09》The Beginner's Guide

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Tutorial by: xxheadlightsxx

As requested by @OliveTheLeaf

So you've decided you want to make graphics, but where do you start? You look around you and everyone's cramming facts and information, and they just throw you off balance. You wonder what to do. Well, I've got you covered!

Tip #1
JUST GET STARTED. It doesn't matter what app you use, what font you choose, just do it. Once you have that checked off, then you can start obsessing over its imperfections.

Tip #2
Know what you are doing. Search up tutorial books (ask in the comments section and I'll direct you to some awesome tutorial books), look at other graphic designers' work, join graphic groups, or even read threads on the mdc.

Tip #3
Explore the graphic world. Be bold about it and try out a range of graphics, then post them and ask for feedback. I'm sure there are many out there who are willing to help you out (if not, just ask me XD).

Tip #4
Make graphic-designer friends. You can do this by either joining a graphic group (*cough cough* Graphic Imagines *cough cough*) or just giving feedback on someone's graphic book.

Tip #5
Always be humble. Never overestimate your graphics, because there is still so much we all can learn from the graphic world.

Tip #6
Have confidence in yourself. Before you tell me I'm contradicting myself, confidence and arrogance are two different things. Believe that you have the talent to make graphics, and work hard at it. The whole graphic community is with you!

Tip #7
Keep learning. Everyday, pick up one new thing about graphic design, find one new way to make a graphic. The possibilities are endless!

I hope this helped you all who've been struggling to find out how to start your graphic adventure. It always just starts with that little leap of faith. Go for it!

Again, as always, if there are any questions you would like to ask me, tag me ( xxheadlightsxx ) down in the comments section and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can. Merry Christmas to all!

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