#125 Derek Hough (requested) Dancing With The Stars

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Angie's POV*
My stomach churned and twisted into a knot as I made my way into the Dancing With The Stars rehearsal facilities. You see they had approached me and asked if I were interested in being apart of this season, I immediately jumped on the chance. This was going to be my time to show the world that deaf people can dance too! You see at a very young age I lost my hearing due to an accident, then as I got older I began to blog, teach sign language on YouTube and do some beauty videos as well. After 3 months my channel began to grow off the charts making me one of Youtube's shining stars. Even though almost everyone views being deaf as a set back or a problem I see it as a way to inspire.

As I walked down the hall my eyes scanned the numbers on the door, the room number I was assigned was 231. After a few minuets of turning down hallways and getting lost, I finally found the room I was looking for, little did I know that my Pro dance partner was waiting for me. Reaching for the knob I twisted it to the right slowly pushing it open there  in the middle of the room stood the handsome hunky Derek Hough. Pushing the door all the way open his head snapped to the right those piercing blue eyes landing on me, that giant sweet smile taking over his face. Even though I knew he was nice he also looked sort of intimidating.

"You must be Angie! It is such an honor to be your partner this season! I've seen you're videos and I cannot tell you what an inspiration you are." Derek gushed reaching out and taking my hand, the second his hand touched my hand, the butterflies exploded in my stomach.

"Thank you." I replied, his smile widened "so have you ever done any dancing like this before or is this new?" Thinking for just a second I shook my head "it's new and I'm excited to try it." "Well shall we get started?" Nodding my head yes and setting my bag down quickly changing into the correct shoes. With that we got started!

The first dance that we were going to have to tackle was the Foxtrot. Now even though Derek was confident that we'd do great a small piece of me doubted that we'd even have a chance to stay but boy was I wrong! The second my feet touched the floor and the lights fell onto us we began to dance like never before! It seemed to go all so quickly and with all the hard work we put into the first dance it got us 8's and one 6! Not only that but we were voted through to the next week and it kept going like that. Now it was week 6 and things were getting tougher, including the judging.

It had already been such a long day of filming, interviews, and my normal work, then adding dance on top of it seemed to make my shoulders feel a bit heavy. But every-time I walked into the studio and saw Derek working on a new dance the stress began to melt away. It was now midnight and we were still working on this weeks dance which was a beautiful Waltz (which is very difficult to learn by the way. The pros make it look so easy!) it just wasn't going right and tensions were high. Derek was frustrated because of me missing a fews steps and I was just about ready to choke him to death because of his perfectionism,

"CAN'T YOU JUST GET IT RIGHT! IT'S LEFT RIGHT LEFT TURN STEP LEFT RIGHT! IT'S NOT THAT DIFFICULT!" He shouted as my hands grabbed a fistful of hair to keep from screaming "it's difficult okay! I'm trying my hardest!" I signed to my translator who slightly raised her voice, rolling his eyes Derek walked to the door opening it and slamming it shut making me jump. Even though I couldn't hear it slam closed just the vibrating from the floor sent shivers up my spine. Watching the door for a few minuets tears started to fall down, was he really done with us? Was Derek really done with the competition? Sitting on the floor I couldn't help but curl into a ball and cry, this all had meant so much to me and not only that but I fell so hard for Derek. DAMN THIS ALL! I continued to cry until someone pulled me into their lap wrapping their arms tightly around me stroking my hair. Using the back of my hand to wipe away the tears I looked up and there sat Derek a sorry look covering his face, "I'm so sorry Angie I didn't mean to make you cry." He signed that only made me cry harder. He learned to sign that entire sentence, that made me tingle inside looking up once again his lips were on mine. Now that was a shock! 

The kiss was absolutely magical after a while we pulled away giant smiles covering our faces, standing up I held out my hand for him, gladly taking it I tried my hardest to pull him up which only resulted on my butt meeting the ground making everyone laugh. After him helping me back up we were back and working on the dance. Within just a few hours we had it down perfectly and when it came to that time of the week to dance we danced like we never did before. My all time favorite part of the dance was the beginning. The moment of silence before we began to glide around the room making it look effortless an lovely. 


That night we got all tens and ended up being on top of the leader board for the first time the entire season! Once the night was over Derek invited me to grab a bite to eat, we ended up going to In-N-Out we sat there until closing laughing and stealing kisses from each other here and there. Derek being the sweetheart he is drove me back to my place, it wasn't until he walked me to the door with a long deep kiss goodnight that we made it official. 

A few weeks later it was the big finale and well Derek and I were in it! For our last dance we were given a western themed Quickstep, not only were we given that but we were also given only 24 hours to learn the dance which means all date plans, work plans, and whatever other plans you have are thrown out the window. After hours of frustration, wanting to kill each other, and finally figuring out what we wanted to do we were all good to go, now it was just time to preform! As we stepped on to the darkened stage Derek pulled me in close leaned down and gave me a soft sweet kiss right before the cameras started to roll. Once the music turned on our bodies started to move and everything fell perfectly into place, after the two other couples had danced it was time to announce the winners! Once the commercials were finished it was now time to find out who was going to win, everybody's stomach were in knots we all wanted this so bad, and if we didn't get it then we would be happy for whoever got it. 

"Are we ready to find out who the WINNER IS!?" Tom said into the mic, the crowd went wild. "Okay, okay the winner is ANGIE AND DEREK!" Derek looked at me and quickly signed that we had won and the moment it hit me that we actually won I started to cry tears just started to pour. He picked me up spinning around, setting me back down he pressed his lips against mine in a passionate kiss that all the cameras and the world caught. When we pulled away everyone picked us up, Tom handed Derek the mirror ball trophy. In that moment I knew that the untouched dirt trail that had never been touched was now carved with my name into it, not only that but others who are deaf just like I knew they could now do what was once impossible. 

A few years later Derek and I ended up getting married and opening up our own dance studio teaching kids with disabilities how to dance and how to live life with no hold backs. 



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