Chapter twelve

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"Wow, Carrie, you have such gorgeous chestnut waves!" she smiles, curling my hair.

I smile. "Thank you."

Beaming, she waves it off. She reaches over to her makeup bag, holding the curling iron in place. I look at my reflection once again. I look so pretty! Jax will love it.

I'd invited Rebecca over to help me get ready for my date. She knows all about this stuff. And she's amazing at makeup, too. She's layered light brown eyeshadow on (she says they match my eyes), applied an amber lipstick on called 'Crystal' –that I wish I'd had all along–, and just some tiny details, like eyeliner, eyebrow liner, mascara, foundation, lip liner, eyelash curler, and more. Maybe not so tiny, after all.

"I'm sorry," Rebecca says, dabbing lotion on my curls. "I just couldn't help myself. I love makeup!" she squeals. "I'd love to be a makeup artist when I'm older. It would be so much fun. But, of course, I've got to think about the future and all that." She rolls her eyes.

"Don't we all," I reply, staring at my reflection, not really paying attention.

"What do you think?

I pucker my lips a bit, half-closing my eyes, and run my fingers through my hair.

"I think I look perfect!" I smile gratefully. "Thank you."

"Oh, anytime!" she waves it off. "This is your first date, right?"

"How did you know?"

"You don't exactly seem like the type to date the idiots at our school. Trust me, you're not missing out on anything. This guy—what's his name again?"

"Jax. Jaxon."

"He's going to beg for another date today, after seeing you like this. Carrie, you look stunning! And I hope you know that!"

I laugh. "I'm a bit nervous. What do people actually do on dates?"

"Depends on the guy. And the place. Where are you guys going?"

I think back to his text earlier this morning. "He said it was a surprise."

"Ooh, sounds exciting! He could be planning something amazing, but don't get your hopes up, because some guys are really dull and will surprise you with a milkshake. Like, seriously, some guys..."

I giggle, interrupting her. "You're rambling again!"

She makes a face. "I am? I really talk way too much. It's mostly because with the really boring guys I've dated, they won't say a word and I have to come up with something to say!"

Laughing now, I give her a hug. "It's fine. I love how you're so enthusiastic about everything. Only one in a billion could deserve you!"

"Aw, Carrie, you're so sweet! You deserve so much more!"

Rebecca is truly an amazing person. I'm so glad I became friends with her.

I check the clock on the wall. "Crap, it's almost twelve! I need to get dressed."

"Have you picked out your outfit yet?"

I stop short. How could I have forgotten?

"You idiot! Let's go pick one out." She laughs.

I run into my room, flinging out potential outfits, while Rebecca examines each one and throws them in a pile with a slight shake of her head.

"No, no, no... it needs to be casual, but not too casual. It can't look like you're trying too hard, but also not like you just don't care."

I scrunch my forehead up in frustration and keep throwing clothes at her. I seriously need to get a new wardrobe.

Finally, she picks up my light denim shorts. "Hm... this could work..." Her face brightens. She shrugs off her jacket and offers it to me.

"Are you sure?"

"It won't look right without it. Just try it on."

I slide my arms through the sleeves and pose in the mirror. "Wow, you're right! I love this!'

She smiles. "You look so good in it, you should just keep it."

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

She laughs and I join in. "Okay, now for the finishing touch..." she looks around, pursing her lips, and picks up a black tank top. "This should do."

"Okay, I'll try it on!" I say.

After trying it on, I go back into my bedroom, nervous. "How does it look?"

"There are no more words to describe you! You're basically every guy's dream girl."

I look in the mirror, satisfied. She's right.

Suddenly, the doorbell rings, and I jump up and down, squealing, "He's here!"

I rush to the front door and flick the porchlight on. Before pulling the handle, I turn to Rebecca. "Oh, I forgot. We can walk you home before if you want." I say to be polite, hoping she won't say yes.

"Oh, you go on!" She waves her hand. "I'll let myself out. Dad's going to pick me up in a minute, anyway. Don't seem too eager!" She winks at me before disappearing into the garage, probably to leave by the side gate without him seeing her.

Slowly, I pull open the door and stifle a giggle, leaning to one side. "Hey."

"Hey. You ready?"

"Yep!" I open the door and shut it behind me, locking it. "How far?"

"Only a five minute walk actually." He frowns at his phone. "Uh oh."

I start panicking. "What?"

"Looks like I read the wrong thing. Is there anyone who could pick us up?"

I stare at him, gaping. Is he serious? I doubt he even read anything. And now he expects someone else to pick him up?!

Then it clicked. Of course! I'd forgotten about him with all my glory days.

I whip out my phone and shoot him a text message.

C: Hey. I need a ride. Pronto.

T: Srsly


C: I'm serious. I need this.

T: idc

I groan.

C: Travis! You said you would be my slave.

T: not in those words no

C: Come one! Please! I really need this. Plus, you owe me.

T: urgh

why are you so annoying.

meet me outside my house. 3 minutes.

I punch the air in triumph.

"Jaxie?" I ask, trying out a new nickname. "My friend could give us a ride there."

He looks up from his phone and grins. "Cool."

When we reach Travis's house, I ring the doorbell and an elderly lady answers. "Who are you?" she croaks out.

I smile at her. "I-I'm a friend of Travis's."

"Who?" She leans forward with a confused expression, and I start to think I've got the wrong house when Travis grabs her from behind.

"Nanny! I told you to stay in the chair. Come on now." He ushers her back inside. "Call me if you need anything."

He closes the door and opens the door to his car. "Hop in."

I falter. "I'm sorry, if I knew that you were..."

"All good." He finally looks up. "Woah...what's the occasion?" I glance over to Jax on the curb, looking at his phone, and Travis does too. His face deflates. "Oh."

I feel a pang in my stomach as I call over Jax and he hops into the backseat. I take the front. "Thanks for driving us on such short notice."

"It's fine. Where are you going?"

I look back at Jax but he isn't paying attention. I tap him on the shoulder. "Jax, can you tell Travis where we're going, please?"

He doesn't look up as he gives him the address. It's a shopping centre.

"You guys on your first date?" He asks. I nod. "Aw, so sweet." His tone of voice makes me look up. He's mocking me. I narrow my eyes at him.

"What's your problem? Do you not like him or something?" I whisper.

"He's a dickhead," he hisses back. I cover my mouth in shock. "And why are we whispering?"

"For the very reason of what you just said! I can't believe you just did that." I drop my voice even lower. "What if he heard you?"

"Sure, sure. He's way too attached to that piece of plastic."

"And what's your reason for calling him that?" I ask, my voice rising but still quiet enough that Jax can't hear me. "What did he ever do to you?  Steal the attention away?"

He clenched his teeth. "I don't care about popularity."

Now it's my turn. "Sure, sure."

"I don't."

"Then why do you hang out with David?" I press.

He scoffs. "You think that's the reason I hang out with him? Not everything is about popularity, Carrie. I like him because he's chill. He's fun. He's the opposite of you."

I smirk. "No offence taken. And as if David could be chill." I emphasise the last word.

"And how would you know? You just ignore him, glare at him, hate everyone around him." he checks off on his fingers. "You assume he's this horrible person when he's really...not."

He's not a horrible person? Explain, please. I'm sure you saw that picture on Instagram, the photo shopped one. What nice, caring person would do that?" I take a deep breath. "I don't judge him for no reason. Like every time I walk into the room, he makes fun of me. He acts like a jerk. He goes to parties and comes home at 3 in the morning, probably after being with some girl. Then he dumps her the next day."

Travis is quiet for a moment. Then he raises his eyebrows. "Firstly, all that teasing and stuff, that's what brothers do. All of them. Not just David. Trust me, there's worse." He pauses. "And, yes, David has serious problems with girls. He does need to get a grip."

I glance behind me to make sure Jax isn't listening. He isn't. "And?" I ask him. "What about the Instagram post?"

He stares at the road and fiddles with the wheel. All of a sudden my mouth is dry. "Travis? Travis! Stop ignoring me and answer my question."

"We...we posted that."

What? "Liar! David admitted to doing it." My mouth feels like sandpaper. I'm stiff with shock. This can't be true – can't be, I've never associated with him or any of the other guys before this. I thought I was invisible to everyone else.

"He didn't want us to get into trouble. I mean, he wouldn't get into that much—being your brother—and he doubted you would tell any teachers or anything. But it would be different for us."

My eyes start blurring. "What? Who's us? Why did you do that?" I whisper.

He avoids my eyes. "Some guys from the football team."

"Why? Why?" I'm shaking now.

Suddenly he hits the wheel so hard the car shakes. He pulls into a parking space, tires screeching. Jax gets out.

I jump out and slam the door, running to Jax.

C: He's better than you

As soon as I enter, my heartbeat slows down and my flushed cheeks turn to normal. I'm glad I didn't cry, because my makeup would have been ruined. The air conditioning hits us and makes my curls lift from my shoulders. The absolute movie-effect.

But instead of feeling better, guilt hits me. Why, though? I did nothing wrong except manipulate him.

Fine. But he had it coming. He's the whole reason this happened.

Won't I be steering clear of him! I throw my hair behind my shoulders and confidently stride next to Jax.

"Hey," I whisper, inching closer. Today. Today I'm going to make my move. I move my lips to his ear. "Where are we going?"

He whistles. "Pretty sure it's just around the corner."

And we don't actually get lost. He's taken me to a cinema. But I don't let disappointment take over me. Instead, I think about how it's the perfect place.

To make my move.

I smile big at him, to show him I appreciate it. "Aw, thank you, Jaxie!"

He's smug. "No problem."

Suddenly, something occurs to me. It may not be the perfect place. "What are we watching?"

"Also a surprise."

I'm hoping it's not a horror movie, because I'm most definitely not allowed to watch horror movies. "Um... do you know what genre it might be?"

His smiles, his teeth showing. "Horror."


Actually—it might just be! Wow, I'm a genius. It's literally in the handbook! Every cringey, cliché Teen Fiction novel (or movie) has the girl clinging to the guy's arm because she's too scared of the movie. Leads to romantic kissing and the whole set.

He lines up and talks to the guy at the counter. After a minute, he leans back and says, "Do you have any money, Carrie?" he winks at me, probably trying to hide his embarrassment.

I know what kind of person he is now, so I've prepared for this. I pass him my wallet and watch as he orders some drinks and food too. With my money. I try not to feel too annoyed.

Finally, he comes back with the tickets, a big bucket of popcorn and a soda. "We can share the soda," he says.

It's just getting better and better! I grab two straws and follow him into the small cinema. We take the seats near the back, and check our phones. Soon the ad comes up on the screen asking us to turn them off, and we oblige. As soon as the movie starts, we dig into the popcorn. He sets the bucket on the armrest between us.

About half an hour into the movie, I express a sigh of relief. Nothing creepy has happened yet.

But, of course, a moment too soon.

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