#54 Beau Bennett (requested) Pits Penguins

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:) here u go Girly whirly!

Beau's Pov*

"Hey honey what about this tree? It's standing tall, it's straight, it's full, and the pines aren't falling off yet!" I smile holding up the tree for my lovely wife to inspect. Kylie walked away from the tree she was looking at. Her cute little nose red from the cold, her hands rested on her hips as she inspected the tree. Slowly scanning it looking for any imperfection. A smile crossed her face as she did a circle around it pecking my lips when she passed me. Standing with her hands on those hips again she smile brightly.


"YAY! We found our tree!" I smiled and bent down pressing our lips together, before flagging down a worker. We payed for the tree and had the same worker help me put it on top of the car and lock it down. Thanking him we climbed in my hand found Kylie's instantly. My thumb ran over her hand and ring as I drove.

"Beau bear can we stop at Starbucks? Its on the way home, after all." Kylie asked batting those lashes and smiling sweetly, taking one glance at her I sighed in defeat.

"Yes love we can stop at Starbees on the way home."

"Best husband award goes to........YOU!" Kylie exclaimed leaning over and pecking my cheek. My smile grew as I turned into the festive Starbucks parking lot. Parking the car we headed in hand in hand. Well more like glove in glove, Kylie was still getting used to it here in Pittsburgh. She started to shiver the moment her body was hit with the wind. I stepped behind her wrapping my gorges lady in my arms as we headed inside, laying her head against my chest we scanned over the menu. That's when I noticed it. A tall, dark haired, blue eyed guy staring at Kylie. Tightening my arms around her and staring him down the guy just laughed and rolled his eyes. I was absolutely in no way a threat to him. 

"You know what you want honey?" Kylie asked tilting her head back wrapping her arms around my neck. 

"Yuppers, do you know?" 

"Yes I doooo!" I laughed and pressed a kiss to her forehead. 

"Then lets order!" Un-tangling herself from me  we walked to the cash register my hands on her hips, taking a quick glance around I noticed the guy wasn't around. I sighed of relief but what I saw next made my stomach twist into a knot. He stood behind the counter smirking at Kylie, and glaring daggers at me. 

"Can I help you?" 

"Hi, I'll have a grande peppermint hot chocolate with whipped cream." Kylie smiled sweetly. He leaned his elbows on the counter smiling at her.

"You have a very lovely smile, not many people smile when they order. Not many people smile in general. Wow I'd love to take a picture of that smile." I could feel annoyance bubble up. 

"Excuse me, I'd like to order." I spoke harshly making both of them look at me. He was annoyed. I could tell perfectly clear by the way his eyes were narrowed. 

"Can I help you?" He spoke through gritted teeth. 

"Yeah you can and you can also help yourself." 

"Oh really how so? Pray do tell." 

"Well for one asshole don't hit on a married women. Especially my wife. Of three years! And second I'd like a passion ice tea unsweetened. Third remove your eyes from her chest or god help me." My jaw was locked, words sharp and harsh. He just rolled his eyes and stomped away to make our drinks, I stomped to where the serve the drinks. Kylie's arms wrapped around my waist and her chin rested mid stomach. Looking down at her those beautiful eyes sparkled, 

"you're sexy when you're annoyed/angry." I couldn't but help laugh and crack a grin, looping my arms around her I bent down and pressed a kiss to her lips.

"I love you." 

"I love you too Beau." Once we got our drinks we headed home, changed into our Christmas onesies. Sharing a few kisses, turning on festive music we got to decorating the tree. By the end of the night we ended upstairs in bed cuddled together just talking until we fell into a sweet slumber. :) <3


Requested by my home girl !!!!!!   

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