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Chapter Three

Recommended Song:
Levitate by Imagine Dragons

You're my shooting star, you make my heart ascend. Rey tapped her pencil, as her white earphones hung lowly below her ears. She was deep in thought.

It was Tuesday night. Classes just ended, and Rey was back home, pondering at the thoughts that left her blank back at her first day of her sophomore year.

Just levitate, just levitate. The song, Rey thought, was telling her to stop worrying and just levitate. Although, it was hard for Rey, in a middle of a crisis, like this one.

She pressed the pause button, and massaged her temples. It was stressful. Rey has been trying to sort out about the project given by Professor Solo.

Being teacher's pet, Rey can't fail to disappoint the teacher. So she has to do her best, even if Ben is her partner.

But all Rey had was a blank mindset, right now. Rey sighed, when a beep from her phone startled her.

She dove for her phone to check who it was, and realize that it was one of the girls from school. Jyn Erso.

Jyn: Hey, Rey. This is Jyn Erso. I see that you're in my class with Professor Solo. Wanna go to Starbucks now? :)

Rey: Sure, no problem. One question, how did you get my number?

Jyn: Uh, I got it from one of your friends, Phasma, was that her name? The one who paired with Baze Malbus.

Rey mentally cursed at Phasma for giving away Rey's number to someone who Rey hasn't even met yet.

Rey: Okay. Give me a moment. I'll meet you there. See you.

Rey closed her phone screen, and collapsed in her bed. She doubted that Jyn would wait long, so after two minutes or so, Rey got up and pocketed her phone and left.

"Unkar, I'm just off to meet a friend!" Rey shouted over the blaring TV. She heard Unkar grunt in reply. "Don't be late. Expect you here at 6." He said.

Rey sighed, before closing the door behind her. A cold breeze of air slapped her the moment she set foot off the house.

She checks her watch. 4:50. Estimating her time, Rey sets that she'll be home quarter to 6PM. She looks away, when she bumps into somebody.

"I'm so sorry!" Rey gaped, horrified, before realizing. "Lucas! Ohmigosh. I'm super sorry!" She panicked again, but Lucas placed a reassuring pat on her shoulder, making Rey blush.

"It's fine. No biggie." He grinned, before turning serious. "Where are you heading, anyways? Need a lift?" He asked. Rey shook her head.

"No. Actually, I was just going to Starbucks to meet a -" Rey didn't even know what to call Jyn. Yet.

"-friend." Rey finished, with uncertainty. She didn't want Lucas to know yet. Not just now. Lucas looked at her, with a raised brow, but didn't question her further.

"Okay. Do you mind if I accompany you? I'm feeling quite thirsty." He asks, and Rey shakes her head. "Oh! It's fine. I don't mind, really." She smiles, and he returns it, with a wink.

Rey blushes again. Lucas and her then walked down the street together, with the wind floating right above them.

"So what instrument do you play?"

Rey looked at Lucas, who just asked a question. "Um.. I.." She admittedly sighs, while Lucas watches her carefully. "You might find it a bit too boring."

"It's okay. I won't judge. I promise."

Rey couldn't help but smile at how concerned, and compassionate Lucas sounded. You've found a good friend, she thought.

"I play the violin. But I'm not a classical kind of girl. I'm following more the footsteps of the violinist Lindsey Stirling. Have you heard of her? She's good." Rey grins, and Lucas nods.

"Mmhm. Well, I play the drums." He smiles, as Rey's heart flutters. She has never felt this way with a man before. Much less someone younger than her.

He let go of her hand, thus making Rey a little down but still. They arrived in front of the store, and Rey scanned the store for any sign of Jyn Erso.

She found the senior by the couches, talking to the sophomore - Cassian, his name was, Rey presumes - and looking deep in the conversation. Rey felt awkward all at a sudden.

Jyn then saw Rey, at the corner of her eye. "Rey! Oh, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you that Cassian -" Her gaze skipped from me to Lucas. "Who is this man?" She asks, with a bit of an absurd tone apparent in her voice.

"Oh, this is Lucas. He's just.. Here to buy a drink for himself. I met him along the way." Rey explains, and Lucas nods at Jyn. "Hello."


"Um. I'm Cassian." The boy that Jyn was partnered with, suddenly perked up amidst the awkward situation. Rey silently thanked Cassian for that.

"Hey. Name's Lucas." The two boys bump fists, and Rey awkwardly shook hands with Cassian. "Rey."

"So.. Have you planned out about your acapella already, Rey?" Jyn asked, with an impish smile. She shook her head in dismay. "Not yet."

"Cassian and I have planned some out, already." Jyn says proudly, which Rey founds a bit annoying.

"We thought of beatboxing some parts, and using a cup to lay down a beat." Jyn did an imaginary move, like she was doing the Cups Song done by Anna Kendrick in Pitch Perfect.

"What's the song?"

Rey blinked. "You mean the song by Imagine Dragons?" She asks, curiosity and interest filling her in an instant.

"Yeah. Cassian and I were just talking about how to execute it." Jyn nods, as she playfully nudges her elbow in Cassian's chest, who wheezed.

"Ow." He said, but grinned mischievously. Rey couldn't help but notice how close Jyn and Cassian have become ever since they've been partnered up to work together.

Lucas shifted uncomfortably, and Rey almost forgot about him, so she decided to give him a favor. "It's nice meeting you, Jyn - and Cassian. I hope to see you back at school." Rey bids farewell, and Lucas trails behind her.

"I did you a favor back there." Rey laughs, and Lucas nods weakly. "True." He says, with another grin. Rey flustered, but hides it well this time.

She glances at her watch. 5:20. She still had a bit more time - more like, 40 minutes or so - but Rey didn't want to pressure Lucas at the moment, so she said. "I'll go ahead now, see you tomorrow." Lucas nods curtly.

"Bye, Rey Kenobi. It was nice to meet you."

Rey turned her back at him, after a few seconds and walked back to her house. She arrived around quarter to 6 (I have good intuition, she thought playfully) at Jakku Street, where she lived. Rey went back to her quarters.

She tossed her phone at the bed, just when the song Levitate started playing again. Rey's gaze skipped at the violin that was leaning its back against the marble wall.

Rey hesitated, clutching the case of her violin, before removing the instrument inside.

And she started to play.

I hope y'all enjoy this chapter. My wifi is still slow, and this one is just my dad's wifi, which I can't use all the time. Hoping that my wifi will be better soon.

©Reyhanne Starkfelt©

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