Risk Fail Succeed: Myles

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Your POV
You and your friend sneak backstage after your parents drop you off at the concert.
"I don't know about this," y/f/n says.
"Lighten up," you say. "Take some risks you know. If we get caught so what? At least we'll meet our idols and possibly not be allowed to come here again."
"Thanks for the empowering speech," y/f/n says sarcastically.
"Whateves," you say. "Just help me get in this window."

Y/F/N boosts you up and you climb though the window. You help y/f/n through the window.
"Those rock climbing lessons came in handy," you say to y/f/n.
"I know right?" y/f/n replies.
You guys peek around the corner to see if the coast is clear. You continue down the long corridor and notice some security guards. You hide behind a stack of crates.
"What do we do?" y/f/n whispers urgently to you.
You think for a moment and an imaginary light bulb comes over your head.
"I have an idea," you say.


"Ready?" you ask y/f/n.
"Ready," she replies.
"Go out on the stage...now!"
You walk up to the security guards with a clipboard in your hand trying to act professional.
"You guys we have a big problem!" you say calmly.
"Who are you?" one asked.
"Your worst nightmare if you don't listen to me," you respond.
They pay attention to you.
"There's a girl passed out onstage," you say. "I need you to get her off the premises pronto."
"Why should we?" the other guard asked with his arms crossed.
"If you don't," you threaten,"I'll have you fired and out on the streets by Monday. You don't wanna go there with me."
They glance at each other and dash pass you. You grab your phone and put y/f/n's phone number on speed dial.
"They're coming your way," you tell her.
"Okay," she says and hangs up.

You carry the clipboard while strolling confidently down the hall. You wait backstage for your friend to meet you. She has a pass around her neck when she appears.
"How'd you get that?" you ask.
"I bribed someone to give it to me," she says happily. "To keep their mouths shut."
"Smart," you say and high five her.

You continue your expedition to look for for Kalin and Myles' dressing rooms.
"Ugh!" you groan. "We've been searching forever!"
"We'll find them-" y/f/n assures you when she stop mid-step and her mouth hung open.
"What's wrong with you?" you say waving your hand in front of her face.
"I-it's th-th-th-them," she stutters pointing.

You follow the finger and see them down the hall. You couldn't seem to find your words when they slowly make their way towards you.
What do I say? Don't freak out y/n. They're just your idols. Your favorite idols that you're willing to marry if they got down on their knees and asked you right now. All I have to do is say...
So far so good.
"Ohmygosh. Iloveyousomuch. Can I have you? Here's my number. It's-"
Y/F/N spills out words faster than you can comprehend them. You cover her mouth to keep her from continuing. She licks your hand.
"Eww," you whine.
"That's what you get," she says.

You face Kalin and Myles.
"Sorry about that," you say. "This is completely normal."
"It's fine," Myles assures you.
He is so hot.
Y/F/N hugs Kalin tightly. You smile while shaking your head.
"You have a nice smile," Myles says to you. "Keep on smiling like that."
He winks at you. Your heart drops to your feet.
"Five minutes to showtime," Jake says to them.
"JakeeyP!" y/f/n  exclaims and hugs him.
You've got to be kidding me right now.
"Feel free to watch our show from backstage," Myles says to you.
"Thanks for the offer," you respond. "We will just do that."

You look over at y/f/n who still had Jake in her grip.
"Come on," you say trying to yank y/f/n off Jake. "They. Have. To. Go."
You finally get her off him and Kalin, Myles and Jake walk off. You follow dragging y/f/n along with you.

Jake walks out onstage and the crowd goes crazy.
"Are you ready for some Kalin and Myles?!" he screams.
The crowd goes wild. Kalin and Myles walk out onstage and everyone went ballistic.

You and y/f/n are dancing backstage when someone grabs you by your arms. You look up to see the security guard from earlier.
"You're in a lot of trouble," he says.
The other security guard has y/f/n and she's screaming like it's nobody's business. You're in trouble.

Myles' POV
I hear screaming coming from offstage and the girl and her friend I ran into are getting dragged away by security guards. The show was ending so it was fine. The auditorium went black and I race to catch up with them. I couldn't find them anywhere. Then I hear a door slam. I follow where I heard the noise and looked outside to see the girl and her friend on the ground.
"I oughta sue!" her friend exclaims.
"I oughta expose them to all of social media and tell everyone to look out for those pervs," the girl mumbles.
"Hey," I say and they look up at me.
"Hey," the girl said.
"I didn't catch your name," I say.
"Y/N," she says.
"That's pretty," I say.
"My name is Y/F/N."
"That's pretty too."

I extend my arms to help them up.
"Myles what are you doing?" one of the security guards that "escorted" the girls out asked.
"I'm helping them," I reply.
"No you're not," he says and pulls me back. "They're nothing but liars."
"And you're nothing but a perv!" Y/F/N yells as she got up and ready to run towards him. Y/N holds her back.
"They lied about what?" I asked as he pulls me away further.
"Girl stop," Y/N said.

The guard shuts the door.
"What did they do?" I question.
"They snuck their way in here and said a girl passed out on stage before the show," the guard explained.
"That can't be right," I say going towards the door.
"Open it and I'll make sure you never see her again," he said.
I swear if I was like a foot taller...
"Go," he said pushing me.
"Hey can I ask you something?" Kalin said coming up to the guard.
"Sure," he replies.
Kalin shoos me off as him and the guard walk off.

I make sure no one was looking before running out the door and looking for Y/N and Y/F/N. I find them marching down the street.
"I'll ruin his life so fast," Y/F/N said. "He won't see it coming!"
"Hey!" I call out running towards them.
They turn around. Y/N runs and hugs me tight.
"How did you get in?" I question hugging her back.
"Quite simple actually," y/f/n said.
They went into this entire story of how they snuck in. I got to say, I was impressed.
"Tada!" Y/N says.
"Now that's real dedication," I say.
I grab y/n hand.
"Sparks," y/f/n squeals.
We walk hand-in-hand down the street while y/f/n snaps pictures of us.

"I hope we can hang out again soon," y/n says.
"Me too," I say.
We exchange numbers.
"I'll text you every day," I say.
"I'll reply every day," she says.
We hug and I walk back.
"See ya!" she calls out.
"See ya!" I say looking back.
That was crazy. Now I'm just ready to go to sleep.
Edited 4/3/16-minor changes


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