Obsession and Manipulation: Kalin

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Your POV
I was awaken by the sound of Kalin talking to someone. I rub my eyes, crawl towards the door, and press my ear on it. The other person was barely audible but I could hear Kalin clearly.
"She's so clingy and wants to be with me every five seconds!" Kalin complained.
Is he talking about me?
The other person I still could not hear. Was Kalin on the phone or just talking really loud?
"I understand but she needs to leave me alone!"
He can't be talking about me! You know what y/n? Just go back to sleep. This is all a dream...

I crawl back into bed and try to go back to sleep. No luck. I was not going out that door. I would rather walk through the fiery depths of Hell right now.

The door opens.
F*ck it. I'm fake sleeping.
"She's sleeping," Kalin whispers.
"Talk to her later then," the other person, who was now audible, said.
Talk to me about what?

I groan, roll over, and slowly open my eyes. I see Kalin hovering over me. I am so great at acting! I should consider being an actress. I am getting off topic. Back to Kalin.

"Y/N, we need to talk."
"What's up?" I say sleepily.
"Um..." he begins nervously. "So-"
My phone pings. It was a notification from Instagram saying someone had tagged me in their post. Kalin sits on the bed patiently while I look at the picture. It was not a pleasant photo either. The picture was of Kalin and another girl kissing. The caption was: it hurts to find out the hard way🤕😈

I give Kalin a death glare and throw a pillow at him. I stomp out the room.
"Y/N!" he calls after me.
I am halfway down the stairs when I see Cam sitting on the couch. He looked up to see who was coming.
"How did it g-oh," he says.
"'Oh' is right!" I exclaim. "What the f*ck is going on? Who took this picture?!"
I show Cam the picture.
"That's what I wanted to talk to you about," Kalin said a bit irritated.
"What is this?!" I ask raising my voice.

I felt like someone shoved their fist down my throat.
"She's a fan," Kalin explains. "This girl is crazy! I run into her everywhere I go! I keep telling her I have a girlfriend, which is you, of course. Then she kisses me and someone took a picture of it. I think it was planned because that's her account!"
So that's what he wanted to talk to me about. I was able to calm down after Kalin explained everything.
"So life can go on?" Cam questioned after an awkward silence.
"Yeah," Kalin and I say in unison.
"Well I'm gonna go then," Cam states backing towards the door.
"See ya," I say and fall on the couch.

Cam leaves and it is just Kalin and me.
"She's ruining my life!" Kalin groans.
"No she's not," I assure him. "She's on the road to doing so, but she's not going to."
"I just don't want her to ruin us and what we have," Kalin says holding my hand.
"She's not," I reply. "Cuz I'm not having it."
I kiss his cheek. He smiles his cheesy smile. That is the Kalin I know and love.
"CUDDLE TIME!" he exclaims hugging me.
"You're so weird," I respond.
"What can I say? I've been hanging around you, cuddle buddy."

During our cuddle session, I got a text from an anonymous number.

Anonymous: Im watching u...

I show the text to Kalin. He looks and smiles devilish. Oh dear. Satan has entered the building.

He shuts off the TV and leads me upstairs to the bedroom. He pins me to the wall.
"Let's see if she's watching this," he whispers seductively in my ear.

He kisses me and we kiss passionately. He slides his hands slowly down my back until he reaches my butt.
"Jump," he says in between our lips.
I jump and wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. I feel myself falling backwards onto the bed as we went into a heated make out session. We split for a brief moment so he could take off his shirt and mine. We resume peeling each other's clothes off as we went.

"Kalin," I moan. "Faster."
My screams echoed through the house. I was so close to breaking.
"Kalin," I groan.
"Hold on," he says.
"Kalin!" I say louder.
"On three," he says. "One. Two. Three!"
We both came together and Kalin crashed on top of me.
"You're hurting me," I croak under his weight.
He rolls off of me. Literally.
"Let's see how she feels about that," I say devilishly.
"Pretty hurt," Kalin responds.
"I bet," I say laughing.

We eventually fall into a deep, peaceful sleep.
Whet was this?😑😂 He looked good blue hair! Am I right?


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