19. @IzaBlumen || Interview

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What is your name?

||My name is Iza, Blumen is just a fake last name (it means flowers in German)

When did you start making graphics?

||I started about 5 months ago(maybe longer, I finally got better at it)

Why did you start?

||Because, I saw these beautiful book covers and wanted to make something like that.

Who is your inspiration in graphic designing?


And I might have more, but that's all I'm putting.

What is your opinion on your own graphics?

||They need tons of improvement, like you wouldn't believe it.

How long does it usually take to make a graphic?

||I don't want to sound unprofessional but.........30 minutes or longer. Sometimes 20 minutes.

If you can supply us with one of your first covers.

||Prepare to die(this was so hard to find)..........

I know, it's so bad......

[Just for fun] If you could have any power what would it be?

||To move objects with my mind (telekinesis), or stop time....forget the last one.

What would you say to those just starting making graphics?

||Keep working harder, once you get use to making book covers you will become a pro at it (I'm not a pro though). Don't let anybody tell you otherwise!

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