#95 Jim Craig (Requested) 1980 Men's Olympic Hockey Team

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Jim's POV*
"Yeah man I'm serious I heard we're getting another goalie, don't know why but Herb told Doc that. Overheard em."  Mike Ramsey informs the guys as we get ready for practice.
"Well Janny did get hurt so..... I guess that's probably a good idea in case Jim were to get hurt." Silk says leaning forward to tie his skates, a sigh left my lips as my eyes closed thinking about possibly getting hurt and being replaced.
"Look we're just getting another goalie I don't think it's something to big to worry about it's not like we're getting another one of ya'll." I state standing up and slipping on my practice jersey. John 'Bah' Harrington's eyebrows raise and he smirks leaning back "so Jim feeling confident in those skills of yours?" Slightly narrowing my eyes at him another sigh leaves my lips before I speak "look all I'm doing is trying to be optimistic about this right now because why be an ass to someone who is filling in?" The room was silent again as I turned to leave the room heading for the ice, but when I reached the ice all the breath in my body was lost as there stood the one person I though I wouldn't see ever again. 

Angie's POV* 

It was a major shock to me and my family when I got the call from Herb Brooks coach of UM where I played and was offered the spot of the back up back up goalie since their back up who was my good friend Janazak got hurt in their last game. Of course I took the offer but little did I know that my first summer love and long distance relation ship would be here, Herb smiled and pointed behind me and when I turned around there stood Jimmy Craig. It had been years since we had seen each other the moment our eyes met butterflies shot up in my stomach going crazy as he began making strides towards me. "Angie?" Damn his voice was even deeper than I remember, "Hi Jim."  "Holy shit it is you! How long has it been?" "seven years I think." Those gorges blue eyes widening at the thought of it being so long since seeing or even speaking to one another, "has it really been that long?" Nodding I smile softly and push some hair back with my right ungloved hand "well you haven't changed a bit.Well no you have but I- you look- Wow." Jimmy's cheeks went red as he began to stumble over his words "thank you, don't look to bad yourself Craig." He smiles and nudges me with his elbow as the boys start piling onto the ice all of my team mates/friends cheering when seeing me. As I began to talk to a young man by the name of Jack O'Callahan Jim and I exchanged a look letting me know to keep our little secret to ourselves. "So-" right as Jack was about to say something Herb blew the whistle signaling practice was beginning.

An hour and half of pure torture from non other than Brooks was something I had grown accustomed to, since I had been playing for him for three years now. Heading to my own locker room I quickly showered, changed into my jean shorts a light blue flowy tank top and white chucks throwing my hair into a ponytail before exiting. Stepping out of the locker room there leaning against the wall across the hallway was Jimmy smiling directly at me he began to walk toward me "so I was thinking we could go grab some food and coffee and catch up. What do ya say?" Those butterflies from earlier filled my stomach once again at the mere presence of my first love. "Sure that sounds lovely." His face lit up and his big calloused hand took my tiny one lacing our fingers together leading the way to where ever we were going to go. This was going to be one nice catch up session. 


Requests are open. Comment or message me if you'd like one. :) 

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