and I've told her consistently to stop but she doesn't... Idk I just don't feel very comfortable around her. I don't want to drive her away cause I know she's going through lots of pain right now but at the same time I feel like I'm a rug for her to step on. She also shows off her cuts... And I hate it... I hate that she's using my kindness against me. I know she's not trying to but shes hurting my soul. I hate to see people do what I did. And she knows that. But she still does it. I just don't know what to do and I need help

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