30 Lives

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Butters pov

Everything seemed so great after we came back from South Park. I got to see my friends more often and Eric and I were actually getting along. Kenny told me that he thought it was better if we just stayed friends and that was fine with me. I was in love with Eric and I needed to tell him. But how?

I was thinking about this for the past few days. I didn't want to ruin our friendship but I thought it could be something more. If I didn't tell him, he was going to find out since I was so damn obvious. Though this fantasy was rudely interrupted by something very bad.

It was a normal Tuesday afternoon. It was about a few hours before I was let off work. Everything seemed normal and I was getting along with everyone fine. Things only started to be weird when Pete came in to get me.

"Butters, Butters the boss wants to see you," Pete said

"Oh thanks Pete," I said a little nervous

"Don't worry dude I bet it's nothing," Kyle reassured me

I nodded and took a deep sigh. I slowly walked to Selene ' s office. The boss never came to our restaurant he had other things to manage he only came to give us updates and stuff like that. I pulled at my collar and tried to calm down. I was sure it was nothing serious, just like Kyle had said.

I walked in the office. The boss was sitting on Selene ' s desk arms crossed.

"You wanted to see me sir?" I asked

"Yes, Stotch I need to discuss something with you," He said sternly

"And what is that sir?" I said trying to keep myself together

"I've been notified you have relationship with ms. Martin?" He asked

"No sir we are just friends nothing else," I clarified

"Really?" The boss asked with a cynical look "Then why did ms. Martin tell me you sexualy assaulted her?!"

"Sexualy assaulted!?" I repeated in shock "I would never do such a thing!"

I was confused, I never touched Selene that way. She attacked me but I let it go since she wasn't thinking clearly. How did he think I attacked her!

"Liar! You know what you did!" Selene said coming from the next room

"Selene?" Why?" I begged why was she doing this

"You attacked me Butters!" She said in fake cries "I told you I think about it why did you hurt me?!"

I was in shock. Selene was saying the entire story in complete opposite. I was the one who wanted to take it slow and she attacked me.

"I'm sorry Stotch but I can't have a person like you working here," The boss said "I'm releaving you of your position!"
"NO! No you can't fire me!" I cried "I need this job!"

"You should've thought about it before you attacked a poor woman!" He declared and was turning to walk out of the room.

I was desperate and grabbed onto his leg like a begger.

"Please my father is in the hospital and I'm paying for him, I need to pay for my house and food PLEASE!" I pulled at his leg pathetically and cried "PLEASE GOD PLEASE HELP ME!"

"Get off me you pitiful shit!" He said throwing me off him and I slammed into the wall.

He walked out of the room and I watched him go. Selene went over to me and smirked at the sight of my tear struck eyes.

"Why Selene," I whimpered "Why did you do this to me?"

"Because Butters" She said touching my face "No one rejects me!"

She left the room as well. I slowly got up and ripped my apron off. I walked into the main room. Kyle smiled at me, clearly not knowing what just happened. I couldn't look at him. I saw a bunch of glasses on the counter and of pure anger I pushed them onto the ground. They all shattered and I ran out and slammed the door.

I walked the streets aimlessly. I felt so betrayed and hurt. I was done for everything was over. I couldn't pay for anything without a job, I would be in the streets. I would end up like the hopless fucking loser I was. I kept walking until I reached the local bar. I haven't drank since highschool and I didn't react to alcohol so well. Though I didn't care and walked into the bar.

I went up to the bar tender and odered a simple glass of beer. One cup led to another until I was completely drunk. I kept buying drinks like there was no tomorrow.

"So then the bitch just says "No one rejects me" I mean fuck her!" I told the bartender in a drunk rant "I mean seriously you can never find quality bitches these days!"

"I suppose so, um are you gonna be okay?" The bartender asked concerned

"Yeah I'll be fine," I said tipsy "Just give me that bottle to go!"

"I don't know if that's a good idea, that stuff is heavy and you had a lot," He said looking nervous

"Dude give me the FUCKING bottle!" I yelled "I don't give a shit what you think!"

The bartender didn't fight with me any longer. He gave me the bottle of whisky and I left. I went on a drunken rant and said horrible things.

"Fuck America! Why the hell did I ever believe in something good for this Fucking country! America don't cry more like America go and fry! It's America's fault why all this shit happens!"

"Sir, Sir! Will you please calm down!" A official said touching my shoulder

"Don't touch me faggot!" I said punching him away and giving him the finger

"Oh look at me I'm the hopless loser!" I yelled at the people staring "You think you are all better than me?! Well you're not! I might be publicizing it! But you are also fucked up! Watching me with your beaty eyes and judging looks, you will all burn in hell!"

Cartman's pov

It was very late and I was getting worried. Butters was supposed to get off work hours ago. I tried calling his cell over and over again but he wouldn't answer. I was starting to think he got hurt when I heard the door open. Butters was standing in the door way with a bottle in his hands and he looked drunk.

"Butters! What's wrong?" I asked as soon as I saw him

He walked over to the couch and fell on it. I sat right next him taking the bottle away.

"I'm great Eric" He said he was so drunk and it showed "Just enjoying the new life!"

"New life?" I asked

"I got fired Eric!" He shouted "Plus I'll go into dept because of my father and won't be able to pay the bills, so we'll be homeless sounds fun huh!"

I was shocked to hear this. Butters was fired? Why?

"Why Butters, Why were you fired?" I said with extreme worry

"Because that bitch framed me!" Butters said starting to become less excited and more sad "She said I raped her or some shit."

"Selene?" I said feeling my hands to tremble from anger

"That's the one!" Butters said his voice cracking "I should've never gotten involved with her, I should've never gotten close with her!"

Butters yells became tears, he started uncontrollably sobbing. He hugged me tight and started to shake. He kept wailing about him being a hopless and worthless idiot. I hugged him tight to me and stroked his hair. Yes, we were fucked no doubt about it but this was not going to help matters. I needed to calm Butters down. So I did it the way my mother used to calm me down. I stroked his hair and began sing softly.

" Good morning my love
It's been a while since we have talked
And you have grown
Your eyes are older than the tallest tree you see
'Cause thirty lives can be extraordinarily long,"

Right away I felt Butters calming down though he was still crying so I continued.

" Lay me down
Lay me down
Again my friend
I know it's been a while since I could look you in the eyes
'Cause I am foolish and I am sorry
But sorry never made it feel alright

Butters stopped crying and was now slowly beginning to close his eyes. I stroked his hair more and slowly placed a pillow under his head and kept singing so he would stay calm.

" Good morning myself
It's been a while since we have talked
And you have changed
For better or worse is yet to determine
But I am sure
That you'll keep living and breathing until this world turns over,"

I lay him down on the couch fully. I took off his shoes and jacket and placed a blanket over him. He was now fully asleep and calm. I knew when he woke up he would probably have the worst hangover ever but until then he was peaceful. I sat right on the floor leaning right next to him. I just made sure he was okay and continued to sing until the sun came up.

" But lay me down
Lay me down
Again my friend
I know it's been a while since I could look you in the eyes
'Cause I am foolish and I'm sorry
But sorry never made it feel alright

Again my friend
I know it's been a while since I could look you in the eyes
'Cause I am foolish and I'm sorry
But sorry never made it feel alright

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