↠ first sight (quackity) ▪︎ imagine

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     ↳ how you and quackity first meet

     ↳ swear words <3 

     ↳ this is just very sweet <33333 enjoy!!



He just had to leave his umbrella.

Alex sighed and slumped against the wooden wall. He stared out the window at the never-ending rain. When he left his roommate in their dorm, the sky was gray. Said roommate even warned him of an impending downpour, but Alex rejects him, assuring him that the hat he was wearing will keep him dry.

He had no idea the rain would be so heavy. The pitter-patters were so loud that he couldn't even hear himself speak. Because of the rain, it was difficult to see the sidewalk.

Fortunately for him, there were no severe winds, for this small, slanted roof would have been ineffective against them.

Alex has no choice but to wait for the storm to pass, so he spends his time scrolling through his phone, attempting to keep himself entertained. He was sheltered all by his lonesome.

That was until a person his age appeared out of nowhere and effectively invaded his sanctuary.

He didn't move from his position, but his eyes were as big as saucers as he saw someone fighting through the pouring rain. He didn't say anything but stood there watching you shake your damp hair.

Water sprayed at him, making Alex want to slide further but unable to do so because he would be drenched from head to toe due to the lack of a roof above his head.

You finally noticed him backing up, and you were embarrassed when you realized what you had done. "Oh no! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that!"

"It's fine!" He had to shout over the rain or you wouldn't have heard it. Alex wanted to ask you where you were going but he stopped himself before he even opened his mouth because he thinks you might find him weird.

Why does he care about what you think?

You slid down the wall slightly, tired from the running just to get shelter because you couldn't handle this much rain. "Man, I shouldn't have agreed to go," You said out loud, huffing.

Alex didn't say anything, but he was looking at you, so you took the chance and continue. "She forgot something from the library. She wanted me to get it because she said she'd be too busy! Now, look where I ended up; wet and I'm fucking tired."

He offered you a kind smile. "Which library?"

"Oh, our school library. Uh, my friends and I go there."

"Which school?" He asked, but quickly backtracked. "If you don't mind telling me! You don't have to if-"

"It's fine!" You mimicked him from earlier. "We just go to that school over at that street."

"Wait, no way, I go there too!'

"Really?" Your smile had gotten wider. "What's your major?"

His phone was long forgotten, tucked inside his pocket. "I study law! What about you?"

You told him yours. "That's why you don't look familiar. We're in different buildings, but I'll make sure to spot you somewhere now that I know your face!" A face that cute couldn't be hard to forget.

"I'm Alex." He stretched his hand casually towards you, and that was the first time you felt his soft hands.

You also told him your name. "Nice to meet you."

For the entire afternoon, the rain didn't seem to stop for a while, as well as your conversations.

It jumped from an exciting topic to a new one. And every time you think the rain would halt, it pours heavier. The sound was quite deafening, so to hear each other properly clear, the two of you had to scoot closer.

You've learned that Alex can play multiple instruments. He heard stories of how your friends would drive you nuts yet you love them immensely.

Alex told you about his pet cat back in his hometown and there you discovered he's Mexican. You got your own pet too back in your true home (apart from the dorm) that your parents take care of daily.

You both asked why the two of you chose the major you did. He informed you that he enjoys studying the law. Alex believes that law is everywhere and in everything a person does, which leads you to the conclusion that he is both physically and cognitively attractive (if that even makes sense).

He asked you for the reason why, too. You responded with such conviction, and he was staring at you the entire time. Your passionate delivery sends shivers down his spine.

"Yeah, well, my friends keep telling me to just drop out of school-"

"Your friends are kinda mean." you gave an apologetic smile. "I wouldn't want you to drop out. From the way you looked so excited talking about law, I know you're gonna be a pretty good lawyer, Alex."

He flushed a bit. "Thanks. Hey, if you think I'm gonna be a good lawyer, I think you'll do a great job once you finish school too."

"That means a lot. Thank you."

It descended into a pleasant silence. The rain continued to fall, and water flowed down from the roof tiles to the eaves. You didn't even notice how close you were to Alex, and you were leaning toward each other for warmth. Alex's eyes wandered around the dull streets and wet pavement, until his gaze unexpectedly turned to you, silently observing you.

And Alex concluded that you're lovely when you spotted his stare and quickly beamed at him with that sweet smile.


"Oh, hey. The rain's stopping," you pointed out, finally bringing out the umbrella and opening it. "I guess this is the end..."

"I have to go to the same building as the library, actually. We can walk together?" He didn't know what came over him, but Alex didn't even retract his offer.

His words made you smile amusingly. "Sure. The umbrella is quite small though, I don't know if we can fit."

"It's fine. You take it. It's just a drizzle."

"Well, I wouldn't want you getting sick so let's just share."

You two quickly marched through the streets before the rain could return. You were holding the umbrella at first, but as it began to rain more heavily, Alex placed his hand over yours, guiding you slightly.

The entire journey was spent engrossed in each other's jackets, trying to maximize the space your umbrella allows. Nobody said anything, and no one seemed to be moving away.

"Thank God," Alex huffed a bit, adjusting his hat a bit and ruffling his jacket. You chuckled when the rain begins to crash down heavily again.

"Right on time," you said. "I'm going in now." Your voice dropped to a whisper, shivering a bit.

Alex trailed you, casually checking on books, especially those about philosophies and such, while you went to the counter where the section of lost and found was.

He had to mentally slap himself because he kept looking at you out of the corner of his eye. If he keeps doing this, people might think he's a creepy stalker.

You found him in the law section of books. "Hey! I got it."

"Great! Uh," He nervously picks up a book. "I just have to check this one out."

"Okay, I'll come with."

As the two of you walked out of the library, the sky began to clear. The pavement was still wet, but the dark clouds had dissipated.

"You know," Alex said, drawing your attention to him. "I... saw this random coffee shop on the way. Whenever you're free..." He wasn't sure what hit him, but he knew he had to take advantage of this opportunity.

Your smile widened. "I might be free tomorrow? Or this Saturday? I'll let you know."


"Oh, yeah! How will I let you know?" You smacked your forehead in faux realization. "I'm stupid."

"I know how." He offered, fishing for his phone in his pocket and showing it to you.

You beamed at him. "You've read my mind, Alex."

With the two of you exchanging numbers, you had a way to contact one another. And as planned, you met up with him in the cafe you frequently walk pass. He told jokes, stories about his days after you met, and more about your friends. The conversation flowed seamlessly, like the ones under the rain. It's just so easy to talk to him.

What a coincidence for you to take cover from the rain on the roof of a small shop and eventually meet him. What a coincidence that you two went to the same university and quickly became friends. Yet, as you reflect on your anniversary, you'd bet it was fate.


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