Chapter fifteen

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Expecting to see something similar to the television incident, I walk in. There's no father standing in the doorway, shaking with fury, no groundings, and no punishments. What happened to Dad?

I slowly make my way inside, throwing my purse on the counter, phone and all. "Dad?" I call out. "I'm home."

No response.

Making my way over to David's room, I get the chills. Where is everyone?

Playing it safe, I grab my phone and dial triple zero, keeping my finger above the call button as I slowly tiptoe closer. With my free hand, I pick up the butter knife lying on the bench. "Hello? Anyone here?"

I grab David's door handle, and in one swift motion, I whip it open.

"Hey!" he yelps, slamming his laptop shut and jumping up from the bed. "What the hell are you doing?"

I lower the knife pointed at him with ease. "I-I thought there was a thief or murderer...or something, inside." I wince at how stupid it sounds.

He laughs. "And you were going to do what? Make him a sandwich?"

I narrow my eyes. "And you were doing what? Watching porn?" I retort. He flushes and makes a face. "No, I wasn't!"

This is the first time I'd seen David uncomfortable, and it makes me laugh out loud. "Sure."

He just shakes his head as if I'm acting childish. "Why are you all dressed up?"

I realise now he hadn't really noticed a thing about my change. Why would he? He hadn't noticed the layers of makeup, my new clothing style, nothing. I shouldn't be surprised, though, I turn away towards the door, then look back at him again. "And Olivia wants her clothes back." Smirking, I leave before he can say a word.

I settle into my bed with my phone, checking the notifications. Earlier today, I posted a picture of Jax and me in the movie theatre. Already there's heaps of likes and comments, all of them good. Everything's turning out to be just fine, and if I could go back in time, I wouldn't change a thing.

"Carrie! How are you?" Miss Callani says to me, taking a break from strolling around the room and eyeing everyone's worksheets.

I beam at her. She's always just so sweet. "I'm good, thanks."

"Are you feeling better?" she asks, referring to the throwing-up incident. I wince at the memory, ignoring the pink blush crawling up my cheeks.

"Yeah, thank you, I'm much better," I clear my throat. "Probably just a virus."

She gives me a small smile, as if knowing the real reason, and says, "Don't let them get to you, Carrie. You're better than that." Why does everyone keep saying that? I'm not.

I shake my head vigorously. "Oh, I'm fine, no-one's bullying me or anything."

Again, she gives me that knowing half-smile and strides away to sneak behind someone who's not doing the work.

I wonder about the double meaning behind her words. Bullying? It's somewhat embarrassing to admit to a teacher – but she won't be thinking that after I join the other dancers. I grin. The audition is after second period, today. I didn't get time to practise over the weekend, but I decided to wing it. I must be good, if I got an audition, right?

The excitement stays with me as the rest of first period flies by and before I know it, the bell rings and its lunch.

When I reach my locker and open my lunch box, I groan. I guess I'm going without food today, or I'm eating David's margarine/avocado/jam/grape sandwich. I know. It's revolting. Chucking it in the bin, I head to our usual spot, underneath the big tree.

I see Jasmin and Georgie, and Eric, as usual, but my feet freeze when I notice another figure sitting with his arm slung around Georgie. What?

It takes me a moment, but realisation overcomes me, and I narrow my eyes at her new boyfriend. Why didn't she tell me? That my plan worked, that she's dating someone, who this nobody is?!

Someone grabs me from behind and I let out a squeal.

"Hey, bitch!" Rebecca laughs at my reaction. "Love your earrings, by the way."

I laugh myself when I realise it's her. In the corner of my eyes, I see my friends turn my way. "Aw, thank you! Your hair is just gorgeous today." I reply, sending her messages through girl code I wouldn't be able to translate.

"Same to you. I've been looking for you everywhere. Did you want to come sit with us?"

I hesitate for a second, not wanting to upset my friends, but hurt speaks for itself and I make a point to smile at her and say, "Yes! I'd love to sit with you!"

As we walk away, I sneak a look behind my shoulder and see they're back to talking and laughing. Sadness stings my eyes and I battle the tears fighting to crawl down my cheeks. Is this really my best friends? The ones who don't seem to care about me at all?

"Here we are!" she sings, presenting me to her group. I see a bunch of the people I met a few weeks ago, the one's I met at our locker room. Serena sits in the middle of the back, clearly the prime of the conversation. Two guys sit next to her, flirting as much as she is. Where does Jax sit, if he doesn't sit here? The laughing stops as they all look up.

"Uh, hey guys." I mutter awkwardly. Thankfully, Katy jumps up.

"Oh, hey Carrie! Want to sit next to me?" She pulls me down, obviously a rhetorical question. Not that she has any reason to doubt why someone wouldn't. Grateful, I smile at the people next to me. Another guy introduces himself. "Hey, I'm Cameron. It's great to finally meet you." He smiles broadly, running his fingers through his hair.

That's Cameron, my mind tells me. Cameron Cresitalli. Super-hot and popular (surprisingly, though, not a football player! He instead is known for his well... good looks and art pieces), talking to me. My cover must be working.

"Oh, nice to meet you too!" I blush while he gives me a flirtatious smile.

Rebecca sees us and laughs. "This is Jax's girlfriend, Cam, so you'd better back off."

He makes a face at her, as if she's taking the fun out of everything. "What about you, Rebecca? You with anyone?" He makes a kissy face at her, making her laugh again.

"No, not that it's any of your business! No one in their right mind would date you."

He brings his fist to his chest with a thump. "I'm heartbroken."

"Sure. Let's wait for three, two, one..." As if on cue, he sighs and his eyes linger on the body of another girl. Rebecca giggles as Cam realises what he's done. "What? You don't think that I can stick with the same girl for more than a minute?"

"Ah, ya. Most relationships you have only last for one night." she rolls her eyes.

"Hm. How about a contest? Or something more like a bet?" he smiles, a devious glint in his eyes.

"Oh? What are you implying?" Rebecca rests her chin on her fist.

He grins. "If I can make you develop feelings for me, you have to admit that I was right."

Katy and I share a look while watching them, smiling like crazy. They're so cute together. We can both definitely see the chemistry in them, why can't they just admit they like each other?

Rebecca scoffs and rolls her eyes. "Deal. What do you bet?"

While they discuss bets, my eyes travel over to a sweaty figure jogging towards us. It's Hunter.

"Hey, Seren." he says, looking in my direction. What–

Serena jumps up from behind me, hugging him. Oh. "What are you doing out here?" She gives him a peck on the lips and he smiles. "I thought you were at practice?"

"I was, just forgot my bottle. Though it was worth it, to see you." Urgh. What a cheesy line. They kiss, and I feel just like sitting with Jasmine and Eric all over again.

Hunter and Serena part, him walking back. She sits back down to flirting with boys all over again. I can't believe it – they can't be serious! Both of them, Hunter dating Serena, of all people, and her just flirting with other boys all while having a boyfriend. I couldn't decide whether these people are bad or good, there's too many ups and downs.

"I–I need to go to the bathroom." I excuse myself, though only Katy gives me a brief smile. I hurry off in the direction Hunter went.

"Hunter." I call. "Wait." I run a little faster, catching up to him.

He turns around, seeing me, and crosses his arms with a scowl on his face. "What do you want?"

"What the frick was that?" I spit. "What happened to 'I thought you were different'? Serena's way worse than me!"

He shrugs. "I guess she wasn't as bad as I thought."

I give a fake laugh. "You're kidding, right? So what was I being judged for?"

He shrugs again, but with his famous playboy smile. I can't help watching it for a second before I snap out of it. He smirks at my reaction, and I narrow my eyes.

"Oh," I tilt my head. "I see what this is."

His smile withers slightly. "What are you talking about?"

"You want revenge," I taunt. "for me being with Jax."

He lets out a mocking laugh, though it's not as effective. It's like he's...vulnerable. "That's bullshit. I couldn't care less. I just hate his effing personality, like how we now have a reputation for playing dirty, thanks to him."

I roll my eyes at him. "Yeah, that's what you care about. The school's reputation." With one last smirk, I turn around and walk away, feeling his eyes on me.

This is how it's supposed to be.

The game's just starting.

I sit back down next to Rebecca, Cam and Katy, and nod my head along with the conversation like I've been there the whole time.

I slip my phone out of my pocket and check my notifications. One reminds me of the audition today. Now that it's only a lesson or two away, my nerves are building up.

"Hey, aren't you joining our audition today?" Katy turns to me, making a bunch of girls glance to me.

I muster a smile. "Yeah, yeah! I can't wait."

Katy sideways glances at Serena, then whispers in my ear, "I hope you're prepared. Serena's very scary during practice."

My eyes widen and the butterflies inside my stomach turn into angry crows, tearing at my skin. Oh, crap. I knew I should have practiced. What have I gotten myself into?

Forcing myself to shake my head and scoff, I say through my teeth, "Of course,"

As if on cue, the bell rings, and I pull out my phone to check my timetable. Free study period and then Maths. With Ms Saunders. Urgh.

Then an idea comes to mind. I lean over to Brianna, who's chatting with Katy. "Hey. Do you think you could tell Saunders I'm at sick bay?"

She shrugs. "Yeah, sure. Why?"

I know excuses with this group would be different, so I don't blurt out the usual 'not feeling good' justification. Instead, I whisper, "Jax wants to meet me behind the bathrooms." and wink.

She gasps, a smile playing on her lips. "Shut up! You two are so cute."

I lightly slap her. "Thanks, bitch."

I walk away, confidence filling me and a sexy expression on my face. I've already gotten used to using their choice of words and talking like them. The popular clique seem to always send out compliments. And, of course, nasty remarks, hence the 'shut up' and all the other offensive names I've been called over the years.

After getting out a small tote bag out of my locker, I head to the café to use my free period wisely – to grab a coffee, of course. After gossiping with Rebecca for a while, I head out a few minutes before the bell rings to get a head start, and to avoid the crowd. I make a right to the nearest bathroom and dump the bag on the counter, taking a quick once-over of my reflection. If I'm not ready for the audition, I need to at least look ready. I slip my right hand inside my makeup bag and close my hands around my concealer, my hands coming out bright red. What?

A closer look and I realise my freaking lipstick has exploded. Everywhere.

I attempt to grab out the makeup wipes, using the same hand, but instead end up clumsily juggling it in the air before it makes a satisfying slapping sound onto the front on my uniform and falls to the floor.

Now I can start panicking.

Frustrated, I run my left hand through my hair, willing tears not to fall and a solution to come to mind. Did I really have to skip class just to get ready for the audition? I could have just left a few minutes early to apply some basic makeup, but no. Nothing is ever simple or easy in my life.

I peel the wipes off the floor and rinse most of the lipstick, then inspect my uniform. Good news: it isn't too bad, and shouldn't be seen easily after wiped off. First, I scrub at my hand with the wipes, then wash it under the tap, and then try a combination of the both. Bad news: it doesn't look like this is coming off anytime soon. When I notice touching anything else with that hand doesn't leave traces of red behind, I move on. I'll have to figure that out later.

I scrub at my uniform till I'm pleased that pretty much all of it has come off, and I feel better already. See?, I tell myself. If I calm myself down, everything will turn out fine.

I pull the rest of the makeup out of the bag, resentfully having to chuck out some which didn't have covers on. I throw the packet of makeup wipes in the bin, and slide everything else into the sink, flipping the water switch on. I leave it running as I turn my bag inside out and wash it in the other seat. Another girl walks inside while I'm still cleaning up, giving me a strange look, but I flash her a bitchy 'find someone else to stare at' look and she hurries to do her business.

Soon enough my products are cleaned and no longer sticky. I slip everything in the bag and feel a wave of relief wash over me. I'm done. Finally.

And then I register I haven't even started my makeup yet. I slip my phone out of my pocket. Fifteen minutes until the audition starts. It's going to be risky, rushing my makeup. But do I have another choice?

I apply some shiny pink lip-gloss instead of finding another kind of red. I'm definitely not going to put everything in jeopardy again. To take the attention away from my hand, I put on heaps of mascara and create smokey eyes with my eye shadow and a bit of eyeliner. I dab a bit of shiny tinted moisturizer on my nose and examine my reflection. Perfect. Just perfect.

Except...I stare down at my left boob. Even though you can barely see the stain close up, a few steps back and it's highly noticeable. It somewhat looks like I leaked...blood. That can't do.

I throw my head back and try to think. What would Serena do? My eyes travel over to the lost and found basket in the corner of the room. I couldn't.

Could I?

Left with no other choice, I dig out the least stinking top that looks like it'll fit me, and duck into a stall to try it out. A bit small but I can work with that. I unbutton the first for a bit of cleavage, and check the time again. Five minutes.

I throw on a load of foundation on my hand, hoping to clear it up, and basically run out of there. I arrive at the hall just as the bell rings and throw my bag on the seat, staying out of the way as the hall fills with the rest of the team, and last of all, Serena. Instantly I notice something's wrong.

I didn't even think about what to wear.

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