#86 Ryan McDonagh (Requested) New York Rangers

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Kaylee's Pov*

6 am. 6 flippin' am! My stomach was twisted in a huge always turning knot, sweat dripped down my forehead, the light that peeked through the curtains hurt my head, and every muscle of my body was sore and burned. Laying on my back a wave of nausea filled my stomach and in the midst of scrambling to get off the bed I accidentally kicked the wonderful man besides me Ryan, the second I was in front of the toilet everything from the day came up making me moan. Falling to the floor I sat near the toilet heaving every couple of seconds, after a bit the bathroom door opened and Ryan's head popped in his eyes big and sad "baby you're so pale, my lord you're burning." He stated pressing his hand to the back of my head as a wave of chills took me over, without any words Ryan picked me up and took me back to bed. Laying me under the sheets he proceeded to cover me with the comforter and two other blankets and a trashcan beside the bed in case I need to relieve myself.

Ryan's Pov*
My poor Kaylee was sick and I was going to take good care of my wife! With that I laid her shaking body down covering her with blankets before heading downstairs to get some Gatorade, saltine crackers, and medicine. Setting it all on a tray I carefully made my way up the stairs only to see my poor Ky bent over throwing up sweat still dripping down her forehead, setting down the stray on the dresser I run to her side sitting on the bed placing a hand on Kay's back rubbing small circles until everything that was once in her stomach was now in the trashcan. Taking those small hands that were half the size of mine I helped her lay back down getting up and going to the bathroom taking a wash cloth I soak it in cold water going back and laying it over the burning forehead. Sitting on the edge of the bed I held her hand playing with her dainty fingers "I promise to take care of you the entire time you're sick princess I love you." No response. Looking back Kaylee was fast asleep making me smile. Leaning over my lips kiss the tip of her nose "I love you. Sleep tight Kay Bear." <3


My golly goodness! My_hockey_life101 I am so so so so so so so so so so sorry it has taken so long for me to get this up for you. I hope you enjoyed it!

Requests are open- Message or comment down below if you'd like to request. :)

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