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No need for greed or hunger

A brotherhood of man


The day after my talk with Tasha, I started implementing my plan. Instead of taking off after the Morning Song and hiding from the Kymari watching us, I stayed behind. I stayed out in the open and watched them as they watched me to see if any male or female approached me.

I needed to put distance between myself and the other Dragonets so I would stand out to the Kymari as what my Blood Memories tell me is called a loner, someone who is alone. This may allow them to take me if I let them closer. It will also make it easier for my friends when I leave.

I never liked being alone, but I was most of the time anyway. It is my fault, as my feelings for the flock have been unhappy. I still have friends and will play with them occasionally, but I need to spend more time around the Kymari.

For some reason, I'm not as scared as I thought. My friends are terrified of any race other than ours. Maybe it's because I've never taken a good look at the Blood Memories of my parents, but it may be because of what I saw with Tasha and her handler.

I want that.

After everyone flew away, I stayed by the rocks on the side and looked around. Several Kymari were everywhere, in the trees and standing a good ways away. And all eyes were on me as I had stayed behind. No one was moving. They are waiting to see what I will do.

I had seen several, as we tend to get the same watchers repeatedly. I turned at the noise of someone coming down the path but didn't move. It was two men, soldiers either coming or going on patrol as they were in uniform.

They didn't notice me at first until they were called to by someone else to stop. They weren't that far away, about the distance of half of a block, but that is probably the closest any Kymari has ever gotten to us. We run as soon as they are in sight.

Their eyes went wide as they stared. I just tilted my head and looked at them. After a few minutes, I flew up to a branch they could not reach but was still on the edge of the path and still in plain sight of the Kymari. Still, none of them moved.

I waited a bit longer and continued to look around at them before I took off to find breakfast. It was a good start, and after I get a full belly, I will travel the paths, staying in plain sight, watching them as they watch me. Hopefully, someone will stand out.


"Clover! You are the talk of the town! Everyone is talking about the green fire lizard that doesn't seem afraid of them. If you continue this path, you may get your wish." Tasha said to me.

It's been a week of staying out in the open and traveling their paths. It is unbelievable that I have not been caught by another Dragonet yet. No one is questioning where I have been either.

"It hasn't been as complicated as I thought it would be. The Kymari seemed in awe of me and let me fly around them. Most of them talk to me, too. I wish someone would stand out above the rest." It's tough waiting, but I must decide carefully as this person will be my forever.

"Take your time, love. There is no rush. Are you a year old yet?"

"Almost. I'm ten months and some. Do I have to wait until I'm a year old?" I didn't think my age would make a difference.

"The Kymari that study us know the mated couples and the chicks born to them. I've heard it discussed that you are a strange case. On the one hand, they want to leave you there, hoping the others will become more friendly. On the other hand, they want more patrols and are waiting to see if you bond with one person. But they all agree that you need to be grown if you are going to leave the park and hunt Sicora." Tasha stated.

This information deflates me, but when I find someone, it's not as if I would fly away with them. It would be gradual and take time. During that time, I will come of age. That's if I find someone. Positive thoughts!!

"Thank you for all your help, Tasha. I will keep looking."

"Don't worry. I'm sure someone will stand out soon."

I hope so.

"Why do you keep doing this? You know your father will never approve of him."

I looked down at the two women on the bench as they were watching the children in the play area.

"He was always at the top of my list of suiters. Look at him play with his brother's son. He is good with the children and helpful to his friends. It is unfair that if he came from a wealthy family, my father would approve, regardless of occupation. But because he does not, he is automatically dismissed as a potential suiter." I could hear the frustration in her voice.

That emotion stood out to me for obvious reasons. I searched my Blood Memories on Kymari marriage rituals. They can marry as early as 125, but the normal is closer to 150. They exchange names if they are interested in courting, and the male will give the female a bracelet if he wishes to marry. The parents must approve him; a tiny ceremony is done before she moves in with him. Three males are born to every female, so many go their whole lives never mating. How sad.

"You can hold your family off for a few more years and hope he gets promoted or changes occupations. He can not stay a Sicora hunter forever." Her friend said.

My attention is no longer on the woman but on this man. He is a Sicora hunter! I take in everything about him. Kymari are green and about 10 feet tall with stringy hair like the reeds by the pond. He is showing the child how to climb a rocky surface and praising him as he goes. The mistakes are corrected with praise for trying.

I look back down at the woman and memorize her features. Even if he doesn't want to bond with me, my newfound fame could help her.

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