Stereotypes: Hogwarts Edition

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I hate stereotypes, especially ones that apply to my fandoms, or to stuff that people might assume would apply to me, just because of something stupid like stereotypes about Virgos (like yours truly, MEEE). Today I'll be ranting about Hogwarts stereotypes, starting with Slytherins.


I hate how people think just because Slytherin has the most people who WENT evil in their house, immediately anybody who's in Slytherin is evil. To those people who think that, do you know who was a Slytherin?

Freaking MERLIN. WHOSE NAME THEY SWEAR UPON (did I use that word in the correct context? Eh, whatever).

I doubt those people know the story of Andromeda Black, either. Hell, I doubt many people know Andromeda's story at all. Andromeda was Sirius's cousin, Bellatrix and Narcissa Black's SISTER, and SHE was a Slytherin. What ended up happening to her?

She married a Hufflepuff. And not just any Hufflepuff. Andromeda Black married a Muggle-born by the name of Edward Tonks, otherwise known as Ted.

Andromeda was a Slytherin, and she wasn't evil. Merlin, another non-evil Slytherin. I'd put Regulus Black in that list of non-evil Slytherins too, actually. And then there's Slughorn.

And to those who say that nobody OUTSIDE of Slytherin went evil, here's ANOTHER list.

Peter Pettigrew- Of course, he only did it out of fear and I doubt he expected he'd betray his friends like that as a CHILD.

Gellert Grindelwald- He didn't go to Hogwarts and he went evil, so how could he possibly be a Slytherin?

Professor Quirell- He was a Ravenclaw, as sad as I am to say it, since I share his house. But if any of you remember Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone/Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, you'd remember that Quirell and Moldemort in the back of his head.

And let's not forget all the Death Eaters, who we're only ASSUMING are all Slytherins, when in reality, we're only guessing that because most of them are fighting for blood purity (Slytherins, obviously), but the others are fighting out of fear, like Peter (the ones whose houses are unknown).

Some of my best friends are Slytherins actually, and while they're slightly (okay fine, a lot) violent, they're still pretty freaking awesome.


This stereotype DEFINITELY gets on my nerves. Just because of the name, they're immediately labeled as weak, and nothing but kind.

If you think that, go stuff your arm down a meat grinder.

Hufflepuffs are NOT weak. They're known for LOYALTY. People think of them as weak pushovers, but it's not true. There's one Hufflepuff that I can think of who had a kid and then went to go fight in a war. Bet if you knew who THAT was (unless you already know), you'd be pretty shocked. I'll get back to that.

People also neglect the fact that the Hufflepuff animal representation is a BADGER. Those things can FIGHT when they have to, even if they're docile most of the time. Just like Hufflepuffs.

You want some examples of Hufflepuffs that weren't, and STILL aren't weak? Fine then.

Cedric Diggory- He died in the TriWizard Tournament, not because he was weak, which he wasn't, but because he wanted Harry to take the cup, knowing that if it wasn't for Harry, he might not have even gotten as far as being able to touch the cup.

Edward "Ted" Tonks- Yep, back to this guy. He had to put up with all the times he was called a Mudblood, not to mention that he ended up marrying a girl from a "respectable" pure-blood family. Do you know how hard he probably had to fight just so they could be together, much less MARRY each other? Hell, I don't even know.

Nymphadora Tonks- Yeah, remember that Hufflepuff I mentioned had a kid and then went to go fight in a war? THIS LADY, RIGHT HERE! Tonks is fricking awesome.

Edward "Teddy" Lupin- He grew up, not knowing his real parents because they died in a war. He knew the pain of not knowing who they were, always wondering what it could've been like if they DID survive, but he got through it, like Harry did. He HAD to be strong, because of that, whether he liked it or not.

Let's not forget about The Fallen Fifty. They were just people who died in the war, nobody knows what house THEY belong to.


This stereotype gets on my nerves about as much as the stereotype that Virgos are complete nerds with no social life (SOOOO NOT TRUE), and for an obvious reason.

So what, just because our house is clever and quite smart, means all we do is study and read all day?

First of all, if you think that, go hug a cactus. Naked. Here's one, right here! 🌵

Second, that is COMPLETE bullcrap.

Yeah, we're smart. And apparently as soon as we get into Ravenclaw, we're labeled as NERDS.

Dude, not all of us are freaking Einstein. Get it into your brains, if you even HAVE one!

Take me, for example. I read a lot, yes. But you'll NEVER find me studying, you'll find me on the computer playing ROBLOX, writing fanfiction on Wattpad (or ranting, like I am now), or reading some really big fantasy chapter book (Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, the Inheritance trilogy, The Mortal Instruments, etc., etc.,).

So yeah, I might consider myself a BIT of a nerd. But not a total one.

I actually can't come up with a list for this one, because the only few Ravenclaws that are really KNOWN as Ravenclaws, are Cho Chang and Luna Lovegood.

I can't really come up with any stereotypes for Gryffindors, since nobody really stereotypes them. There was the whole "Gryffindor is the best" thing, but that's kinda died down. Slytherins are more liked now, which I do like, and Hufflepuffs aren't thought of as weak as often. They're actually becoming a LOT more popular (unlike my house *cries*).

I just really wanted to rant about something, this is the first thing that popped into my head.

Seriously, just because they're known for bravery and chivalry, doesn't mean they're absolutely fearless.

Ron's scared of spiders.

Peter Pettigrew joined Voldemort OUT of fear.

And who knows? Some other Gryffindors could've joined Voldemort for the same reason.

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