#127 Kris Letang (Requested) Pittsburgh Penguins

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Letang POV* 

A low chuckle escaped my lips as Marc smashed shaving cream in Cullen's face, quickly skating back to the net making it look as if he hadn't done anything. Glancing over in my direction Cullen's eyes squinted "Letang have you always been over there, I swear you moved a second ago." The boys began to laugh giving their heads a shake as they continued to stretch just like coach had told us to do, moving to the next stretch I laughed "nope I've been right here the entire time." 

 "Sure you were, sure you were." Cullen chuckled, giving me a wink, just as Kessel was about to say something, but coach cut him off "hey fellas stop what you're doing and come meet our new goalie!" Exchanging looks all around, we slowly got up one by one skating over as a group Sidney bumping me on the way whispering softly "hey man doesn't he seem kind of... well...small?" Giving a quick nod I continued to skate over "yeah he does seem on the small side but.... it could work right?" with a shrug both of us reached the circle of guys surrounding our coach and the small geared up goalie. Looking around the circle coach let out a short cough and began to speak and as he rambled on my eyes wandered over to the stands where there sat a grey and white husky that seemed to be watching every move of us boys. Scooting closer to Matta I gave him a nudge with my elbow, "hey do you see that dog over there or is my mind playing tricks?" Giving a quick look himself Olli nodded "yeah that's a dog alright, who's the owner and how'd it get in here?" "no clue bu-" 

 "But what Letang?" Coach asked to cut me off, "oh um good coach don't know if you've noticed, but there's a dog over there......" Shaking his head coach gave a nod "yes I've noticed and I was about to address that when you interrupted, now if you don't mind...." his look was enough to shut me up, and with a nod he continued. "Now all of you may be wondering why there is a husky in the stands well boys this is where I get the chance to introduce the newest member of our team, please give it up for ANGIE!" With that the goalie's mask was removed, revealing a beautiful young woman and a (hair color) ponytail fell out. My eyes widened at the sight of her, and after scanning a few of the guys those beauties (eye color) eyes landed right on me causing heat to rise up in my cheeks. After a moment of staring, she ripped her gaze away, cheeks slightly pink, a low giggle passing those sweet lips, my eyes shooting down to the ground as a few of the boys nudged me. "Now now boys don't be scared come and say hello, just don't harass the girl. Oh, and by the way Angie is actually is deaf the dog his name is Stanley and he's Angie's hearing aid dog." All of us exchanged looks, but with a simple shrug I made my way over to our newest member. 

 "Hi I'm Kris it's nice to meet you Angie, welcome to the team." She smiled and nodded her head "i-it's n-nice t-to meet you K-kris." Angie smiled offering her hand extending my hand, I took it giving a nice shake causing Stanley to bark. Letting go of her hand I held mine up showing Stanley that I meant no harm, but he barked again and continued to bark which made Angie smile. Right as I was going to say something Kessel cut me off "hey Letang practice is about to start come on!" "Coming!" With a nod and a smile I turned on my skates and headed off to the other side of the ice. Giving a quick glance back my smile growing seeing Angie standing next to Fleur in net.

 As some months past Angie, and I started to become closer until one day when I finally grew a pair and asked her out to dinner and a walk around the city, that was also the night that I asked her to officially be my girl. Since that night we've been dating and playing strong on the ice together. During that time of us beginning to date it was also the start of the season and now it was the end of the season and it was also for the biggest game of the entire season... The final Stanley Cup game... This one would seal the deal for the entire season, but that wasn't the only thing that would seal the deal tonight... After giving it plenty of thought, asking her parents, and seeing what the boys thought I made it official tonight I was going to propose to the love of my life... Angie.

 That night was sure one to remember! We beat the San Jose Sharks and went on to win the precious Stanley Cup! As we celebrated on the ice with our families and the people most important to us is when I got down on one knee and popped the big question to Angie, it took a minute for her to respond, but when she did it was a yes, which to be honest made me cry with happiness, she was the one and only I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. As I slipped the ring onto her finger our future flashed before our eyes and let me tell you what I saw was perfect. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sorry this took so long to get up! With school and everything going on it's just kept me on my toes but thank goodness this weekend only has me reading chapters. My professors have spared usXD. This weekend is going to be dedicated to writing request/non-requests! So if you'd like an imagine just message me :). 

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