The Breakup: Myles

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Your POV
You just haven't been happy lately. Not with Myles and your relationship with him anyway. You two fight constantly and over stupid things weather it's you hanging out with your friends or him working late. You're as miserable as miserable can get. You don't even think miserable is a way to describe how you're feeling.

Myles comes home and you fake sleep on the couch. You didn't want to talk to him nor did you want to look at him. Every time you looked at him, an argument would start and last for who knows how long. Even if there is nothing to argue about.

Myles goes upstairs. You check to see if the coast is clear. You grab your phone, slip on some shoes, and tiptoe out the house. Once you're out the house, you sprint down the street. You make it to the house you're looking for and bang on the door like crazy. Kalin finally opens it.
"Y/N what are you doing here?"
"Getting away from your best friend," you say walking in and plopping down on the couch.
"What happened this time?" Kalin asked sitting beside you.
"There wasn't a 'this' time," you reply. "It was more of a 'I gotta get out of here before some drama starts' time."
"Yeah," Kalin said.

There was a moment of silence.
"Why do you even stick around with him?" Kalin asks you. "I mean he's my friend and I want him to be happy but I want you to be happy, too."
"I know," you say sincerely.
Kalin opened his mouth to say something else when your phone rang.
It was Myles.
"Where are you?" Myles scolded.
"Because I wanna know where you are."
"I'm out the house."
"Okay smarta**. Come home now!"
"Okay Dad," you said and hung up. "I literally have no freedom."
"You're staying here aren't you?" Kalin asked smirking.
"Hell yeah!" you reply. "Let's go crazy!"
"This is bad idea."
"Everything's a bad idea at this point."

The next few hours were filled with eating candy, drinking pop, and singing like dying whales. were the one singing like a dying whale. Great stress reliever, right?

You pass out on the floor in the front room along with Kalin. You wake up and it's dark outside.
"What time is it?" you say groggily while rubbing your eyes.
"I don't know," Kalin groaned.
"Time for you to explain why you didn't come home when I asked," a familiar voice said.

You looked up and saw Myles hovering over you. You saw your life flash right before your eyes.
Uh oh.
"Uhh..." you stammer still processing.
Myles yanks you up off the floor and drags you out the house.

You finally realize what was happening and broke free of his grip.
"Don't touch me," you say backing away. "I'm done putting up with your BS, Myles."

Myles' POV
"What are you talking about?" I question y/n.
"I'm sick of you controlling me," y/n shouts. "I can't do anything without you breathing down my neck 24/7. All you do is find something to argue with me about and punish me like I'm a little kid. I've had to make up excuses to my friends about the way you treat me because I loved you. I was too blind to see what was right for me and I stuck with you and put up with misery because of you! I can count how many happy memories I've had with you with just one freaking hand, Myles! What does that mean to you?!"

At this point, y/n's shouting turned to screaming then crying.
I went over to comfort her.
"Don't. Touch. Me." she said through gritted teeth and backing away from me. "I am done. We're through, Myles! You can pack your sh!t and leave because I'm not having it."

With that, y/n stomped away into the darkness. Was that really how she saw our relationship? I fell back on the grass and yelled-cried for about two straight minutes. I didn't mean to hurt her.

Kalin comforted me and dragged me-literally-into the house. I was shaking and couldn't yell anymore. I'm an idiot. I lost her.

For how long?

I don't even know...
Tbh, the pic above made me laugh. I don't know why. This is supposed to sad but whatever😛


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