28. @LavendarEyes || interview

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What is your name?

||My name is Shay.

When did you start making graphics?

||I started making graphics a little over 4 years ago now? I'm pretty sure.

Why did you start?

||I started because at the time I didn't know anyone or that any graphic shops existed on Wattpad, and was needing covers for my graphics. I started making them and found it enjoyable, and began to show my friends my great achievements on Piccollage at the time, and they all asked for some too, and I guess it happened from there.

Who is your inpiration in graphic designing?

||My inspirations for Graphic designing are Batman_justice, MulanJiang and sugarcrystals on Wattpad, but I also find inspiration from published books and their beautiful covers, as well as imagery that I happen to find on the Internet.

What is your opinion on your own graphics?

||I don't necessarily have a deep opinion about them, but I feel that I am growing and improving even more each day I practice, I'm not particulary up there yet at what my expectation of amazing graphics are but I'm somewhat amateur and understand it'll take a lot of work to get somewhere. Especially with an app that I currently use, you can only do so much with it right?

How long does it usually take to make a graphic?

||Usually, it depends, if I'm making a rather simple cover it'll take up to 5 simple minutes, sometimes 20 to do. But a manipulative, or book jacket takes 3 to 8 hours for me. Depending.

If you can supply us with one of your first covers.

||Ah, I can't get to those but let me tell you. They were once squares. SQUARES lol. But here's a very very old one from 2014 or so I believe? When I first started, it's also through Piccollage.

Can you supply us with your most recent cover, even if it's not the best?

^this is very very recent, I did this a few hours ago.

[Just for fun] If you could have any power what would it be?

Hm, I honestly have no idea. I'd love to travel the world, just to see all the different countries and stuff super easily through teleportation. But reading minds and being able to control ones actions would also be pretty interesting!

What would you say to those just starting making graphics?

Well, I'd say probabaly what everyone else is saying. Practice and you'll get better, look for inspiration, have a set goal in your mind throughout making a graphic, find lots of resources and experiment, look at tutorials on youtube and wattpad, but most importantly. Ask for help, ask for advice and critique and I'm sure you will definetely get somewhere (:

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