Study Buddy: Kalin

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Edited 2/20/16

Your POV
You walk into jail where you got all your annoying inmates and strict prison guards.

This place is what you call: school.
First period of the day: Algebra.

You're good in that class, but when you have a teacher who can't explain anything worth the clothes on their back then have a problem.

You walk in the classroom and take your seat. Others begin streaming into the class, taking seats one by one. The last person that walked was none other than Kalin White, the single most gorgeous guy in school. The only seat left was the one next to you. He took it.

You did all you could in your power not to stare or even take a glimpse at him.
Do not stare. Y/N. Do. Not. Stare. At. Your. Future. Husband.

Class commences. Your teacher puts up some practice problems on the board. You swivel around in your chair trying to get a good view of the board. When you finally did get a good view, your teacher was blocking the problems. You sat there in silent frustration. You take written notes on what the teacher is saying.
"Hey," Kalin whispered to you. You look at him.
Oh my gosh. He's talking to me! Chill out. It's only your crush y/n. He's just another human being...that you want so badly to be yours.
"Do you get any of these problems?"
"Nope," you whisper back. You surprised yourself when you whispered in your normal voice. "I can't even see the board."
"Ms. Y/L/N?" y/a/t/n says.
Everyone in the class looks at you.
"Yes?" you reply confidently.
"Would you like to teach the class and do this problem?" Y/A/T/N said holding out an Expo marker.

Without a response, you get up and take the marker out the teacher's hand.
"Ah ah aah," y/a/t/n says before you begin solving the problem plastered on the board. "If you get this right, everyone gets no homework..."
"If you get it wrong," y/a/t/n continues. "Everyone has to do fifty problems tonight for homework and show all their work for each and every last on of them that goes towards your final grade."
"You better get this right, y/n!" someone calls out.
"Begin," your teacher says.

You start to work your magic. Everyone sat in intense silence as you come out with your final answer.
"You're...Right?" your teacher says stunned.
You hand your teacher the Expo marker. You make your way back to your seat. Everyone in the class cheers.
"Silence!" The teacher shouts.
Everyone was quiet. The bell rings.
"Class dismiss."

Everyone in the class gets up and leaves the class. Kalin runs and catches up with you in the hall.
"Hey," he says out of breath.
"Hey," you reply. "Are you okay?"
"Yup," he said when he finally caught his breath. "That was amazing what you did back there."
"Thanks," you respond as a smile creeps up on your face.
Is this a dream?
"I was wondering," he began nervously,"if you could help me with algebra?"
"Like tutor you?" you question.
"Yeah," he replies. "I'm really sucking in that class. I'm not really a math person."
"Well I am," you say,"so today's your lucky day."
You couldn't help but smile.
The hottest guy in school just asked me for help.

Kalin's POV
"When do you wanna start?" y/n says.
"Is after school okay?"
"Could I swing by your place?"
"Sure. I'll take you there."
"And home?" I ask smirking.
"You're really pushing it," y/n says laughing.
"What?" I reply. "You're going out your way to at least take me to your house."
"True. I'll think about it."
I smile. The bell rings.
"I'll see you later," y/n says.
"See ya," I say and we go our separate ways.

For the whole day I couldn't stop thinking about y/n. I even daydreamed half my lunch away. Why haven't I noticed her in that class? She was super pretty and smart. She literally just dropped in my life. She needed to because my grade in Algebra was not great.

The day finally ended and I was out my last class. Y/N was sitting on one of benches by the entrance, waiting for me. She was looking down at her phone. She looked up and waved me over. I jog over.
"I just told my parents you were coming over," y/n says to me.
"Y-Your parents?" I stammer.
"Relax," she tells me. "They're not even at home."
I let out a sigh of relief.

We walk out the building and towards her car. We were in the parking lot for a while. With everyone getting out at once, it was going to take a moment.
"If only there was a shortcut out of this mess," y/n says frustrated.
"It's cute when you're frustrated," I say. "I saw you in Algebra trying to see the board."
Y/N looks at me and grins.
"Okay Flirty," y/n says. "What you need to be looking at is equations and expressions."
We laugh.

We make it to y/n's house.
"You hungry?" she asks once we're inside.
"Nah I'm fine," I reply.
Y/N crash lands on the couch.
"Let's get started," y/n says. "We'll do a few problems for practice."

If I hadn't asked so many questions and y/n didn't have to do a whole lot of explaining, we would have zipped through ten problems in twenty minutes. It took us an hour.
"That was a lot," I say.
"But you did it," y/n says smiling at me.
"Thanks for the help," I say smiling back.

Three weeks later...
Finals week. You've got to be kidding me. Thank you God for all that tutoring for Algebra with y/n. I needed it.

"Ugh!" Y/N sighed loudly.
"The story of our lives," I say.
"Yup," y/n replies.
"Well at least they divide the subjects."
"Yeah at least that."
"After the Algebra final, you wanna crash at my place?"

After the Algebra final, I walk out the classroom with a new sense of confidence.
"Well well well," y/n said coming up beside me. "Look at that cheesy smile of yours."
"It's all thanks to you. It was too easy."
She smiles. Was her smile beautiful!

We leave the school, hop in the car, and ride to my house. Nobody's home.
"PARTY!" Y/N screams into the silence.
I stare at her. I was trying to hold back laughter.
"What?" she says. "Just because I'm nerdy doesn't mean I don't know how to get down."
"Since you know how to get down," I said pulling her closer to me. "It's my turn to teach you something."

I had my hands around her waist. I kiss her. She was surprised but she kissed me back. It turned into a make out session, which was rudely interrupted by Jake.
"Get a room!" he says as he walks in the house.
"Way to kill the mood," I mutter.
We all laugh and start watching movies for the rest of the day.
TGFTW (thank God for the weekend). When was the last time I updated this😂😅


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