#103 Corey Crawford ❤️ (Requested) Chicago Blackhawks

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Corey's POV*

Standing in goal waiting for someone to drive the puck towards the net I took a quick peek up to the stands seeing the gorges Angie Quenneville coach Quenneville's daughter. The first time I met her was when coach brought her to a practice a year ago when his wife was away with one of her friends on a girl's trip, usually Mrs. Quenneville would watch Angie because well Angie was deaf and couldn't read lips so everything was a little harder for the poor thing. You could never tell she was deaf until they either told you or she would begin to sign asking what you had been saying the entire time you rambled on because you thought she was so shy that she wasn't speaking. *Cough* Me *cough*. Every guy on the team had a major crush on her, Angie was seriously all we talked about besides plays and such. Even Coach knew we all liked his little girl, who couldn't? Well there is one little factor that could keep all the boys from ever going out with the beautiful young woman. I was her boyfriend. Now I know what you may be thinking but first let me explain. 

It was a Friday night after one of our games against the Minnesota Wild, we won 6-5 in a shootout thanks to Kaner. That had been one of the most stressful games we ever played they kept me on my toes all night, right when we came off the ice Angie made a bee line straight for me jumping into my arms for a congratulations. When pulling away from the hug my eyes landed right on her lips and the desire to kiss her filled me up to the point where I thought that nothing would be right if we didn't kiss. Grabbing her hands I pulled Angie close to me leaned down and kissed those soft sweet slightly dry lips. At that moment everything was perfect. Thank god coach or the boys didn't catch us because if they did then both of us would be in instant trouble, since I had such a huge crush on Angie I began to look up and learn sign language so we could communicate. Later that night we snuck out and met up at the Starbucks down the street, after a long conversation and her correcting my signs many times we became a couple. We decided to keep it a secret just because well her dad is my coach........ 

As I was off in my own world I had no clue how long I had been staring at her, and that Kaner was coming Artemi was coming right for me with a puck. 

"DAMN IT CRAWFORD PAY ATTENTION! STOP STARING AT THE GIRL IF I HAVE TO I'LL MAKE HER LEAVE!" Coach shouted snapping me back into reality sending a hot blush to spread across my face. "Sorry Coach....." He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "It's okay just please pay attention no more staring at her Panarin already ended up in the other net earlier for staring as well." Glancing over at Pan through my mask I smirked and winked at him making him laugh. As practice went on a bunch of the boys threw winks and playful smirks at Angie making my insides twist into a jealous knot even though I knew she was mine none of the others knew that. Which at times made it incredibly hard to hear what they had to say about how she looked or how they plan on asking her out. Everything was going smooth as practice continued along until out of the corner of my eye spotted Darling passing a note to Angie and when she looked up at him her face was bright red making me wonder what was in the note. For the rest of practice I kept seeing boys taking notes to Angie that made her blush and look down at her feet, turning me into even more of a jealous beast. 

Once practice was done we headed to the locker room and began getting showered and all changed back into our street clothes. Sitting in my stall when Karlsson sat by me smirking softly "so man did you see the way Angie looked today?" turning to face him I smiled softly "yeah why?" "Didn't she look frickin' hot? Damn. That girl is every meaning of the word perfect ya know? I really....." "STOP! STOP! STOP! STOP! DAMN IT JUST STOP!" I shout standing up fists clenched making all the hustle and bustle come to a halt just to see what was going on. "Dude chill I was just....." Karlsson went to finish but I didn't even let him "NO! HOW WOULD YA LIKE IT IF YOU'RE TEAMMATE WAS TALKING ABOUT YOUR GIRLFRIEND?! HUH? HOW WOULD YOU LIKE ME TALKING ALL ABOUT HOW SEXY AND PERECT YOUR GIRLFRIEND WAS? WANT ME TO HAND HER NOTES THAT MAKE HER BLUSH!? NO YA WOULDN'T SO STOP HITTING ON MY GIRLFRIEND!" Riemsdyk shook his head and looked at me sideways "wait did you just say girlfriend? Dude is Angie your girlfriend?" Shit.... So much for a secret! "Yeah she is...." The room erupted with cheers and shouts of all kinds of things a bunch of the boys even gave me pats on the back "why didn't you tell us?" Toews asked changing into his jeans, "well we were going to keep it secret because of her dad." " So we're apart of your secret now?" Riemsdyk asked. "Yup," I answered popping the P and once again the room erupted into cheers. "Don't worry we won't tell a soul!" Karlsson shouted standing up and heading for the shower.

Finally done with everything I grabbed my bag and headed out to find Angie. Only to find her surrounded by the guys, when she spotted me she pushed her way through and rested her hands on her hips. "Hi babe...." I signed "you told them!?" She signed back smiling sheepishly I nodded "have I told you I love you???" Rolling  her eyes Angie laughed "you should be happy you're cute." She signed before wrapping her arms around my neck pulling me down to her level pressing our lips together sending the boys into fits of 'ew' 'gross' 'nasty' and 'is that how babies are made?' Pulling apart we looked at each other then at them. This was going to be interesting......


Sorry it took forever! Here it is! Requests are open, comment or message me if you'd like one. :)

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