↠like me more [baljeet] ▪︎ imagine

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baljeet is slowly doubting your friendship when you choose your passion of inventing over him.

slight angst, maybe? nothing to be worried about, honestly.

this is part one :)


"Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today!" Phineas, yet again, feeling ecstatic for a new project they're going to be working on. It was always fun doing it with his brother, but now that you've arrived in town, and showed your own potential, Phineas thought it was perfect to have you around and help them.

So without further hesitance, he clicked on your contact in his phone and called.

Meanwhile, you sat across from Baljeet, your best friend, who was busily solving his worksheet. You were on your way to finishing your own work when all of a sudden, your phone rang.

Baljeet hastily looked up from where he was sitting, and you knew he was getting distracted from the constant ringing of your phone. So you quickly picked it up and answered, not even looking at the contact.


"Y/N!" Phineas exclaimed from the other line. "Ferb and I are building this tool that allows you to become invincible! Could you come and help us for a bit?"

You bit your lip for a moment, taking a look at your friend who was patiently sitting alone in the dining area. You couldn't just leave him there! Then again... you really loved inventing more than anything in this world, so maybe Baljeet could let you go for a little then come back later?

You didn't let Phineas wait for a little longer and gave him a so-so response. "I'll try, Phineas. Don't start without me, though!" You exclaimed before ending the call. You brought your bag with you and walked back to the dining table.

Baljeet looked at your bag then you. "Where are you going?" He asked, clearly unable to hear your phone call with the triangle-shaped headed boy.

"I'm sorry, Baljeet, but Phineas and Ferb are constructing this thingy and I don't want to miss it! You know how much I love building."

You began tidying up your side of the table. You gathered the papers and put back the pencils. He just watched you, not knowing what to do. He didn't want to go back to answering because it would look like he didn't care, but he do care more than you think.

He tried to slow you down. "B-but what about our homework?"

"I'm almost done with it! I guess I'll just have to finish it in my room later."

"Oh, you're not coming back?"

That made you stop in your tracks. You turn around and your heart suddenly ached at the sight of him sitting there all alone. You quickly walked towards him and smiled hopefully. "Of course I'll come back for you. You're my... best friend." The word made you face the harsh reality that the both of you are nothing more than friends. But you're fine with that.

He instantly smiled. "Okay. I'll see you."

"You can come too, you know. Okay, byebyebyebye-" You shut the door.

Baljeet sighed. It just feels lonely without you in the room. Now that you are gone, the atmosphere feels so dreadful and dull without you as the sunlight. He wished he could just tell you how he feels about you, but sadly his insecurities tend to take over his logic. He always thought of how an amazing, and cheerful girl like you could like a boring nerd like him. He was still surprised how he managed to be friends with you.

"Hi, I'm Y/N, and you are..?" You introduced, taking out your hand.

Baljeet was stunned, but still tried to look cool for you. He reached for your hand and shook it. "Baljeet."

"Cool name, Baljeet." You nodded, leaning back to your seat. The teacher had let all of you make friends for like 5 minutes before going into lecture.

But only 30 seconds into knowing all about trigonometry, you tried to hide your yawn. Baljeet noticed it though, and commented on it. Screw it, he's been the good kid with perfect grades for the long time. "Too boring for you?"

You smiled at him. "Not to brag, but I already know all this stuff. That's what happens when your family is strict in you wanting to have a higher grade than others. Freaked me out, man."

"Yeah, I know that feeling. I literally had a nightmare and it's about failing my Algebra quiz. It was absolutely horrifying."

You suppressed your laugh at his dream. "I want to ask you something. What do you want to be when you grow up?"

"A Mathematician. What about you?"

You grinned. "I want to be an inventor, 'cause I want to help people with my machines and other inventions, y'know?" You trailed off, looking back to the teacher and saw that she hasn't noticed a thing in the back row of the class. You eventually turned back to him. "Why do you want to be a mathematician, Baljeet?"

"'Cause Math is real."

"Ah, short but straight to the point. I like it." You nodded in approval. "You know, Baljeet, I feel like we're going to be best of friends. I can feel it."

And best of friends you were. The two of you easily got along. Your friendship consisted of bad math jokes, geeking out about anime, and more. The only downside though was the bullying, but Baljeet could count on you for standing up for him.

It was so easy to fall in love with you. He'd appreciate it if you reciprocate his feelings, but he's already contented with the uniaue friendship you two have. But with you always present at the Flynn-Fletcher's household, he could feel you slowly slipping out of his grasps.

He knows that as your friend, he has to support your never-ending passion for inventing. However, that wasn't his thing, but it always amuses him whenever you ramble stuff about technology or architecture. The way your eyes sparkle up, and your mouth stretches to your ear makes his heart want to leap out of his chest.

Baljeet couldn't do anything but continue on his homework. There's nothing else to do anyway.


This went on for weeks. Phineas would always come on the wrong time (whenever you're with your best friend) and ask for your help. You would agree in no time, bringing Baljeet every now and then. When Baljeet does come, you'd mostly go to the brothers and assist them, pointing out their small mistakes or improving their plans.

He's there. But he felt like he was not.

He didn't want to sound jealous. Oh God, no. He didn't want to come between you and the thing you loved most. It just bugs him how you'd choose inventing over him in just a second. You wouldn't even think. This created a scenario in his head that if he and your passion for inventing are both tied on the train tracks, you'd save the latter.

Baljeet shook his head frantically, trying to push his fear deep down. He realizes that he really overthinks a lot and that's a bad thing.

Would you really go and prioritize your love for building over your best friend?

Well, what better way of knowing than confronting you about it? It's not like it's a bad thing. He just really wants to know if he's still important to you.

Baljeet sunk back down in his seat. With that line of thinking, you might think he's being petty and unreasonable.

But what else could he do without you? He can't just sit here and not know the truth.

So, he finally decided to just go to Phineas' house and check how things are going. Unsurprisingly, you were there to help the boys yet again.

Baljeet trek along the sidewalk, where it lead to Phineas and Ferb's backyard. This time, there wasn't a huge infrastructure occupying the half of their property. It had a simple table, with boiling beakers and colorful liquids flowing through tubes. Then from a separate table held the metal parts; screws, bolts, scraps, and others. The three of you were crowded around it.

He decided to approach more carefully. Maybe you were concentrating and didn't want to be disturbed.

"We did it, team," Phineas declared, a machine in his hands. "We finally have ourselves a truth ray."

You smiled. "Wanna test it out?"

Phineas smiled back. "Sure. Ferb?" He looked at his brother.

Ferb blinked, before turning his head at the newcomer Baljeet who didn't want to make himself known. You and Phineas just saw Baljeet and invited him over.

"Hey, Baljeet! It's your lucky day!" You cheered.

"What happened? What's going on?" He asked, as if he didn't hear Phineas' announcement earlier.

Phineas approached him. "We've built a truth ray, and we're gonna test it right now on Ferb! Ready, bro?"

You stepped away beside Baljeet, leaving Ferb in the spotlight. He stood still and faced the ray. Phineas closed his other eye, acting as if he's focusing on the target before triggering it. A colorful beam shot from the gun towards Ferb's face. He blinked a few more times.

"Now, Ferb will tell nothing but the truth."

"It's gonna last for 15 seconds," you added. You faced the two boys beside you. "So, whaddya wanna ask him?"

"Does silence mean yes?"

Ferb blinked.

You, Phineas, and Baljeet applaud. You were close to tears, Phineas was so proud, while Baljeet was amused and amazed at the same time.

"Bravo, bro!" Phineas cheered.

"Woah," Baljeet mumbled.

"No truer words ever spoken." You sobbed, wiping away a building tear in your eye.

After a moment of clapping, Ferb lightly shook his head, signalling that he was back. But it was not like he's lying when the ray is not used on him.

"A success!"

"Kids!" Linda called to her sons. "Time for a snack, I've made mac and cheese!"

"Yum!" Phineas remarked. He turned to you. "Y/N, Baljeet, you wanna come?"

"No, thanks. It's time for me to go home anyway," you reply.

The boy beside you nodded. "Me too."

Ferb shrugged as Phineas headed inside. "Suit yourselves."

When the door was closed, you faced Baljeet. "I'm just gonna get my backpack, and we'll go ahead."

Baljeet remained silent, his vision locked on the truth ray lying on the table. He sneaked a glance at your form walking towards the big tree before snatching the machine, aiming at you. He stepped forward a bit and pulled the trigger.

The colorul beam from the gun had hit you and your grip on the bag had tightened.

Baljeet cleared his throat. "Y/N?"

"Yes, Baljeet?" You turned around with a kind smile.

"I have a question to ask you."

"What is it?"

He avoided your gaze and fiddled with his fingers. "Do you..." He finally looked at you. "Do you like me?"

"Of course I do!"

"As... friends?"

"Right, as friends." You nodded. After a moment, you shook your head a bit. "Why do you ask?"

"N-no reason." Baljeet had stuttered as he placed the ray back on the table.

"Okaaaay," you dragged as you shouldered the backpack and walked towards him. "But why did you have to use the ray on me? It's not like I'd lie about how I feel about you."

"Well, what did you really think of me?" He pressed on.

"Like I said. I like you... as a friend," you spoke the last part softly. "You know, I'm kind of offended that you have to use the truth ray on me. It's like you don't trust me or something." You awkwardly laughed at him, treating it as a joke, but seeing that Baljeet was still frowning at the ground, it made you think that this was serious. "You do trust me, right?" You asked, opting to place a hand on his shoulder. "Baljeet, I won't lie to you, you know. I'm your best friend."

He flinched at the word and backed away. You raised both eyebrows at his actions. "You say that you're my best friend, but you didn't really show it."

Your heartbeat escalated quickly at his words. "W-what do you mean?" You asked shakily.

"You were never there for me."

The sentence was so simple yet it held deeper meaning. Every word coming out of Baljeet's mouth was like a knife stabbing you. You didn't want to be a bad friend, especially to Baljeet. But now it seems that you've crossed the line.

"Y/N, I'm sorry if I sound petty or whiny, but you've always chosen Phineas and Ferb over me. I understand that inventing is your passion, but I feel like sooner or later, you'll forget about me, or leave me... I just don't want our friendship to end. It sounds so stupid, I know."

Your eyes widened at his explanation. You felt relief that Baljeet chose to talk to you about his problems. Still, you were guilty that you were the cause of his worry. "Baljeet, I..." you stepped closer. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry because you felt as if I chose inventing over you. I'm sorry if you feel left out. But believe me when I say that I will never leave you. I won't let our friendship end, it's too important to me, y'know?"

Unless... you want to end it in a different way?

Baljeet let out a sigh of relief. "I'm glad to hear that. I'm sorry again for bothering you."

"Nonsense, you didn't bother me! That's what... friends are for!" You pushed out a smile on your lips before you slung an arm around his shoulder. You motioned for him to go out the wooden gates and head onto the road. The two of you basically walked side-by-side to the sunset.

Meanwhile, the brothers, who miraculously heard the whole thing and didn't want to interrupt, popped out their head out of the front door they were hiding in.

"Gee, Ferb. Y/N and Baljeet sure have a strong friendship," Phineas noted. "But don't you wonder how they haven't gotten together by now?"

"I can feel the tension," Ferb said.

"Same." It was as if a lightbulb appeared on top of Phineas' hair. "Ferb! I know what we're gonna do... tomorrow! We're going to make the most romantic fair no one has ever seen. It'll guarantee two friends to admit their feelings to one another!"

By now, Candace had come out of the house for fresh air. "What are you two doing?"

"Conducting a plan for the romantic fair we're building tomorrow."

"Why." Candace deadpanned. Of all things, they decided to do a fair. And it's "romantic".

Phineas smiled. "Oh, we're just secretly pushing two of our smart friends to fall in love with each other."

Ferb held his point finger up. "Although, these days it's quite obvious that they've been pining for one another."

"What do you know about love?" Candace had her hands on her hips as she looked at her red-haired brother. "You wouldn't even know that someone has been crushing on you for months, Phineas."

Ferb held a finger again. "Actually, I-"

"Ferb, don't." The older sister showed a palm to shut him up. "Don't spoil it for your brother. Let him figure out on his own. Anyway, if you want to push Y/N and Baljeet into admitting their feelings, don't."

"How did you know-"

"As a maturing teen, I know all these things."

"I mean-" Phineas cut her off. "How did you know that this was about Y/N and Baljeet?"

Candace paused, letting her arms go limp by her side. "It's not like..." She groaned in defeat. "You're all too loud, okay! That's why I can hear what you're talking about in my room. But that doesn't matter! I'm saying that I will help you tomorrow."

"But you said-"

"I know what I said!" She exclaimed, flinging her arms around and stomping her foot. She sighed. "I have to admit, I can't watch this pining any longer. Those kids are both smart but stupid when it comes to love, so it's only right that we make it sooner rather than later."

Phineas and Ferb stared at her. "Wow, Candace. I didn't know you were this dedicated to love."

"Haven't you seen the way Jeremy and I got together? I worked hard for us. Now if someone here is an expert in love, it's me."

Phineas smiled wide. "Okay then, it's settled. We'll build the fair tomorrow."

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