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Cartman's pov

Butters didn't go to work that day. He just lay on the couch watching really old episodes of Terrance and Phillip. He seemed so upset and stressed and he wouldn't even tell me why. In fact the whole day he didn't talk at all. I often came to check on him and gave him something to eat. I went to the fridge and saw that we were out of well everything. Butters wasn't going to go shopping, so I had to.

I'm sorry for everything
Oh, everything I've done

I hadn't been out of the house for months. I was a extreme intervert and I liked it that way. Though I couldn't stay away from the world forever. I put on some fresh clothes and my usual red jacket. Then I was off. The sun was really bright despite the cold weather. I wasn't sure what store Butters got our food at, so I just went to the local supermarket. I got all the usual groceries and was about to get in the checkout line when I noticed something.

There was a small stand with Imagine Dragons merchandise. I didn't know so much crap was made for that band. I saw cds, t-shirts and even fucking teddy bears. I walked over to the stand and picked up one of the teddy bears. It had a little t shirt on that said Firebreather with a little dragon.

"That would be a great present for a special someone," someone said behind me

"You think?" I asked thinking it was a sales person

"Yeah I'm sure Butters will love it."

I turned around to see Kyle Broflovski smiling at me. I haven't seen him in a long time, but he looked just as Jewish as before.

Am I out of touch?
Am I out of my place?
When I keep saying that I'm looking for an empty space
Oh, I'm wishing you're here
But I'm wishing you're gone
I can't have you and I'm only gonna do you wrong

"Hey Jewboy," I said

" Hey fatass," Kyle said "Long time no see."

"Yup, but I'm sure you were complaining," I said walking to check out line the bear still in my arms

"Can't say I was but I kinda missed you," Kyle said following me and helping bag my stuff.

"Sure Kahl and I definitely missed you," I said sarcastically

"Still a jackass I see," Kyle sighed

We left the store and decided to get lunch. I didn't know why Kyle was following me but I guessed I needed some company. We got some burgers and went to sit at a little bench near the park.

"How are you doing fatass?" Kyle asked

"Fine, you?" I said taking a bite of my burger

"Good, gonna be married in a few months," Kyle smiled

"Congrats," I said lacking in excitement

"Though from what I heard, your love life isn't doing well," Kyle said concerned

"What what do you mean?" I asked completely surprised by this

"Well I mean Butters is on the limb between Kenny and Selene," Kyle said confused that I didn't know this

I spit out my burger in shock all over Kyle.

"Oh God Dammit not again!" Kyle whined wiping the food off him

" How long has Kenny been hitting on Butters?!" I demanded

"Well for a few days but I also could say years," Kyle answered a little taken aback

"Years? How?" I wondered

" Well if I'm correct," Kyle began "Kenny asked Butters out on the last day of highschool to go out with him and Butters rejected."

"So now Kenny is back and thinks he has a chance" I said thinking out loud

"Pretty much, damn but that was a long time ago," Kyle said

He was right. Highschool seemed as if it had happened centries ago. It had been the last time everyone was together. Since right after high school we all separated. I remembered being so happy leaving that Hell hole, I didn't have a great time in high school, both in grades and my social life. Since my mom died I had a lot more independent work I had to do. Though Butters had it a lot worse than me.

Oh, I'm going to mess this up
Oh, this is just my luck
Over and over and over again

" I can't believe Kenny would ask Butters out after all the shit he was in," I said to really nobody

"I don't think he was trying to hurt him though," Kyle said

"So what, the last thing Butters needed was a gay relationship!" I said loudly "Especially after all the bullying he endured."

Kyle looked surprised at my sudden anger. Though then a look of interest had come upon his face.

"I only heard he was bullied,"Kyle said looking at me "What exactly did they do?"

"Horrible things Kahl," I said looking away " It was all for being bi."

"Please Cartman I want to know," Kyle pleaded

I sighed. He wasn't going to leave me alone until I told him. So I turned to Kyle and gave a deep breath.

"Okay, I'll tell you just let me talk all the way through okay?" I said

Kyle nodded and I began the story.

"Okay so in 9th grade, Butters came out to being bisexual. Now he wasn't the only kid that was bi or gay, so he thought it would be okay to share it. Though it wasn't, because when he said that the next day someone had sprayed Fag all over his locker."

I'm sorry for everything
Oh, everything I've done
From the second that I was born it seems I had a loaded gun
And then I shot, shot, shot a hole through everything I loved
Oh, I shot, shot, shot a hole through every single thing that I loved

"But it didn't stop there, no it didnt. Butters would constantly get beaten up and teased. Swirlys, wet willies, wedgies, you name it, they did it. Butters would come to me for closure but he didn't want me to do anything, afraid I would get bullied too."

Am I out of luck?
Am I waiting to break?
When I keep saying that I'm looking for a way to escape
Oh, I'm wishing I had what I'd taken for granted
I can't help you when I'm only gonna do you wrong

"For years, they tortured Butters, not because he was bi but because he was Butters. I just watched never helping him. Every time Butters would come crying to me with bruises all over, I wanted to kill who caused it."

Oh, I'm going to mess this up
Oh, this is just my luck
Over and over and over again

"They thought it would be funny to give Butters one final trick before graduation. One of his tormentors pretended to be in love with him. They told him that they were gay for a while but was too scared to admit it. Butters was stupid enough to believe him and actually started to fall for him. Though he only made an ass of Butters and ruined his life..."

I started to cry a little. All those memories of Butters coming to me for help and seeing him hurt just killed me.

I'm sorry for everything
Oh, everything I've done
From the second that I was born it seems I had a loaded gun
And then I shot, shot, shot a hole through everything I loved
Oh, I shot, shot, shot a hole through every single thing that I loved

Kyle put an arm around me. I continued to cry but I needed confess something but I didn't know why.

"I love Butters and I can't bear to see him hurt again!" I wailed "I'm so overprotective over him, cause I just want him to be mine, so he'll never be hurt."

Kyle hugged me and rubbed my back. I just sobbed. I had admitted something that I felt for years. Now it was finally said, I felt a little better.

"Cartman, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry I thought you were being mean to Butters," Kyle said soothingly

"What do I do Kahl?" I said hugging him tighter

"You need to tell Butters how you feel, before he chooses someone else," Kyle said

"I can't do that, he'll just reject me," I said " Then he'll hate me forever."

"You don't know that dude," Kyle said looking at me sincerely "From what you told me Butters seems to really like you."

"Really?" I smiled slightly

"Yes!" Kyle confirmed "Though you'll never know for sure if don't tell him."

In the meantime can we let it go
At the roadside that
We used to know
We can let this drift away
Oh, we let this drift away
At the bay side
Where you used to show
In the moonlight
Where we let it go
We can let this drift away
Oh, we let this drift away

And there's always time to change your mind
Oh, there's always time to change your mind
Oh, love, can you hear me?
Oh, let it drift away

I hugged Kyle and grabbed my stuff. I said goodbye and ran home. Kyle was right, I needed to tell Butters how I felt. It had only been six years since I fell for him. I was ready to give Butters a full blown confession but when I entered the house, he was fast asleep. I thought about waking him up but I didn't. Instead I placed the bear between his arms and kissed his forehead.

I'll tell him, I will tell him

I'm sorry for everything
Oh, everything I've done
From the second that I was born it seems I had a loaded gun
And then I shot, shot, shot a hole through everything I loved
Oh, I shot, shot, shot a hole through every single thing that I loved

In the meantime can we let it go
At the roadside that
We used to know
We can let this drift away
Oh, we let this drift away
At the bay side
Where you used to show
In the moonlight
Where we let it go
We can let this drift away
Oh, we let this drift away

And there's always time to change your mind
Oh, there's always time to change your mind
Oh, love, can you hear me?
Oh, let it drift away

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