Elizabeth "Eliza" Ardor

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Hogwarts House: Gryffindor

Book she's from: Fighting With Fire {Regulus Black}

Blood purity: Pure-blood

Wand: Ebony, 10 1/2", unbending flexibility

Patronus: Bloodhound

Likes: Quidditch, flying, getting on Regulus Black's nerves, sleep, winters, and the pranks the Marauders often pull. Also has a definite love for chocolate, similar to Remus. Practically LIVES in Honeydukes.

Dislikes: Discrimination against Muggle-borns, a majority of the Black family, Regulus Black (early in the book), and bullying. Hates it when people try to prove her wrong, even if she is.

Flaws: Loses her temper easily, slightly reckless, and easily distracted. Almost too stubborn for her own good.

Good qualities: Eliza is incredibly loyal, and incredibly stubborn. That could work in her favor, however, depending on the circumstances. Though she's very easily distracted, she makes up for it by working hard.

Other: Chaser on the Quidditch team

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